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CS243 Lab 5 SOLVED

CS243 Lab 5

• You may use up to two of your remaining late days for this assignment, for a late
deadline of May 19th, 2022 at 11:59 pm.
• This assignment can be done in pairs. If you are working in a pair, be sure to add your
partner to your submission writeup.
• You submission should include the code for the coding problem and a writeup.pdf
containing answers for all the problems (including the answers for the written problems
and the writeup for the coding problem) – copy writeup.pdf to the code folder and
run make submission to archive both the code and the writeup.
Problem 1. Software Pipelining
Consider the following dependence graph for a single iteration of a loop, with resource
1. What is the bound on the initiation interval T according to the precedence and resource
constraints for this program?
2. What is the minimum initiation interval? Show a modulo reservation table for an
optimal software pipelined schedule. Also show the code and schedule for an iteration
in the source loop.
3. Can the scheduling algorithm described in class produce the optimal schedule for this
loop? If not, show the modulo reservation table and code schedule generated by the
Problem 2. Dependency Analysis and Parallelization
for (i = k + 2; i < n; i++) {
for (j = 2 * i; j < 4 * i + m; j++) {
X[i, 4 * j - 2] = X[i, 4 * j + 1] + Y[i, j]
Y[i - 1, j - 3] = X[i, 2 * j] + Y[i, j]
Assume 0 ≤ k ≤ m << n and that X and Y are distinct (non-overlapping) arrays.
1. Draw the iteration space for this loop.
2. What are the data dependencies in this loop? Hint: a data dependency is something
of the form “read/write A[i], read/write B[j]”.
3. Formulate the data dependence tests for the given loop nest (as a linear programming
4. Is the loop nest 1-d parallelizable or 2-d parallelizable without loop transformations
(or not parallelizable at all)? You do not need to show the exact solutions to the
equations, but justify your answer.
Problem 3. Programming
• Download the starter code from the course website, complete the task (see “Your Task”
below), and submit your code and the writeup.
• This problem is graded by code inspection, so please make sure your code is readable
and any design decisions are documented.
Optimizing Numerical Code for Parallelism and Locality
The goal of this homework is for you to learn how to write parallel code, and how to optimize
parallelism in existing numeric code.
Your task will be to take some existing, serial code, and write the corresponding parallel
code, to achieve the best performance.
Setting up the environment
To make the best use of real machines, this homework is written in C++.
If you use Stanford rice: If you do not have access to a C++ coding environment, you
should use the one in Stanford rice1
. In that case, just unzip the starter code; use make to
build the compiled program. All paths are already set up.
Note: rice and myth machines are similar, with rice slightly newer and more powerful. They
have the same C++ compiler version, and they share the home directory. You should use
rice for this homework, because myth is not appropriate for intensive CPU use.
Note 2: not all rice or myth machines are identical. When you compile, you are optimizing
for the specific machine your are compiling in, which can make the code not portable. If you
see an “Illegal Instruction” error, simply rebuild (make clean followed by make).
If you set up your own platform: You must have a GCC-compatible C++ compiler
(such as GCC itself, or Clang), which must support C++11 and OpenMP. Any modern
C++ compiler, including the one in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will do. Grading will occur on rice;
mind any divergence in C++ standard or compiler.
Parallel C++ code
The parallel C++ code in this handout makes use of OpenMP. This allows us to write code
like this:
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1See for how to access the rice machines.
What this statement means is that the entire loop will be 1-d parallelized: the iteration
space of the outermost loop will be split among the available CPUs and then the result will
be run in parallel. After the parallel loop is done, execution is joined and resumes in the
