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CS163 Assignment #5

CS163 Assignment #5
Programming Assignment #5
CS 163 Data Structures
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Goal of Program 5: The goal of this program is to explore graphs using an
adjacency list (an array of vertices where each element has a head pointer to a
LLL of edges for adjacent vertices).
INSTEAD of writing an efficiency writeup for program #5, write about the
following instead:
1) In your own words, define the following terms as they relate to graphs;
this will help prepare you for the final exam:
i. Cycle
ii. Path
iii. Weighted Graph
iv. Edge List
v. Connected Graph
vi. Complete Graph
2) Write the algorithm for the depth first traversal, using recursion. You may
write it in English, C++, or pseudo-code
Application: You have decided to help the contact tracers to map out everyone
people have been in contact with. Each person would be a “vertex” and each
chain of contact would be their “edge list”. For example, yesterday my family
came to visit unexpectantly. Now I have been in contact with six people after 19
weeks of isolation. These contacts (name and phone number) would be in my
edge list. At least four of them, in turn, were at a party the day before with 7
people. So, each of their edge lists would have me and 7 others (as well as each
Your primary job in this assignment is to experience creating your own
adjacency list based on the set of contacts. The adjacency list will be an array of
vertex objects; each with a name and phone number along with a head pointer
for each linear linked list representing the edge list. There is no data with the
edges (it is not a weighted graph).
CS163 Summer 2020 Assignment #5
We will be implementing only the following algorithms (e.g., member functions);
a) Construct an adjacency list (An array of vertices, where each has a head
pointer to a LLL of nodes. The nodes indicate which vertices are adjacent.)
b) Insert a connection between two vertices (i.e., inserting a node into the
edge list). This would be to specify who a particular person was in contact
c) Traverse the adjacency list, displaying all of the people a particular
individual has been in contact with.
d) Destroy, deallocating all dynamic memory (e.g., destructor)

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