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CS143: Homework 5 Solved

CS143: Homework 5
Problem A: T1 is the oldest transaction, and T3 is the youngest.
T1 T2 T3
write D
write C
read C
read C
write A
read A
write A
1. Is this first schedule conflict-serializable1
Now assume that the transaction manager uses a 2PL protocol where each exclusive/shared
lock is set just before it is needed for the write/read action.
2. If we do not use any deadlock prevention strategy, will the resulting transactions (i)
complete, or (ii) deadlock1
? If your answer is (i), show a completed schedule; if it is (ii)
show the schedule up to the deadlock.
3. If we use a wait-die deadlock prevention strategy will the resulting transactions (i)
complete, or (ii) deadlock1
? If your answer is (i), show a completed schedule; if it is (ii)
show the schedule up to the deadlock.
Now consider a second schedule, as follows:
T1 T2 T3
write D
write C
read C
write A
read C
read A
write A
4. Is this second schedule conflict-serializable1
Now assume that the transaction manager uses a 2PL protocol where each exclusive/shared
lock is set just before it is needed for the write/read action, and answer the following
questions for this second schedule.
5. If we do not use any deadlock prevention strategy, will the resulting transactions (i)
complete, or (ii) deadlock1
? If your answer is (i), show a completed schedule; if it is (ii)
show the schedule up to the deadlock.
6. If we use a wound-wait deadlock prevention strategy will the resulting transactions (i)
complete, or (ii) deadlock1
? If your answer is (i), show a completed schedule; if it is (ii)
show the schedule up to the deadlock.
Justify your answer using the applicable graph
Problem B 1. Consider the following schedule: (w3(A) means that transaction T3 writes
A, C3: T3 commits):
w3(A) r1(A) c3 w1(B) c1 r2(B) w2(C) r4(B) c2c4
(a) Is it a serial schedule?
(b) Is the schedule conflict serializable? If so, what are all the equivalent serial schedules?
(c) Is the schedule recoverable? If not, can we make it recoverable by moving a single
commit operation to a different position?
(d) Is the schedule cascadeless? If not, can we make it cascadeless by moving a single
commit operation to a different position?

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