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CS325 programming assignment 1

CS325 programming assignment 1
Electronic submission of Code and Report to TEACH

Hand in Instructions Code should be submitted through the TEACH website. Students are encouraged to work in groups of up to 3 people. Each group
only need to submit one submission, which should include the names of all
group members. You can choose any of the following programming languages:
java, python, c/c++/c#. If you wish to use a language that is outside of this
list, you will need to obtain advance approval from at least one of the TAs in
Closest pair of points In this assignment, you will solve the problem of
finding the closest pair of points among a set of n points in the plane, which
is an important computational geometry problem that has many applications
in graphics, computer vision, GIS and air traffic control etc. In particular the
main idea you will explore for this problem is divide and conquer, which I briefly
describe below.
The divide-and-conquer algorithm works by dividing the point set into two
nearly-equal halves, achieved by splitting the set at the median x-coordinate.
Let xm be the x-coordinate of the dividing line separating the two point sets.
We recursively compute the closest pair in each half, and then solve the merge
step based on their results. More specifically, suppose d1 and d2, respectively,
are the closest pair distances for the left and right subproblems, and let d =
min(d1, d2). Determine the set of points whose x-coordinates lie in the range
[xm − d, xm + d]. Call this set M, for the middle. Order the points of M in
ascending order of their y-coordinates. We find the closest pair of points in M
by comparing each point p to only those whose y-coordinate differs from p by
at most d. Let their distance be dm, we return min(d, dm).
For this assignment, you will implement three different algorithms for this
1. Brute-force. This algorithm works simply by computing the distance between all n
pairs of points and finding the closest pair. This algorithm
will have O(n
) run time.

2. Naive Divide and Conquer. Implement the above outlined divide-andconquer algorithm for computing the closest pair. In this naive version,
you will sort the points within M based on y-coordinates in each recursive
call from scratch.
3. Enhanced divide and conquer. In this version, you will eliminate the repeated sorting by pre-sorting all the points just once based on x-coordinates
and once based on y-coordinates. All other ordering operations can then
be performed by copying from these master sorted lists.
Empirically testing the correctness of your algorithm. Your program
should take an input text file of points and output its results to an output text
file. Your program will be run by the TAs, so please leave instructions on the
steps to compile/run your program in a “README.txt” file.
Suppose you are given a file “example.input”, and it contains the following
0 0
5 5
9 8
8 9
1 8
1 7
9 5
4 0
9 6
9 7
Your program should take these and output a file “output.txt” in the following format:
1 7 1 8
9 5 9 6
9 6 9 7
9 7 9 8
The minimum distance is printed at the top, followed by all of the corresponding minimum pairs of points. In the case of ties (like in this example),
you should sort the matching points in order1
. Here, you see 4 pairs of points
that happened to achieve the minimum distance of 1.0. 2
1The sorting should be done by X value, then by Y value. For example, if you have 2
sorted points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), then x1 < x2 with ties broken by y1 < y2. Don’t worry, this
should be the default sorting behavior if you call some library’s array.sort() function on an
array of points.
2For simplicity, you can assume that all data points will have distinct x and y values. This
avoids complications that might arise in the median calculation.
Your output file should look like the above, and you will be given “example.input” to help test your algorithms. When it comes time to grade, the TAs
will test your code using a separate file.
Make a separate runnable command for each algorithm (Brute Force, Divide
and Conquer, Enhanced DnC). This could be different command-line flags, or
even different programs. Mention how to run your programs in a text file called
So for example, we might need to run:
./bruteforce example.input
./divideandconquer example.input
./enhanceddnc example.input
To run the each algorithm. And then these programs could output “output bruteforce.txt”, “output divideandconquer.txt”, “output enhanceddnc.txt”
Empirical analysis of run time. For this part, you need to generate your
own random inputs (for your input, please make sure that no points have the
same x value or y value) of different sizes using a random number generator
and run your algorithms on these inputs to measure their empirical run time.
The suggested range for input size n is 102
, 103
, 104
, 105
. If time allows, you are
encouraged to try even larger input sizes for the divide and conquer algorithms.
For each size, you should generate 10 random inputs and run each algorithm on
them and report the average run time over the ten runs.
Write up In addition to submitting the source code (with clear instructions
for running them), you will also need to submit a brief write up, which should
include the following:
• Pseudo-code. Please provide the Pseudo-code for each of the three algorithms.
• Asymptotic Analysis of run time. Please analyze the runtime for the
three algorithms. In particular, please provide the recursive relation of
the runtime for algorithm 2 and 3 and solve them.
• Plotting the runtime. Plot the empirically measured runtime of the
three algorithms as a function of the input size. Your plot should have
clearly labeled axes and legends.
• Interpretation and discussion Discuss the runtime plot. Do the growth
curves match your expectation based on their theoretical bounds? Discuss and provide possible explanations for any discrepancy between the
experimental runtime and the asymptotic runtime.

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