CS 4650/7650 : Homework 3
1. This homework has two parts: questions 1–4 are theory questions, and Q5 is a
programming assignment with some written components within a Jupyter Notebook.
We will be using Gradescope to collect your assignments. Please read the following
instructions for submitting to Gradescope carefully!
(a) Each subproblem must be submitted on a separate page. When submitting to
Gradescope (under HW3 Writing), make sure to mark which page(s) correspond
to each problem or subproblem. For instance, Q2 has three subproblems, so the
solution to each must start on a new page.
(b) For the coding problem (Q5), please attach a pdf export of ‘word embedding.ipynb’,
including outputs, to your writeup.
(c) Note: This is a large class and Gradescope’s assignment segmentation features
are essential. Failure to follow these instructions may result in parts of your
assignment not being graded. We will not entertain regrading requests for
failure to follow instructions.
2. LATEX solutions are strongly encouraged (a solution template is available on the class
website), but scanned handwritten copies are also acceptable. Hard copies are not
3. We generally encourage collaboration with other students. You may discuss the
questions and potential directions for solving them with another student. However,
you need to write your own solutions and code separately, and not as a group activity.
Please list the students you collaborated with on the submission site.
Homework 1
Deadline: September 30, 3:29pm ET
CS 4650/7650
Natural Language
1. Consider the term-document matrix for four words in three documents shown in
Table 1. The whole document set has N = 20 documents, and for each of the four
words, the document frequency dft is shown in Table 2.
term-document Doc1 Doc2 Doc3
car 28 5 25
insurance 4 19 0
auto 0 34 30
best 15 0 18
Table 1: Term-document Matrix
car 13
insurance 7
auto 11
best 17
Table 2: Document Frequency
(a) Compute the tf-idf weights according to the definitions in Jurafsky and Martin’s
Textbook (equations 6.12-14) for each of the words car, auto, insurance and best
in Doc1, Doc2, and Doc3. [5 pts]
(b) Use the tf-idf weight you got in (a) to represent each document with a vector,
and calculate the cosine similarities between these three documents. [3 pts]
(c) [CS4650 only] Suppose we train the word vectors of four words “stocks”, “currency”,
“can”, “will” using word2vec and with tf-idf. Which one of the following two
word pairs, (“stocks”, “currency”) and (“can”, “will”), may have a high tf-idf
cosine similarity but a low word2vec cosine similarity? And which one may have
a low tf-idf cosine similarity but a high word2vec cosine similarity? Explain why.
[2 pts]
(d) [CS7650 only] Stemming refers to reducing a word to its root word by removing
its suffix, e.g. “learned” to “learn”. Which one of the methods, word2vec and
tf-idf, do you think would benefit from stemming? Explain why. [2 pts]
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Homework 1
Deadline: September 30, 3:29pm ET
CS 4650/7650
Natural Language
2. The distributional hypothesis — popularly stated as “a word is characterized by the
company it keeps” — suggests that words that occur in similar contexts should be
similar in meaning. The distributional hypothesis forms the basis for the Skipgram
model of Mikolov et. al., which is an efficient way of learning the meaning of words
as dense vector representations from unstructured text. The skipgram objective
is to learn the probability distribution P(C|T) where given a target word wt
, we
estimate the probability that a context word wc lies in the context window of wt
The distribution of the probabilistic model is parameterized as follows:
P(C = wc|T = wt) = exp(u
· vwt
w0 · vwt
, (1)
where vectors uwc and vwt
represent the context word wc and the target word wt
respectively. Notice the use of softmax function and how the problem of learning
embeddings in this model has been cast as a classification problem. The vectors for
all the words in the vocabulary V can be succinctly represented in two matrices U
and V, where the vector in the j
th column in U and V corresponds to the context
and target vectors for the j
th word in V. Note that U and V are the parameters of
the model. Answer the following questions about the Skipgram model.
(a) The cross entropy loss between two probability distributions p and q, is expressed
pm log(qm). (2)
For a given target word wt
, we can consider the ground truth distribution y
to be a one-hot vector of size |V| with a 1 only at the true context word wc’s
entry, and 0 everywhere else. The predicted distribution yˆ (same length as y)
is the probability distribution P(C|T = wt). The j
th entry in these vectors is
the probability of the j
th word in V being a context word. Write a simplified
expression of cross entropy loss,CROSS-ENTROPY(y, yˆ), for the Skipgram model
on a single pair of words wc and wt
. Your answer should be in terms of P(C =
wc|T = wt)). [2 pts]
(b) Find the gradient of the cross entropy loss calculated in (a) with respect to the
target word vector vwt
. Your answer should be in terms of y, yˆ and U). [4 pts]
(c) Find the gradient of the cross entropy loss calculated in (a) with respect to each
of the context word vectors uwc
. Do this for both cases C = wc (true context
word) and C 6= wc (all other words). Your answer should be in terms of y, yˆ and
. [4 pts]
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Homework 1
Deadline: September 30, 3:29pm ET
CS 4650/7650
Natural Language
3. Sobchak Industries, a dog-grooming supplies production company, is planning to
train a word embedding model which will help power its support chatbot. To this
end, it intends to run a skipgram with negative sampling model over a corpus of
ten million words containing 100,000 unique word types. Larry, the chief designer
of the system, set the hyperparameters at 2 training epochs, 300 hidden dimensions,
and a window size of 5.
