CS 381 Homework 3 – Syntax
Submit a pdf for problems 1 – 4 and a Haskell *.hs file for problem 5.
1. Using the grammar below, show a parse tree and a leftmost derivation for the sentence
A = B * (C+A)
. <assign> <id> = <expr>
<expr> <expr> * <term>
| <term>
<term> <factor> + <term> | <factor> - <term>
| <factor>
<factor> ( <expr> )
| <id>
<id> A | B | C
2. Rewrite the following BNF to add the prefix ++ and -- unary operators of Java.
. <assign> <id> = <expr>
<expr> <expr> * <term>
| <term>
<term> <factor> + <term> | <factor> - <term>
| <factor>
<factor> ( <expr> )
| <id>
<id> A | B | C
3. Show that the following grammar is ambiguous
. <compare> <boolexpr> == <boolexpr>
<boolexpr> <boolexpr> AND <boolexpr>
| <boolexpr> OR <boolexpr>
| <bool>
| NOT <bool>
<bool> <boolvalue> | <boolvar>
<boolvalue> True | False | 0 | 1
<boolvar> → u | v | w
CS 381 Homework 3 – Syntax
Submit a pdf for problems 1 – 4 and a Haskell *.hs file for problem 5.
4. Write a grammar G for the language L consisiting of strings of 0’s and 1’s that are the binary
representation of odd integers greater that 4. For example 11 L, 101L, 110 L. Draw parse
trees for the strings 1011 and 1101
5. Below is the EBNF grammar for the animal sentence language
<sentence> -> <noun> <verb> [<noun>]
| <sentence> `and` <sentence>
<noun> -> <adj> <noun> | <noun> `and` <noun>
| `cats` | `dogs` | `ducks` | `bunnies`
<verb> -> `chase` | `cuddle` | `hug` | `scare`
<adj> -> `silly` | `small` | `old` | `happy`
Note: the nonterminals are in < > and the terminals are in ` `.
Using the animal.hs template provided.
a) Define the abstract syntax for the animal language as a Haskell data type.
b) Provide “pretty printing“ functions for the sentences in the language.
c) Provide functions to build a sentence.
d) Write a function isNice to determine if a sentence only contains the verbs hug and
e) Write a function to build a sentence that is a conjunction of other sentences.
f) Write a function wordCount that computes the number of words in a sentence
Parse tree assigns
I Exers
Cefr term
terms Factors
stators chxpr
aidsI cterm B
t terms t
I factor
Lefmost derivation
assign aid ex pro
A c ex Pr
A exp r terms
A term factor
A factor expry
A factor a term
A c id factor term
A B aid I factors
A B c aids
A B Ct A
added the prefix and unary ope rears
assign id L Expts
expr expr term I term
term factor term factors terms
factor 7 exprs
I aid l c id kids
id A IB IC
I add prefix tt and in the front of aids Because
ascoding to the given grammar cid is terminals which
means cid are variables according to Java we can
add't t and befora a varible
Let me generate two parse trees for the
sentence Y OR V V AND W
parse tree
bootexpy Cboolexpts
bootexPD OR boolexpu cboolexth AND TootexPV
blots blot abbot abbot
I l I bool var
Ibootvars aboot0981 boolvav
Pause tree 20
bootexpy boolexpts
Cboolexth AND bootexpu bonexpp 012 cb ol abbot abbot I 1 I boot
boolvav bool var I V V W i boolvar
The first parse the represents the sentenie
U OR U V AND W and the second
parse tree represents sentenie
V AND W A OR V Therefor The
grammer is ambiguous Because the same
i put sentence could be parsed in two
different ways
Let G u 0.1 P S f
where S is
the start symbol K sit is set variabe 0,1 is set
setofterminals and P is the see of production
rules defined as i
s 1A
A oh
A 1
This grammar generates binary representation
of odd integers greater than 4 where the first
character is always 1 followed by zero or more
1 s and o's alternating ending with a 0
parse tree for the strong loll I pause tree for the stray 1101
1 It A
8h I
It o s