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CS143 Compilers - Written Assignment 3

CS143 Compilers  - Written Assignment 3

This assignment covers semantic analysis, including scoping and type systems. You may discuss
this assignment with other students and work on the problems together. However, your write-up
should be your own individual work, and you should indicate in your submission who you worked
with, if applicable. Assignments can be submitted electronically through Gradescope as a PDF by
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 11:59 PM PDT. A LATEX template for writing your solutions is available on
the course website.
1. Consider the following Cool programs:
1 class A {
2 x : A ; -- line 2
3 baz () : A {{ x <- new A ; x ;}}; -- line 3
4 bar () : A { new A }; -- line 4
5 foo () : String {" World !"};
6 };
7 class B inherits A {
8 foo () : String {" "};
9 };
11 class C inherits A {
12 foo () : String {" Hello ,"};
13 };
15 class Main {
16 main () : Object {
17 let io : IO <- new IO , b : B <- new B , c : C <- new C
in {{
18 io . out_string ( c . baz () . foo () ) ;
19 io . out_string ( b . baz () . baz () . foo () ) ;
20 io . out_string ( b . bar () . baz () . foo () ) ;
21 }}
22 };
23 };
(a) What does this code currently print? By changing only the A types on at most lines 2,
3, and 4 to get this program to print ”Hello, World!”.
1 class Main {
2 main () : Object {
3 let io : IO <- new IO , x : Int <- 1 in {
4 { io . out_int ( x ) ;
5 let x : Int < - 5 in {{
6 (* x <- YOUR CODE HERE ;*)
7 io . out_int ( x ) ;
8 }};
9 if x == 0 then io . out_string (" x ") else io . out_int ( x )
fi ;
10 }}
11 };
12 };
(b) Can you replace (* x ¡- YOUR CODE HERE ;*) with at most one line of code containing
an assignment to x that gets this code to print ”10x”? Why or why not?
2. Type derivations are expressed as inductive proofs in the form of trees of logical expressions.
For example, the following is the type derivation for O[Int/y] ` y + y : Int:
O[Int/y](y) = Int
O[Int/y], M, C ` y : Int
O[Int/y](y) = Int
O[Int/y], M, C ` y : Int
O[Int/y], M, C ` y + y : Int
Consider the following Cool program fragment:
1 class A {
2 i : Int ;
3 j : Int ;
4 b : Bool ;
5 s : String ;
6 o : SELF_TYPE ;
7 foo () : SELF_TYPE { o };
8 bar () : Int { 2 * i + j - i / j - 3 * j };
9 };
10 class B inherits A {
11 p : SELF_TYPE ;
12 baz ( a : Int , b : Int ) : Bool { a = b };
13 test ( c : Object ) : Object { (* [ Placeholder C ] *) };
14 };
Note that the environments O and M at the start of the method test(...) are as follows:
O = ∅[Int/i][Int/j][Bool/b][String/s][SELF TYPEB/o][SELF TYPEB/p][Object/c][SELF TYPEB/self]
M = ∅[(SELF TYPE)/(A, foo)][(Int)/(A, bar)][(Int,Int,Bool)/(B, baz)][(Object)/(B, test)]
For each of the following expressions replacing [Placeholder C], provide the type derivation
and final type of the expression, if it is well typed, otherwise explain why it isn’t. Assume
Cool type rules (you may omit subtyping relationships from the rules when the type is the
same, e.g. Bool ≤ Bool).
1 b <- p . baz ( p . bar () ,i )
1 p <- o . foo ()
1 b <- baz ( i +j , p . bar (i , o . foo () ) )
1 case c of
2 s : Int = > s ;
3 i : String = > j ;
4 b : Object = > i ;
5 esac
3. Consider the following Cool program:
1 class A {
2 i : Int <- 1;
3 foo () : Int { i };
4 };
5 class B inherits A {
6 baz () : Int {{ i <- 2 + i ; i ;}};
7 };
8 class C inherits B {
9 baz () : Int {{ i <- 3 + i ; i ;}};
10 };
11 class Main {
12 main () : Object {
13 let a : A <- new C , io : IO <- new IO , j : Int in {{
14 j <- a@B . baz () + a . baz () + a . foo () ;
15 io . out_int ( j ) ; -- print statement
16 }}
17 };
18 };
(a) This code does not compile. Provide a complete but succinct explanation as to why that
is the case. Please note that the error message of coolc does not count as an explanation,
your answer must show that you understand the problem.
(b) Assume you are given a variant of Cool which is dynamically typed instead of statically
typed. Would the behavior of the code above be safe, in the sense of not triggering a
runtime type error, in such variant of Cool? Why or why not? If it is safe, what would
the print statement output?
4. Consider the following extension to the Cool syntax as given on page 16 of the Cool Manual,
which adds arrays to the language:
expr ::= new TYPE[ expr ]
