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CS246—Assignment 3 

CS246—Assignment 3 
Questions 1a, 2a, 3a, and 4a are due on Due Date 1; Questions 1b, and 2b are due on Due
Date 2; Question 3b, and 4b are due on Due Date 3.
Note: You must use the C++ I/O streaming and memory management facilities on this assignment.
Moreover, the only standard headers you may #include are <iostream, <fstream,
<sstream, <iomanip, <string, <cassert, <stdxcept, and <utility. Marmoset
will be programmed to reject submissions that violate these restrictions.
Note: Each question on this assignment asks you to write a C++ program, and the programs you write
on this assignment each span multiple files. Moreover, each question asks you to submit a Makefile
for building your program. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you develop your
solution for each question in a separate directory. Just remember that, for each question, you should
be in that directory when you create your zip file, so that your zip file does not contain any extra
directory structure.
Note: Questions on this assignment will be hand-marked to ensure that you are writing high quality
code, and to ensure that your solutions employ the programming techniques mandated by each
question. Please review the CS246 style guidelines here:
Note: You are not permitted to ask any public questions on Piazza about what the programs
that make up the assignment are supposed to do. A major part of this assignment involves
designing test cases, and questions that ask what the programs should do in one case or another will
give away potential test cases to the rest of the class. Instead, we will provide compiled executables,
suitable for running on linux.student.cs, that you can use to check intended behaviour.
Questions found in violation of this rule will be marked private or deleted; repeat offences could be
subject to discipline.
Note: the material for due dates 1 and 2 are good review for the midterm!
1. In this exercise, you will write a C++ class (implemented as a struct) to control a simple
robotic drone exploring some terrain. Your drone starts at coordinates (0,0), facing north. Use
the following structure definition for coordinates:
struct Position {
int ew, ns;
Position( int ew = 0, int ns = 0 );
The east-west direction is the first component of a position, and the north-south direction is
the second. Your Drone class must be properly initialized via a constructor, and must provide
the following methods:
Method Description
void forward() Move the drone one unit forward.
void backward() Moves the drone one unit backward.
void left() Turns the drone 90 degrees to the left, while remaining
in the same location.
void right() Turns the drone 90 degrees to the right, while
remaining in the same location.
Position current() Returns the current position of the drone.
int totalDistance() Returns the total units of distance travelled by the
int manhattanDistance() Returns the ”Manhattan distance” between the current
position and the origin where the Manhattan distance
defined as the absolute north-south displacement plus
the absolute east-west displacement.
Note: If the drone starts at (0,0) facing north, and moves
to position (3,4) where 3 is east-west and 4 is north-south,
you've effectively moved 3 units east and 4 north.
Therefore, the total would be 7 and not 5.
bool repeated() Returns true if the current position is one that the
drone has previously visited.
For simplicity, you may assume that the drone will never visit more than 50 positions before
running out of fuel or otherwise breaking down.
Implement the specified operations for the Drone. (Some starter code has been provided for
you in the file drone.h, along with a sample executable.) You may not change the contents
of drone.h other than by adding your instance variables and comments i.e. the
interface must stay exactly the same.
The test harness is provided with which you may interact with your drone for
testing purposes. The test harness is not robust and you are not to devise tests for it, just
for the Drone class. Do not change this file.
(a) Due on Due Date 1: Design the test suite suiteq1.txt for this program and zip the
suite into
(b) Due on Due Date 2: Implement this in C++ and place the files Makefile,,
drone.h and in the zip file, Your Makefile must create an
executable named a3q1. Note that the executable name is case-sensitive.