main thread. This way we do not need to worry about threading or locking, and we just
need to write the outermost loop parallel code, as discussed in class.
The directive schedule(static,1) indicates that each thread will be assigned one iteration
of the loop, in round-robin fashion. This allows us to use iteration variable as the processor
id, for example to synchronize on it in pipeline parallel code. This directive is not the default:
if you omit it, you let the implementation choose the best schedule.
We can also write 2-d parallel code, using:
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2) schedule(static,1)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
And similarly, 3-d parallel code, 4-d, etc.
On the other hand, OpenMP can be used only if the outermost loops are perfectly nested,
parallel and use an integer induction variable with loop-invariant bounds. In this assignment,
you will therefore need to rewrite your loops to satisfy these constraints - or pay the penalty
of not having properly parallelized code.
For further details of OpenMP, see its specification at
You do not need to understand all of OpenMP for this assignment, though.
1 Basics of Writing Parallel Code
To start, we will consider Matrix Multiplication. You can find the full code for this task in
matmul.cpp in the starter code.
The starter code introduces the Matrix class, a row-major, packed, dense Matrix class of
arbitrary types (mostly float or double). It also introduces the skeleton code to generate
random matrices and evaluate the performance.
You run the starter code as ./matmul r1 c1 c2. This causes a matrix multiplication between
two matrices, of size r1 × c1 and c1 × c2.
The output looks like this:
Iteration 1: 2272 us
Iteration 2: 2233 us
Iteration 3: 2238 us
Iteration 4: 1304 us
Iteration 5: 1302 us
Iteration 6: 1278 us
Avg time: 1301 us
Stddev: ±242 us
The starter code includes three implementations of matrix multiplication: serial naive, parallel naive, and parallel blocked. You can choose which one is invoked by modifying the
starter code.
1. Test matrix multiplication between two matrices both of size 1000 by 1000. What is
the average time? Which is the fastest algorithm?
2. Test matrix multiplication between matrix A of size 1000 by 10, and matrix B of size
10 by 1000. What is the average time? Which is the fastest algorithm?
2 Pipelined Parallelism
In this problem, you will consider the Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR) code, and implement a pipelined parallel version of it.
The serial version of SOR looks like the following:
for i = 1 to m
for j = 1 to n
A[i,j] = c * (A[i-1,j] + A[i,j-1]);
At first glance, it might seem like it’s not parallelizable. However, if you plot the dependency
With the use of synchronization barrier, we may be able to parallelize it with a technique
called wavefronting:
1. Execute (i=1,j=1). Synchronize.
2. Execute (i=1,j=2), (i=2,j=1) in parallel. Synchronize.
3. Execute (i=1,j=3), (i=2,j=2), (i=3,j=1) in parallel. Synchronize.
4. Execute (i=1,j=4), (i=2,j=3), (i=3,j=2), (i=4,j=1) in parallel. Synchronize.
Each step is called a “wavefront”. If you think about how this technique works, each wavefront is basically a diagonal line on the dependency graph, and as you see there’s no data
dependency within a wavefront.
Your task is to implement this parallelization (a pseudo-code is also on the Lecture 12 slide).
The starter code includes a serial version of Successive Over-Relaxation. You can run it as
./sor n m, where n and m are the sizes of the matrix to compute on.
Your task is:
1. Write a parallel version of SOR in sor.cpp. An example synchronization primtive is
included in the starter code.
2. What is the average time to compute SOR with:
(a) input of size 20000 × 20000
(b) input of size 20000 × 1000
(c) input of size 1000 × 20000
3 Kernel Fusing the LSTM
In this task, we will consider how to pair matrix multiplication with component-wise operations, as commonly done by neural networks. As the example, we will consider the Long
Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Cell. This is a primitive neural network
operation that takes an input x, a state h, a memory cell c, and produces a new state h
′ and
a new memory cell c

