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CSC 115 Assignment 3

CSC 115 
Assignment 3
• Review command line input and string to integer conversion
• Practice using Exceptions
• Exposure to postfix notation
• Practice using an ADT to solve a problem
In this assignment you will implement a program that evaluates expressions written using postfix
notation. For example, the result of evaluating 3 7 9 + + is 19.
The program will accept a postfix expression on the command line and print the result of evaluating the
expression using the algorithm below:
while there is more input
if next token is an operand
push value on the stack
if next token is an operator
pop two values from the stack
apply the operator to the two values just popped
push the result of applying the operator on the stack
if one element left on stack
pop value and display it
invalid expression
catch EmptyStack or NumberFormatException
invalid expression
This assignment has two parts:
1. implement the Stack ADT using an internal linked data structure. (You may not use any of the
Java classes that implement the java.util.List interface.)
2. implement a program that uses a Stack to evaluate postfix expressions
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CSC 115 October 2015
An important concept:
A completed array-based Stack is provided. Note that:
1. It also implements the Stack interface, making all the array-based implementation hidden from
a user, who can only see public method headers. Therefore, a user need not care which version
of the stack is used. The user, in this case, is the calculator class.
2. In the calculator, the Stack object can be instantiated as either an ArrayStack or as a LLStack.
There is only one line in the source code that would be different. For the ArrayStack, it is
Stack stack = new ArrayStack();
For the LLStack, it is
Stack stack = new LLStack();
Part I – Implement the stack interface using a linked list
Create a class called LLStack in a file named The class LLStack must
implement the Stack interface specified in using a student-created linked list structure
to contain its elements.
Create an appropriate Node class for your linked list implementation in a file named
Modify so that it tests your implementation of the LLStack class.
Part II – Implement the calculator
Implement a program in a file called that accepts postfix expressions on the command
line and outputs the result of evaluating the expression to the console. Your program must also handle
invalid expressions gracefully.
You should break down your Calc program into at least two other methods besides main. Solutions
that have all the code in the main method will lose marks for poor style.
Your calculator only needs to support integer operands for convenience, but note that integer division
with integers will yield a different answer
Your calculator should support the following binary operators:
+ addition
- subtraction
/ division
* multiplication
Note that we are using the lower case letter x to represent multiplication, not the *. The reason for this
is that the '*' character on the command line will be misinterpreted as a wildcard by the operating
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CSC 115 October 2015
The table below shows some of the test cases we will use and the exact output your program must
produce for those inputs.
Command line Output
java Calc 5 4 + 9
java Calc 5 4 - 1
java Calc 5 4 x 20
java Calc 10 2 / 5
java Calc 1 2 3 4 5 + + + + 15
java Calc 4 + Invalid expression.
java Calc 4 5 + 6 3 / x 18
java Calc 1 2 + + + Invalid expression.
java Calc what is this Invalid expression.
Submit your, and using Connex.
Please be sure you submit your assignment; don't just save a draft.
A reminder that it is OK to talk about your assignment with your classmates, and you are encouraged to
design solutions together, but each student must implement their own solution.
We will be using plagiarism detection software on your assignment submissions.
You will be graded on the following:
• Good style as per the coding_conventions.pdf file on conneX and use of methods to do the
• Following the exact specifications in this assignment.
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