2. The standard Unix tool make is used to automate the separate compilation process. When you
ask make to build a program, it only rebuilds those parts of the program whose source has
changed, and any parts of the program that depend on those parts etc. In order to accomplish
this, we tell make (via a Makefile) which parts of the program depend on which other parts
of the program. Make then uses the Unix “last modified” timestamps of the files to decide when
a file is older than a file it depends on, and thus needs to be rebuilt. In this problem, you will
simulate the dependency-tracking functionality of make. We provide a test harness (
that accepts the following commands:
• target: source — indicates that the file called target depends on the file called
• touch file — indicates that the file called file has been updated. Your program will
respond with file updated at time n
where n is a number whose significance is explained below
• make file — indicates that the file called file should be rebuilt from the files it
depends on. Your program will respond with the names of all targets that must be rebuilt
in order to rebuild file.
A target should be rebuilt whenever any target it depends on is newer than the target itself. In
order to track ages of files, you will maintain a virtual “clock” (just an int) that “ticks” every
time you issue the touch command (successful or not). When a target is rebuilt, its lastmodified time should be set to the current clock time. Every target starts with a last-modified
time of 0. For example:
a: b
touch b
touch b
touch b
will produce the output (on cout)
b updated at time 1
b updated at time 2
b updated at time 3
It is not valid to directly update a target that depends on other targets. If you do, your program
should issue an error message on cout, as illustrated below:
a: b
touch a
Cannot update non-leaf object
When you issue the make file (build) command, the program should rebuild any files within
the dependency graph of file that are older than the files they depend on. For example:
a: b
a: c
b: d
c: e
touch e
make a
will produce the output
e updated at time 1
Building c
Building a
because file c depends on e, and a depends on c. Note that b is not rebuilt. The order in
which the Building messages appear is not important.
A file may depend on at most 10 other files. If you attempt to give a file an 11th dependency,
issue the error message
Max dependencies exceeded
on cout, but do not end the program. If you give a file the same dependency more than once,
this does not count as a new dependency, i.e., if you give a file a dependency that it already has,
the request is ignored. For example, if a depends on b, then adding b as a dependency to a a
second time has no effect. On the other hand, if b also depends on c, then c may still be added
to a as an additional dependency, even though a already indirectly depends on c.
There may be at most 20 files in the system. (Note that files are created automatically when you
issue the : command, but if a file with the same name already exists, you use the existing file,
rather than create a new one.) If you create more than 20 files, issue the error message
Max targets exceeded
on cout, but do not end the program.
Note: the file names can be any length i.e. any string is a valid file-name, they're just shown as single
characters for ease of typing
You may assume: that the dependency graph among the files will not contain any cycles. You
may also assume that all : commmands appear before all touch commands, so that you do
not have to worry about updating a leaf that then becomes a non-leaf because you gave it a
You may not assume: that the program has only one makefile, even though the provided test
harness only manipulates a single Makefile object.
Implementation notes
• We will provide skeleton classes in .h files that will help you to structure your solution.
You may add fields and methods to these, as you deem necessary.
• Do not modify the provided test harness,
• For your own testing, because the order in which the Building messages occurs may
be hard to predict, you may wish to modify your runSuite script (should only modify a
local copy of runSuite to sort the outputs, rather than your "master" runSuite) to sort
the outputs before comparing them. This does not provide perfect certainty of
correctness, but it is probably close enough.
(a) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program (call the suite file suiteq2.txt
and zip the suite into
(b) Due on Due Date 2: Complete the program. Put all of your .h and .cc files, and your
Makefile, into Your Makefile must create an executable named a3q2.
Note that the executable name is case-sensitive.

3. In this question, you will implement a class that represents a mathematical set for integers
(without any duplicates). The interface has already been implemented for you in intSet.h,
make sure to read it carefully. Do not change the provided intSet.h other than by adding
your instance variables and comments i.e. the interface must stay exactly the same.
Implement the interface in the implementation file Your implementation must
satisfy the following requirements:
• The copy constructor and the copy assignment operator must perform a deep copy so that
each set maintains its data independently
• A set cannot contain duplicate items. Attempting to add an item already in the set does not
change the set nor does it produce an error
• Set union returns a new set containing all the elements from both sets.
• Set intersection returns a new set containing only the elements that are in both sets.
• Two sets A and B are equal if and only if no element of one is not an element of the other.
More precisely .
• isSubset(const intSet &s) returns true if every element in s is an element of the
set the method has been called on, false otherwise.
• contains(int e) returns true if e is an element of the set the method has been called
on, false otherwise.
• After add(int e) is called, e must be in the set the method has been called on.
• After remove(int e) is called, e must not be in the set the method has been called on.
• The capacity of the set should be initialized to 0 until the first integer is added at which
point the capacity is increased to 5. If at any point the capacity is not enough, it should be
• The output operator first prints a left parenthesis, then each integer in the set delimited
by a comma and a space in ascending order and ends with a right parenthesis. For example
the set containing 3, 5, and 2 is printed as: (2, 3, 5)
A test harness is provided in Make sure you read and understand this code, as
you will need to know what it does in order to structure your test suite. Note that we may
use a different test harness to evaluate the code you submit on Due Date 3 (if your functions
work properly, it should not matter what test harness we use).
(a) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program (call the suite file suiteq3.txt
and zip the suite into
(b) Due on Due Date 3: Full implementation of the intSet class in C++. Your zip file,, should contain at minimum, the files, intSet.h,,
and a Makefile that creates the executable a3q3. Additional classes must each reside
in their own .h and .cc files.

4. In this question you will implement a class that represents a date. The interface has already
been implemented for you in date.h including partial documentations. Make sure to read
them carefully. Do not change the provided date.h other than by adding your instance
variables and comments i.e. the interface must stay exactly the same.
Implement the interface in the implementation file Your implementation must
satisfy the following requirements:
• The four setters should throw out_of_range exception (with an informative error
message) if the consumed data is out of range (check comments for Date definition in
.h file). Make sure to include <stdexcept .
• The last six methods in Date class should return a Date in the valid range otherwise they
should throw out_of_range exception
A test harness is provided in Make sure you read and understand this code, as
you will need to know what it does in order to structure your test suite. Please note that
the error message might be different than your choice.
Note that we may use a different test harness to evaluate the code you submit on Due Date 3 (if
your functions work properly, it should not matter what test harness we use).
(c) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program (call the suite file suiteq4.txt and
zip the suite into
(d) Due on Due Date 3: Full implementation of the Date class in C++. Your zip file,, should contain at minimum, the files, date.h,, and a
Makefile that creates the executable a3q4. Additional classes must each reside in their
own .h and .cc files.

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