. The equations for the LTSM are:
f = σ(hWf + xUf + Bf )
i = σ(hWi + xUi + Bi)
o = σ(hWo + xUo + Bo)
j = tanh(hWc + xUc + bc)
′ = f ◦ c + i ◦ j
′ = o ◦ tanh(c

where σ is the sigmoid function ( 1
), tanh is the hyperbolic tangent, and ◦ denotes
component-wise multiplication. W, U and B are the learned parameters of the LSTM. W
and U are rectangular matrices, and B is a row vector.
f, i and o are called the gates of the LSTM, and they control which parts of the previous
memory should be preserved (f = forget gate, i = input gate), and which parts of the
memory should be exposed to the output state (o = output gate)2
. j is the value computed
from the input, which is written to the memory cell.
In the equation, x is a single data-point vector, but in real-life, and therefore in this assignment, x is a batch of inputs as a matrix, with one input per row. Similarly, the outputs h

and c
′ will be matrices, one output per row. For efficiency, we will also pack the W’s and
U’s into a single parameter matrix.
The starter code includes a naive implementation of LSTM, in terms of matrix multiplication
and component-wise operations. You run the starter code as ./lstm b x h, where b is the
batch size (number of elements in the input), x is the size of the input, and h is the size of
(hidden) state and memory cell. You should observe that given those two parameters, all
matrices have known size.
Your task is:
1. Write an efficient serial implementation of the LSTM in lstm.cpp. Efficient means
that will make the best use of caches, registers and instruction level parallelism.
2. Transform your serial code into an efficient parallel implementation.
2The gates of an LSTM use sigmoid activation. Because sigmoid saturates to 0 or 1 quickly when the
input is away from zero, the gates look like binary vectors. This does not matter to us, though: to us, they
are just floating point vectors.
3. What is the average time to compute the LSTM with:
(a) batch of size 500, input of size 2000 and output of size 2000
(b) batch of size 500, input of size 100 and output of size 5000
4. Does the parallel implementation scale with the number of processors? Draw a weak
scaling plot (average time vs number of processors) for an input and output of size 5000,
starting at 1 and ending with the maximum number of processors in a rice machine
To test with different number of processors, run your code as OMP NUM THREAD=x
./lstm ..., where x is the desired number of threads.
To draw the plot, you can use any plotting library (matplotlib, R, or D3), or an
application such as Google Spreadsheet. Do not draw the plot by hand. Please also
label your axes, especially if you use a non-standard scale.
In this task, you must write the most efficient code possible, applying all the loop transformations for locality and parallelism discussed in class. You do not need to explain the
solution to any data-dependency equation, if you use them. On the other hand, your code
will be graded by inspection, so you should document all design decisions you make.
To submit, run make submission. Download and upload to Canvas. Only
one submission is required per pair.
You should not modify the submitted code outside of the areas marked with “YOUR CODE
HERE”. You can modify the rest of the code for debugging, but please revert your changes
before submission.
In the same folder, you must include a writeup.pdf with the answers to the written
questions, including Problem 1,2,3.1,3.2,3.3 and the measurements, including
the plot for part 3.3.4. Only one writeup is required per pair.
• As always, start early. This homework uses a different environment than joeq, and it
might take some time to get adjusted.
• The compiler is your friend. It is often safe to assume that certain method calls will
be inlined, that induction variables will be eliminated (or strength reduction will be
performed), and that innermost loop parallel code will be vectorized (without manually
writing SSE intrinsics). This can make the generated code a lot more readable, hiding
strides and pointer manipulation. When in doubt, check the generated assembly code
with g++ -S.
• Use Address Sanitizer to debug your memory accesses. Range checks on vector and
matrix accesses are expensive, but without them hard-to-debug memory violations can
occur. Address Sanitizer is a compiler flag that introduces range checks on all memory
accesses, with minimal overhead. Use -fsanitize=address to enable.
• On a Linux system, to discover the details of the machine you’re working in, use cat
/proc/cpuinfo. That will list the logical CPUs, their current and maximum speed, the
L3 cache size, and the support for SSE and AVX vector instructions. To discover all the
levels of caches supported, look for the files in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache.
You will find the size, associativity and type (instruction, data or both) of the cache,
as well as what CPUs share it.

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