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CS 470 Homework 2

CS 470 Homework 2

Submission instructions
Submit your assignment through the QTest system, using course ID: CS470 and exam ID: hw2. Upload
a single ZIP archive file named, containing all the files of your solution:
1. The program’s source files.
2. A README.txt file explaining how to compile and run your program.
3. A file named result500.txt which is your solution for the dataset T10I4D100K.txt with minimum
support count 500.
4. The report in PDF format.
5. The LaTeX source files used to typeset the report.
No email submissions are accepted. No late submissions are accepted.
At the top of your solution, include a section named “Collaboration statement” in which you acknowledge
any collaboration, help, or resource you used or consulted to complete this assignment.
1 Apriori Algorithm (100 points)
Implement the Apriori algorithm for frequent itemsets mining, either in Java or Python. The algorithm’s
pseudocode and related procedures are in the textbook. You are encouraged to use existing or your own
optimization techniques to speed up the algorithm. Explain and discuss the techniques you used, and
provide the appropriate references.
Your program should be executable with 3 parameters: the name of the input dataset file, the threshold
of minimum support count, and the name of the output file (in that order). The minimum support count
is an integer. An itemset is frequent if its support count is greater than or equal to this threshold. You
can assume all items are represented by integers.
Your program should output a file that contains all the frequent itemsets together with their support
counts. The output file should have the following format: each line contains a single frequent itemset as
a list of items separated by a single space. Its support count is included between a pair of parentheses
at the end of the line. For example: 1 2 3 (5) represents an itemset containing items 1, 2, and 3 with a
support count of 5. An example of output is provided in the file example-output.txt.
Test your implementation on the provided dataset T10I4D100K.txt. Measure its execution time as well as
number of frequent itemsets with various minimum support values. The test dataset is a synthetic dataset
that contains 100,000 transactions with an average size of 10 items from a set of 1000 distinct items. You
can also try your program with other datasets, such as those at
Write a report in LaTeX presenting your results on the test dataset and other datasets that you have
tried. Explain and discuss, if any, the algorithmic optimizations you have used in your implementation.
Discuss the experiences and lessons you have learned from this assignment.
Please start early and be warned that an implementation without careful planning or efficient data structures could run for days! Excessively slow implementations will receive zero points (see grading criteria section). There are a few online repositories for frequent pattern mining implementations, such as You can study them but you are asked not to copy their implementations for this assignment. Remember that the Honor Code applies, and an automatic plagiarism checker
will be used on submissions.
Grading criteria
• 70 points for correct and complete implementation. -10 for minor mistakes; -20 if there is some
mistake but the program still works in most cases; -30 for more serious mistakes but the program
still works in several cases. Zero points if the program does not compile, or if the program compiles
but gives mostly the wrong results or crashes. Zero points if the program takes longer than 15
minutes on dataset T10I4D100K with minimum support count 500, on a CPU equal or faster than
Intel Core i7-6700 at 3.40GHz.
• 30 points for a complete, clear, and well organized report. Zero points if the report is not typeset
using LaTeX, or if the LaTeX source code is not provided.
• -10 points for insufficient comments in the code.
• -10 points for each deviation from the submission instructions.
• -10 points for missing collaboration statement.

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