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CS112 Programming Assignment 2

CS112 Programming Assignment 2
. Please submit the zip file to EEE.
1. Introduction
In this assignment, we will get familiar with lighting which is also fundamental to creating any scene, using
WebGL. In this assignment, you would need to write some code (maybe dozens of lines) and it will take some
time to understand on how the lighting equations work, so please start early.
Software and hardware requirement: WebGL runs within the browser, so is independent of the operating and
window systems. You may finish the assignment using any operating system you like, e.g. Windows, OSX or
Linux. Programming language: The assignment will be implemented in JavaScript. As we will minimize the
use of obscure Javascript language features, it should not be too difficult for anyone with experience in a dynamic
language like Python or familiar with the principles of Object Oriented Programming (like C++ or Java) to get a
handle on Javascript syntax by reading through some of the code in code skeleton. For a more formal introduction
to Javascript, checkout the nice tutorial from
Cooperation and third-party code: This is an individual programming assignment, and you should implement
the code by your own. You may not share final solutions, and you must write up your own work, expressing it
in your own words/notation. Third party codes are not allowed unless with professor’s permission.
2. Getting started with the code skeleton.
1) Download and extract it any folder you like. You should have five files in the folder:
a. pa2.html : html file which shows the WebGL canvas.
b. pa2.js : functions used to draw the scene.
c. gl-matrix-min.js : utility functions for operating matrices
d. models.js : file describing the models in IFS format.
e. trackball-rotator.js : utility functions for rotating the scene using the cursor.
2) Open pa2.html in the extracted folder with Chrome. You will see an error message right now as the vertex
and fragment shaders are not implemented. The vertex and fragment shaders are responsible for drawing the
3) Note, for this project, you will be modifying two files pa2.html and pa2.js. But try to read and understand
what other functions are doing as well as it would help you better implement things. There are lots of
comments throughout the codebase and the functions have similar structure as programming assignment 1 for
better/easy understanding.
4) Using the object tab, a user can select different models (torus, cylinder or sphere). Using the lighting
checkmarks, a user can toggle between different lighting conditions. A user can also adjust the lighting
position and exponent used for computing specular highlights.
There are two tasks which need to be completed in this programming assignment. They are as follows.
3. Implement the lighting function.
TASK 1: You will be implementing 3 different kind of lighting, namely ambient, diffuse and specular using the
Phong shading model. You will complete both vertex and fragment shader in pa2.html in order to draw object.
1. Before starting the project, you need to first know how to compute the light at a single point. Below is a
schematic of a point on a surface which is being illuminated by a point light source where,
L = Light is the direction of the light
N = Normal of the point on the surface
R = Reflection of L about N.
V = viewing direction
Light at a point = Ambient Light + Diffuse Light + Specular Light.
Ambient Light = K" ∗ diffuse_color
Diffuse Light = K/ ∗ diffuse_color ∗ max3(N. L), 0;
Specular Light = K= ∗ specular_color ∗ max ((?. @), 0)A
R = 2C(C. D) − D
Use K",K/,K= 0.1, 0.4 and 0.4 respectively. n is the specular coefficient, which the user can change
Note, although the above light equation is not complete as it does not account for the distance from light
source (light intensity decreases as we move away from the light source), to keep things simple we would
only implement above equation in this programming assignment.
2. The next thing you need to know is what are Shaders. Shaders (Vertex, Fragment, etc) are small programs
which are executed on the GPU. They are mainly responsible for determining the color of each object.
However, they can be used for many different tasks. In this assignment we will be using two shaders
namely vertex and fragment shaders to compute the lighting of our scene.
3. To write in any shader, you must first know the basics of GLSL. GSLS is a short term for OpenGL Shading
Language. This is used to write code into any shader. It is similar to C/C++. Check out the references #1
and #4 to understand more on how to write code in a shader.
4. Once you are familiar with GSLS, you can start writing code in the vertex and fragment shader in pa2.html.
However, before writing, I would recommend checking out the function initGL() in pa2.js to see what all
variables you will be creating in the shaders. Note, you will be using some of these variables in the vertex
shader and some in the fragment shader. Hence, it’s important to understand
i. What vertex and fragment shaders do.
ii. What these variables are and what you can compute from them.
5. You will need to implement each of the lighting separately such that when the user checks ambient or
diffuse or specular only those are being implemented. If everything works well, you should be getting
results similar to the below images.
There is no light. Hence you see a black torus Torus with only ambient light. Cyan colored torus is seen.
Torus with ambient and diffuse lighting. Torus with ambient and diffuse and specular lighting.
TASK 2: Once you have implement all the three lighting with Phong shading, add two more light positions, one
at the bottom of the object and the other on the left of the object.
1. Add two more light positions for the user to select. When the user selects this light position, the scene
should be rendered appropriately.
2. What is happening when the user changes the specular exponent value? Why is this happening.
Describe this no more than 3 lines below the scene in the pa2.html file. (Feel free to play around with
different objects, lighting and light positions to get a sense as to what is happening)
4. Submission
1) Make sure your name and ID is filled above the canvas, in pa2.html.
2) You will need to submit the following files on EEE in a zip archive, please DO NOT submit individual
a. pa2.html
b. p2.js
c. model.js
d. gl-matrix-min.js
e. trackball-rotator.js
5. Grading
1) Your program should be able to correctly light up all the three objects for all the three lighting scenarios
(ambient, diffuse, specular) using Phong shading. The user should be able to manipulate these scenarios
using the lighting checkboxes.
2) You should be successfully able to add two new lighting positions (one at the bottom and one on the left) to
the existing codebase. When selected, they should light the objects appropriately.
3) In your own words you should also describe how is the specular exponent value affecting the lighting.
6. Useful references
1) WebGL tutorial:
2) JavaScript
3) JS style guide:
4) WebGL Shaders and GLSL (GL Shading Language)

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