| expr[ expr ]
| expr[ expr ] < − expr
This adds a new type T[] for every type T in Cool, including the basic classes. Note that
the entire hierarchy of array types still has Object as its topmost supertype. An array object
can be initialized with an expression similar to “my array:T[] ← new T[n]”, where n is an Int
indicating the size of the array. In the general case, any expression that evaluates to an Int
can be used in place of n. Thereafter, elements in the array can be accessed as “my array[i]”
and modified using a expression like “my array[i] ← value”.
(a) Provide new typing rules for Cool which handle the typing judgments for: O, M, C `
new T[ e1 ], O, M, C ` e1[ e2 ] and O, M, C ` e1[ e2 ] < − e3. Make sure your rules
work with subtyping.
(b) Consider the following subtyping rule for arrays:
T1 ≤ T2
T1[ ] ≤ T2[ ]
This rule means that T1[ ] ≤ T2[ ] whenever it is the case that T1 ≤ T2, for any pair of
types T1 and T2.
While plausible on first sight, the rule above is incorrect, in the sense that it doesn’t
preserve Cool’s type safety guarantees. Provide an example of a Cool program (with
arrays added) which would type check when adding the above rule to Cool’s existing
type rules, yet lead to a type error at runtime.
(c) In the format of the subtyping rule given above, provide the least restrictive rule for the
relationship between array types (i.e. under which conditions is it true that T1[] ≤ T
a certain T
0 or T
00 ≤ T1[] for a certain T
00?) which preserves the soundness of the type
system. The rule you introduce must not allow assignments between non-array types
that violate the existing subtyping relations of Cool.
(d) Add another extension to the language for immutable arrays (denoted by the type T()).
Analogous to questions 4a and 4c, for this extension, provide: the additional syntax
constructs to be added to the listing of page 16 of the Cool manual, the typing rules
for these constructs and the least restrictive subtyping relationship involving these tuple
types. It is not necessary that this extension interact correctly with mutable arrays as
defined above, but feel free to consider that situation.
5. Consider the following assembly language used to program a stack (r, r1, and r2 denote
arbitrary registers):
1 push r : copies the value of r and pushes it onto the stack .
2 top r : copies the value at the top of the stack into r . This
command does not modify the stack .
3 pop : discards the value at the top of the stack .
4 r1 *= r2 : multiplies r1 and r2 and saves the result in r1 . r1 may
be the same as r2 .
5 r1 /= r2 : divides r1 with r2 and saves the result in r1 . r1 may be
the same as r2 . remainders are discarded ( e . g . , 5 / 2 = 2) .
6 r1 += r2 : adds r1 and r2 and saves the result in r1 . r1 may be the
same as r2 .
7 r1 -= r2 : subtracts r2 from r1 and saves the result in r1 . r1 may
be the same as r2 .
8 jump r : jumps to the line number in r and resumes execution .
9 print r : prints the value in r to the console .
The machine has three registers available to the program: reg1, reg2, and reg3. The stack
is permitted to grow to a finite, but very large, size. If an invalid line number is invoked, pop
is executed on an empty stack, or the maximum stack size is exceeded, the machine crashes.
(a) Write code to enumerate the factorial number sequence, beginning with 1! (1, 2, 6, 24,
...), without termination. Assume that the code will be placed at line 100, and will be
invoked by setting reg1, reg2, and reg3 to 100, 1, and 1 respectively and running ‘jump
reg1’. Your code should use the ‘print’ opcode to display numbers in the sequence. You
may not hardcode constants nor use any other instructions besides the ones given above.
(b) This ‘helper’ function is placed at line 1000:
1000 push reg1
1001 reg1 -= reg2
1002 reg2 -= reg1
1003 reg3 += reg2
1004 top reg1
1005 pop
1006 jump reg1
This ‘main’ procedure is placed at line 2000:
2000 push reg1
2001 push reg3
2002 top reg1
2003 top reg3
2004 pop
2005 pop
2006 jump reg2
2007 print reg3
2008 jump reg2
reg1, reg2, and reg3 are set to 0, 1000, and 2000 respectively, and ‘jump reg3’ is
executed. What output does the program generate? Does it crash? If it does, suggest a
one-line change to the helper function that results in a program that does not crash.

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