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CS2x1: Main Quiz#1: Part 2

CS2x1: Main Quiz#1: Part 2 [Assignment] Questions

Q.No Description of the Implementation
[Note: All the requested below implementations shall be programmed using C]
Q1 Implement Circular Singly Linked List which performs the following
(i) Insert at the beginning
(ii) Insert at the end
(iii) Insert at the given position
(iv) Delete from beginning
(v) Delete from the end
(vi) Delete from the given position
(vii) Display
Q2 Implement Stack using Queue [by using Singly Linked Lists]
[Note: There might be different ways to implement Stack using Queue, we
leave it to your choice, and operations of Stack will be verified during the
evaluation of your program at our end]
Q3 Implement Queue using Stack [by using Singly Linked Lists]
[Note: There might be different ways to implement Queue using Stack, we
leave it to your choice, and operations of Queue will be verified during the
evaluation of your program at our end]
Instructions for submission:
1. Submit only .c files of all the questions.
2. Filename should be <roll_no>_Q<no>.c (e.g., 200010001_Q1.c)
3. Make a zip of all 3 questions “c” files and submit only one zip file.
4. Please follow the naming convention, otherwise a 5% penalty will be imposed. In
addition, there will be a penalty on the findings of plagiarism.
5. Due date for submission : 27
th September 2021
6. Cut of date for submission: 6
th October 2021 with 0.5 Mark penalty

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