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CS575 Programming Assignment 5

CS575 Programming Assignment 5

1. [90%] Randomly create a 0/1 Knapsack problem as follows:
• Create n items where n is an integer randomly selected between 4 and 8. Display the
selected n value.
• Create a list of n items where each item has profit pi and weight wi where 1) pi is a
positive integer randomly selected between 10 and 30; and 2) wI is a positive integer
randomly selected between 5 and 20. Set the capacity of the knapsack W = floor(0.6 *
∑ � #
$%& i).
• Your program should be invoked as follows and output a text file called knapsack01.txt
with the following format.
$> createkn01 -k knapsack01.txt
4 24
Item1 10 7
Item2 13 9
Item3 21 10
Item4 24 15
The first line contains the number items and the weight capacity of the knapsack. Each of
the following lines contains the name of the item (you can just use item1 to item8), the
profit of the item, and the weight of the item.
To solve the created 0/1 knapsack problem, implement the following algorithms discussed
in class:
1) [10%] Implement the brute force method to solve the 0/1 knapsack problem. Show the
final solution. Specifically, (a) print the total profit and weight; and (b) print the selected
items together with their profits and weights. Your program should be invoked as
follows and output a text file called output1.txt. You can modify your program
assignment 1 for the implementation.
$> bruteforce -k knapsack01.txt
2 37 24
Item2 13 9
Item4 24 15
The first line contains the number items that produced the maximum profit, the
produced maximum profit, and the total weight for the items that produced the
maximum profit. Each of the following lines contains the name of the item, the profit of
the item, and the weight of the item.
2) [40%] Implement the refinement algorithm of dynamic programming approach (slides
38-40 of Ch12 lecture notes): (a) print the entries that are calculated in each row; (b)
print the total profit and weight for the final solution; and (c) print the selected items
together with their profits and weights for the final solution. Hint: you may need to
define an extra variable to keep track of which items to be included in the knapsack
comparing to the pseudo code of the general dynamic programming approach for the
0/1 knapsack problem (slide 33 of Ch12 lecture notes). If you have implemented the
refinement algorithm of dynamic programming approach correctly, the total profit
achieved by this algorithm must be equal to that achieved by the brute force method
implemented in 1).
• Note: You are supposed to implement the algorithm using the refinement algorithm
of dynamic programming approach for the 0/1 knapsack problem. You will get no
credit if you implement the general dynamic programming by calculating all the
entries of matrix B (as shown in slide 33 of Ch12 lecture notes). We did not talk
much about space complexity for this problem, and so it is acceptable if you define a
full matrix B but set the entries that do not need to be computed to zero.
• Your program should be invoked as follows and output a text file called entries2.txt
and output2.txt. The format of output2.txt should be same as output1.txt. The
format of entries2.txt should be as follows.
$> dynpro -k knapsack01.txt
entries2.txt (assuming that you have 4 items to choose)
row1 <col1> <col2> … <coli>
row2 <col1> <col2> … <colj>
row3 <col1> <col2>
row4 <col1>
You will have one column index for row4 and two column indices for row3.
3) [40%] Implement the backtracking algorithm: (a) print the profit, weight and bound for
each node according to the order that is first visited in the implicit pruned state space
tree. (b) print the total profit and weight for the final solution; and (c) print the selected
items together with their profits and weights for the final solution. Compare the result
to the result you have got in 1). If you have implemented the backtracking algorithm
correctly, the total profit achieved by this backtracking method must be equal to that
achieved by the brute force method implemented in 1).
• Your program should be invoked as follows and output a text file called entries3.txt
and output3.txt. The format of output3.txt should be same as output1.txt. The
format of entries3.txt should be as follows.
$> backtrack -k knapsack01.txt
entries3.txt (assuming that you have 4 items to choose)
1 0 0 0
2 <profit2> <weight2> <bound2>
3 <profit3> <weight3> <bound3>
Each row starts with the visiting order of node, followed by its profit, weight, and upper
bound in the pruned state space tree.
• Note: You are supposed to implement these algorithms correctly for any 0/1
knapsack problems as described above. If your program produces correct results for
some 0/1 knapsack but doesn’t for other knapsacks, you will get no credit.
2. [10%] Coding style: Write meaningful comments, while making your code structured, easy to read,
and robust.
All    programming    must    be    done    using    C    or    C++    in    Linux where    your    code    will    be    tested.        
Create    a    tar    file    that    includes    (1)    source    code    files,    (2)    a    Makefile to    produce    an    executable,    
and    (3)    a    readme    file    that    clearly    describes    how    to    run    your    code.    Submit    only    the    tar    file
through    the    Blackboard.        The    name    of    the    tar    file    should    be    yourlastname_yourfirstname
_proj5.tar            (Do    not    use    special    characters    like    #,    @,    or    &,    because    they    have    caused    
Blackboard    problems    in    the    past.)    Suppose    that    your    assignment    files    are    under    the    
directory    of    /your_userid/yourlastname_yourfirstname_proj5/    and    you    are    under    that    
directory    right    now.    To    create    a    tar    file    under    /your_userid    directory,    do    the    following    in    
Linux    command    line:
>cd    ..
>tar    cvf        yourlastname_yourfirstname_proj5.tar        yourlastname_yourfirstname_proj5
To    view    the    content    of    the    created    tar    file,    do    the    following    in    Linux    command    line:
>tar    tvf        yourlastname_yourfirstname_proj5.tar
Finally,    read    the    following    policies    carefully:
• All    work    must    represent    each    individual    student’s    own    effort.    If    you    show    your    code    or    any    
other    part    of    your    work    to    somebody    else    or    copy    or    adapt    somebody    else’s    work    found    
online or    offline,    you    will    get    zero    and    be    penalized    per    the    Watson    School    Academic    
Honesty    Code    (        
• To    detect    software    plagiarism,    everybody’s    code    will    be    cross-checked    using    an    automated    
• Your    code    will    be    compiled    and    executed.    If    your    code    does    not    compile    or    produce    any    
runtime    errors, such    as    segmentation    faults    or    bus    errors,    you    will    get    zero.
• The    instructor    and    TA    will    not    read    or    debug    your    code.        The    instructor    and    TA    will    not    
take    a    look    at    an    emailed    code.    If    you    need    general    directions,    show    your    code    to    a    TA    
during    their office    hours.        The    TAs will    not    do    programming    or    debugging    for    you    though.        
The    TAs will    only    help    you    understand    algorithms    to    be    implemented    and    answer    basic    
questions    related    to    implementation.

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