Donny, a junior research engineer, is worried about the out-of-vocabulary problem.
He tells Larry that if they add a subword component to their embeddings, the model
will be better able to approximate vectors for new words it encounters during the
chat sessions.
(a) Donny’s suggestion is the following: each non-space character in the corpus
(there are 52 letters and 10 other characters) gets its own target embedding as a
‘word part’ (so, e.g. the character a has a separate embedding from the word a).
During training, each pass over a target word wt is augmented by an identical
and independent pass over each of the characters it contains, predicting the
same context words as for wt (so no context characters are considered). During
downstream inference (chatbot), a new word’s embedding is initialized as the
average of its characters’ ‘word part’ embeddings.
The average character length of a word in the corpus is 5.5. Answer the following:
what is the percentage increase of training Donny’s suggested model in terms
of space? In terms of time? If we reduce the hidden dimensions parameter
to 200 and only train one epoch, and want to change the window size so that
the time costs are closest to the originally planned model, what window size
should we choose? [2+2+3 pts]
Note: You may ignore window effects of document boundaries; assume these
are negligible.
(b) Maude, another engineer, points out that language isn’t built simply on characters
which carry meaning. She proposes an affix-based method: collect the 1,000
most common prefixes (of any length) in the vocabulary, and the 1,000 most
common suffixes in the vocabulary, and during the pass over the corpus, any
word ending in one of the suffixes and/or starting with one of the prefixes
is averaged with the affix embedding(s) and the cross-entropy loss is used to
update all components of the embedding. This time, the change is applied
to both target and context embeddings. List all statistics which would help
calculate the added space and time complexities of this variant. Assume each
word can only be associated with one prefix, one suffix, or one of each. Use
unambiguous terminology (or, better yet,mathematical notation / pseudo-code
functions, with clear variable definitions). [5 pts]
(c) Why is an exact calculation of the added complexities in Maude’s formulation
impossible, even given the entire training corpus? Can changing the training
regime to hierarchical softmax or CBOW remove this uncertainty? [3 pts]
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Homework 1
Deadline: September 30, 3:29pm ET
CS 4650/7650
Natural Language
4. (a) ELMo (Peters et al., 2018) is a method of getting contextualized embeddings
for downstream tasks, using the concatenation of independently-trained left-to-right
and right-to-left LSTMs.
i. Underneath the LSTMs, words are represented through a character-level
CNN, which means ELMo is capable of handling the out-of-vocabulary problem
well. Explain why. [1 pt]
ii. Even if ELMo used a closed word vocabulary instead of the character-level
CNN, inference would still be possible given some out-of-vocabulary words.
Explain why. [1 pt]
(b) OpenAI GPT (Radford et al., 2019) is another method for training contextualized
embeddings, using a left-to-right Transformer. The Transformer architecture
requires positional embedding in order to represent the order of tokens in the
sentence. One way of getting positional embeddings is:
P E(pos, 2i) = sin pos
P E(pos, 2i + 1) = cos pos
where pos is the position, i is the dimension, and d is the model dimension size.
In this way, the model can easily learn to attend by relative positions, since
for any fixed offset k, P Epos(j + k) can be represented as a linear function of
P Epos(j).
Assume the case where d = 2:
P E(x) = [sin x, cos x]
then, we have:
P E(x + k) = AP E(x)
where k is a fixed offset (constant) and A is a matrix. Calculate what A should
be, in terms of k. [5 pts]
(c) One major difference between BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and GPT is that they
use different objectives. GPT uses an autoregressive language modeling as
objective, while BERT uses masked language modeling as its pretraining objective.
Explain what these two objectives are, and list advantages that masked language
modeling has over autoregressive language modeling in natural language
understanding tasks. [3 pts]
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Homework 1
Deadline: September 30, 3:29pm ET
CS 4650/7650
Natural Language
5. In this assignment, we will be exploring word embeddings, specifically looking at
word2vec, a popular technique to generate word vectors. You will not be training
your own word embeddings, instead you would be using pre-trained word embeddings
from GenSim. This programming assingment is designed to provide you a better
understanding of the vector space the word embeddings lie in. Specifically, you will
be looking at similarities, semantics, analogies, biases and visualization. Download
and complete the notebook, following the instructions provided therein-
‘word embedding.ipynb’.
Export ‘word embedding.ipynb’ with output to a pdf and attach to your writeup.
Your writeup should be uploaded to HW3 Writing.
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