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CSC 360 Assignment # 2

CSC 360 Assignment # 2 Total points: 2 x 20 = 40
• Submit only your .java source files on Canvas.
• Put the source files (,,, any other files which you created) in a single zip file.
• Name the zip file:, where you will replace LastnameFirstname with your own last and first name.
Problem 1 (The Octagon class)
Download the file from Blackboard. In a file named write an Octagon class that extends
GeometricObject, and implements the Comparable and Cloneable interfaces. Assume that all eight sides of an octagon are of equal
length. Write methods for computing the area and the perimeter. The perimeter is obviously 8 times the side length. The area can be
computed using the following formula:
area = (2 + 4 / Math.sqrt(2)) * side * side
In addition to a side data field, every Octagon should have a wasCloned data field of type boolean. By default the wasCloned value is
false. However, if an Octagon was created by your clone method, then the wasCloned value should be true. Write a toString method
in the Octagon class that returns a string containing the side length, the perimeter, the area, and the value of wasCloned. Write a test
program ( that creates an Octagon object with side value 5. Display the object, then clone it and display the clone.
Finally, display the value that you get when you compare the two objects using the compareTo method:
oct1: Octagon with side = 5.0, perimeter = 40.0, area = 120.71067811865476, wasCloned
= false
oct2: Octagon with side = 5.0, perimeter = 40.0, area = 120.71067811865476, wasCloned
= true
oct1.compareTo(oct2): 0
Problem 2 (Sorting Laptops)
In a file, create a Laptop class and make the class implement the Comparable interface. The member variables should
include the following laptop configuration details – cpu, ram, hdd, graphics card (boolean 1=yes/0=no), screen size, weight, battery
life (hours), and price. The constructor for the class should allow the initialization of all the member variables. The constructor for a
Laptop instance should also calculate a ‘score’ variable out of 10, which will be calculated as follows:
laptopScore = (2 * cpu/cpuMax) + (2 * ram/ramMax) + (1 * hdd/hddMax) + (graphics) + (1 * screen/screenMax) +
(1 * weight/weightMax) + (1 * battery/batteryMax) + (1 * price/priceMax)
Here, use the following max values: cpuMax = 3.0, ramMax = 32, hddMax = 2048, screenMax = 17.0,
weightMax = 6, batteryMax = 9, priceMax = 2000
Create a method randomLaptopCreator to create a list of 5 laptops with randomly generated configurations for each of the specification
variables. Specify the range for the random values for each specification item based on a (reasonably assumed) min value and the max
value. You will also create a toString method, which will print out the configuration of a laptop (similar to the octagon problem above)
including the laptop score. The overridden compareTo method in the Laptop class should compare the configurations of the laptops
based on the laptop score. Next, you will use the Arrays.sort method to sort the list of randomly generated laptops, and print them out
(using the toString method) in ascending order. 

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