CS243 Homework 2
• This is a programming assignment. Download the starter code from the course website,
complete the task (see “Your Task” below), and submit your code using Canvas.
• You may work alone or in pairs. If you are working in a pair, be sure to add your
partner’s SUNet ID to the collaborators.txt file in your submission.
1 Introduction
Your assignment this week is to implement a basic dataflow framework for the JoeQ system.
We will provide the interfaces that your framework must support. You will write the iterative
algorithm for any analysis matching these interfaces, and also phrase Reaching Definitions
and Faint Variable in terms that an implementation of the solver can understand.
We have setup an environment for the programming assignments found here. Download
and unpack this archive on your own machine, or in your home directory on a Stanford
machine like myth. Make sure your code compiles and runs on myth.
2 Starter Code
We have supplied you with starter code that bundles JoeQ along with files for you to fill in.
This directory is organized as follows:
hw2/build/ build directory (will be overwritten, not part of zip)
hw2/lib/joeq.jar packaged JoeQ
hw2/lib/rt.jar Java 1.5 Object.class, for compatibility
hw2/Makefile Makefile for compiling your code
hw2/src/examples Examples of using JoeQ
hw2/src/flow The dataflow framework and interfaces
hw2/src/submit The code you will submit (Only make modifications here!)
hw2/src/test Tests for your solutions
3 Getting Started
To run the PrintQuads example from JoeQ, do the following:
myth:~$ unzip hw2.zip
myth:~$ cd hw2
myth:~$ source setup.sh
myth:~/hw2$ make
myth:~/hw2$ ./run.sh examples.PrintQuads examples.ExprTest
To run MySolver using the ConstantProp analysis over a test program called test.Test,
invoke the run.sh script on these four classes:
myth:~/hw2$ ./run.sh flow.Flow submit.MySolver flow.ConstantProp test.Test
Until you write submit.MySolver, this will not compute anything useful.
4 Faint Variable Analysis
Definition 1. A variable is faint if it is not live (dead) or it is only used in computing faint
The lecture introduced the concept of live variable, which can be used to eliminate dead
code in a program. Consider the following code:
int foo() {
1. x = 1;
2. y = x + 2;
3. z = x + y;
4. return y;
In this example only x and y are live; therefore it is safe to eliminate instruction 3.
However, there are many cases where live-variable analysis fails to eliminate dead code.
Consider the following programs:
Case 1
void foo() {
1. x = 1;
2. y = x + 2;
3. z = x + y;
4. return;
Case 2
bool bar();
int foo() {
while(bar()) {
1. x = x + 1;
2. y = y + 1;
3. return y;
In Case 1, x and y in instruction 1 and 2 are live because it is used in instruction 3. z
is not live and can be eliminated. If you apply the liveness analysis again after removing
instruction 3, you will find that y is actually dead and can be eliminated. In the third
iteration, you will find that x is also dead. A better dataflow analysis should be able to
eliminate the three instructions in one pass.
In Case 2, x and y are both live because they are used in statements that define them.
However, since the final value of x is never used, instruction 1 could in fact be eliminated.
In this assignment, we assume that faintness of LHS variable will only propagate to RHS
variable if the operator is either Operator.Move or Operator.Binary. For example:
ADD_I T12 int, R4 int, R5 int
ADD I is a binary operator; therefore, if T12 is faint then R4 and R5 are faint. Function calls
may look like:
INVOKEVIRTUAL_I% T8 int, M.Class1.Method(I)I, (R0 Class1, R1 int)
INVOKEVIRTUAL I is neither binary or move; therefore, faintness is not propagated. Function
calls, writes to fields, and returns are all examples of things that do not propagate faintness,
and can cause a variable to not be faint.
5 Your Task
1. Fill in the MySolver class so it implements the interface Flow.Solver. Use it to run the
constant propagation and liveness algorithms we provide.
2. Fill in ReachingDefs so that it executes reaching definitions analysis.
3. Fill in Faintness so it executes faint variable analysis.
4. Test your faintness implementation by adding test methods to TestFaintness.java. Make
sure you test your implementation thoroughly. Note that the supplied TestFaintness.out
is only a very basic test.
6 Submission
To submit your assignment, follow the following steps:
1. Type make submission in the homework directory.
2. Use scp to download submission.zip from the server.
3. Upload this file to the Canvas HW2 assignment.
4. If you discover a bug after submitting (and before the due date), simply run the submit
again. Canvas will take the latest version.
7 Testing your code
The test package contains a Test class that you can use to test your implementation of MySolver
and ReachingDefs. The hw2/src/test/ directory contains Test.cp.out, Test.lv.out, and Test.rd.out
which are output files for running the ConstantProp, Liveness, and ReachingDefs analyses over the
Test class, and similarly for TestTwo. diff the output of running your MySolver with these out files
to test your implementation.
8 Hints
• Get started early. This is a sizable project, and you need to familiarize yourself with
JoeQ at the same time. If you wait until the last minute, you will not be able to finish.
• Look at the ConstantProp and Liveness classes. You will find techniques that will be
useful to you when you formulate your own analyses.
• Read the JoeQ documentation carefully, and do not hesitate to look at the full javadocs
if you get stuck.
• JoeQ has been built for Java 1.5, and does not support many of the Java features
introduced since. It will also refuse to load Java code built for a newer JVM.
In the starter core, we provide a subset of the Java Runtime that is enough to run JoeQ
on the test code using a modern Java VM (1.7 or 1.8). With that code, you might get an
error like:
Warning: vm vendor Oracle Corporation is not yet supported, trying default sun13
You can ignore this error. It is sent to standard error, so it will not interfere with diffing your output for correctness.
If you see errors of the form java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
unsupported version 52.0 you should install the Java 1.5 VM from the Oracle
Your code will be tested with Java 1.5, and that version of Java is available on myth. You
can enable it with:
export PATH=/usr/class/cs243/jvm/bin:$PATH
• Study the QuadIterator interface carefully. It does a great deal of the work for you. But
please take note: if you construct a backward QuadIterator, you must iterate over it with
hasPrevious() and previous().
• DataflowObjects are mutable; when in doubt, copy them. When writing reaching
definitions, be sure to implement an equals() method, or your code will loop forever.
Note: the grading code has a strict timeout of 4 seconds, to detect code that loops.
• The iterator returned by Quad.successors() (resp. Quad.predecessors()) generates null to
indicate that the current object has the exit node (resp. entry node) as a successor
(resp. predecessor).