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CS 381 - Homework 1

CS 381 - Homework 1
Goal: Research and explore a new programming language.
1) Select a programming language you have not used (NOT Haskell or Prolog).
Give a brief history of this language. Who developed the language? When?

2) Give a description of the language. What is its paradigm(s)? How is it
categorized? Describe some of the features of the language. What is typing

3) Is the language compiled or interpreted? On what platforms is the language
available? Is the language standardized? Are there different implementations?

4) Give examples of at least two control structures in the language (ie. for-loop or
if-statement). Explain. 

5) To complete questions 6- 8 you will need to find an online complier/interpreter
to run code in your language, for example .
Alternatively, you can install the software or use the school’s server. What will you
be using? Note: You can use the code you find online to answer questions 6-8 just
include this information in the reference list for question 9. 

6) Give a “Hello World” program written in the language. Describe how it works.
Provide a screenshot of the execution of the program. 

7) Give a program to compute the first n Fibonacci numbers where the user is
prompted for n (if possible). Describe how the code works. Is the program iterative
or recursive? Provide a screenshot of the execution of the program

8) Give a program to sort a list of integers. You can use any sorting algorithm.
Describe how the code works. Provide a screenshot of the execution of the

9) List at least three references you used for this assignment. Include any sites that
you used to obtain code. 

10) Would you like to learn more about this language? Would anticipate using this
language in the future? Explain

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