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CS558 Assignment 4

CS558 Assignment 4

Choice I: Password management (10 points extra credit)
In this assignment, you need to write two programs: genpass and verifypass (you can give
different names).
genpass is used to generate a file password which has the following format:
 <user ID> <encrypted password>
where <encrypted password> is computed by encrypting the password using a key and a
symmetric encryption algorithm (e.g. AES, 3-DES). You can either hardcode the key in your
program, or randomly generate a key and save the key in a file. You can use the existing
implementation of 3-DES, or AES (e.g. the implementation provided in,
openssl, etc.) in this assignment.
When genpass is invoked, it prompts the person who invokes genpass to enter each user’s ID and
password. Your program then encrypts the password using the key, and saves the ID and the
encrypted password in a file password. You can assume that the ID entered each time is different
(i.e. your program does not need to check whether the ID is already in the file).
verifypass is used to verify the ID and the password of a user. When verifypass is invoked, it
prompts the user to enter his/her ID and password. If the ID does not exist in file password, then
print “ID does not exist”. Otherwise, your program will retrieve the encrypted password ep of the
user from file password. Your program then decrypt the password ep and compare the password
entered by the user against the decrypted password. If they are the same, then print “the
password is correct”; otherwise print “the password is incorrect”.
Submission guideline:
- Create a directory with a unique name (e.g. p4-[userid]), which contains the source code, the
key (if the key is saved in a file), and a README file.
- README file (text file, please do not submit a .doc file) contains
Ø Your name and email address.
Ø Whether your code was tested on bingsuns or remote.cs.
Ø How to compile and execute your program.
Ø (Optional) Briefly describe your algorithm or anything special about your submission that
the TA should take note of.
-Tar the contents of this directory using the following command.
tar –cvf p4-[userid].tar p4-[userid]
 E.g. tar -cvf p4-pyang.tar p4-pyang/
- Upload the tared file you create above to mycourses.
Choice II: Rootkit (10 points extra credit)
Download a rootkit that enables attackers to hide files and processes, and demonstrate how to do
it. You will need to first install a virtual machine (e.g. virtualbox) and then download and
execute the rootkit inside the virtual machine.
The following link may be helpful:
Submission guideline:
Please record a video that shows how to use PGP to provide confidentiality and digital
signature, upload the video to google drive, and email me ( a
link to the video.
Choice III: Scam Websites
Using google to search for “tennis rebound net”, “trampoline”, “lego mind storm”, or other
popular expensive items, identify at least three websites that are scam websites, and explain why
they are scam websites.
Submission guideline:
You need to hand in your assignment through, which contains: 1)
Your name and email address; and 2) Solution to the problems. Your assignment must be in .pdf

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