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CS381/780 Midterm

CS381/780 Midterm 
This exam consists of two problems.
Memory Management
In class we worked through the code for the “fast and dumb” allocator. We also saw how we can take
over memory management on a class by class basis.
1. Implement memory management for a one dimensional templatized safe array using the “fast
and dumb” method.
2. Use this safe array to implement a templatized safe matrix.
Polynomial Arithmetic Redux
One of the programs that you worked on this semester was polynomial arithmetic using a “homegrown” list implementation. It turns out that using a map to represent the polynomials simplifies the
solution significantly.
Redo the polynomial arithmetic problem using the C++ map to represent the polynomials.
map<int,int> poly1,poly2,sum;
Where the key value is the exponent and the mapped value is the coefficient.

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