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CSC 360 Assignment # 4

CSC 360 Assignment # 4
Total Points: 2 x 20 = 40
Submission Guidelines:
• Problem 1: Submit only the file on Canvas, by substituting the Username
with your NKU username.
• Problem 2: Submit only the file on Canvas.
Problem 1: Computing Powers
This problem is a case study in using recursive thinking to improve the efficiency of an iterative
algorithm. You will write a sequence of methods for the exponentiation of floating point numbers. Parts I
and II involve writing rather simple-minded iterative and recursive methods for the task. In Parts III and
IV you use more sophisticated recurrence relations in order to write more efficient recursive methods. In
Part V you convert your method from Part IV into an iterative method that is far more efficient than the
Part I iterative method.
Put all of your code for this project into a single class file –, by substituting the
Username with your NKU username. All of your methods should be static.
Part I:
Write an iterative method called power1 to compute bn
, where b is of type double and n is an integer ≥ 0.
Use a simple for-loop that repeatedly (n times) multiplies an accumulator variable by b.
Part II:
Write a recursive method power2 that accomplishes the same task as power1, but is based on the
following recurrence relation:
b0 = 1
bn = b * bn-1 if n > 0
Part III:
Write a recursive method power3 that is identical to power2 except that it is based on this recurrence
b0 = 1
bn = (bn/2)
2 if n > 0 and n is even
bn = b * (bn/2)
2 if n > 0 and n is odd (Note: This equation is not true in math. Why is it true in Java?)
Note: If n is a large exponent, then power3 should perform far fewer multiplications than power2. In
particular, when computing something like (bn/2)
, there is no need to compute bn/2 twice. Rather, compute
it once, store it in a variable, and then compute the result of multiplying the variable by itself.
Part IV:
Write a tail recursive helper method called multPow, that computes the value of a*bn
. Base your
implementation on the following recurrence relation:
a*b0 = a
a*bn = a*(b2
n/2 if n > 0 and n is even
a*bn = (a*b)*(b2
n/2 if n > 0 and n is odd
Then write a method called power4 that computes bn simply by making the call multPow(1, b, n). Note
that in this approach, the extra parameter a used by the helper method is serving as an accumulator for the
Part V:
Write an iterative method power5 to compute bn
. Write it in such a way that the number of multiplications
performed by power5 is no more than the number performed by power4. (Hint: Base your solution to Part
V on your solution to Part IV. Declare a as a local variable that is initialized to 1 and that eventually
accumulates the result of the calculation.) Note that, in general, power5 requires far fewer multiplications
than power1.
Main method:
Write a main method to test your methods from Parts I – V. It should ask the user for b and n, then
compute and display the results. Call the Math.pow method in order to check your results. Display the
results from Math.pow first. Then display the results from your methods. Also display the number of
multiplications performed by each of your methods. In order to count the number of multiplications, you
may use a “global variable” that is modified by the power methods as a side-effect, as demonstrated
public class Powers
private static int multiplications; // "global variable" for counting the
// number of multiplications
performed // by each method
public static void main(String[] args)
multiplications = 0;
System.out.println("\npower1(" + base + ", " + n + ") = " + power1(base,
System.out.println("Multiplications = " + multiplications);
multiplications = 0;
public static double power1(double base, int n)
// Returns base to the n-th power.
// Iterative method.
for (...)
result *= base;
return result;
Note: It is a good idea to test code as you develop it. It is recommended that you write the main method
code that tests Part I as soon as (or even before) Part I is finished.
Sample session with a completed program:
Enter a decimal number: 1.001
Enter a non-negative integer exponent: 1000
Computing 1.001 to the power 1000:
Math.pow(1.001, 1000) = 2.7169239322355936
power1(1.001, 1000) = 2.7169239322355985
Multiplications = 1000
power2(1.001, 1000) = 2.7169239322355985
Multiplications = 1000
power3(1.001, 1000) = 2.716923932235485
Multiplications = 16
power4(1.001, 1000) = 2.7169239322355203
Multiplications = 16
power5(1.001, 1000) = 2.7169239322355203
Multiplications = 16
In Parts I-V, your code should not call any methods from java.lang.Math. For example, in those methods,
if you need to compute b2
, do not write Math.pow(b, 2). Instead, write b * b, and count the multiplication.
Problem 2: Priority queue using multiple comparators
In this program, we will use an input file containing the names of players and their points, and then sort
the list of players in two ways: (a) based on the length of their names, and (b) their scores. Follow the
descriptions below to develop your program:
- Input file: players.txt
o Input format in file: FirstName LastName Score
- Create a file The file will have 4 classes:
o PlayerSorter, Player, NameLengthComparator, ScoreCompartor
- public class PlayerSorter
o This class will contain the main() method, and will perform the following actions:
 Read the inputs from the players.txt file. You must reach the input file with using the
try-with-resources format, and catch the FileNotFoundException. Save the inputs as
Player instances in ArrayList<Player> players.
 Create a priority queue playerNameLenPQ with the comparator
NameLengthComparator and add all the players stored in the arraylist players.
 Create another priority queue playerScorePQ with the comparator ScoreComparator
and add all the players stored in the arraylist players.
 Use the removeAndPrintQueue() method to print out the details of the Player
instances stored in playerNameLenPQ.
 Use the removeAndPrintQueue() method to print out the details of the Player
instances stored in playerScorePQ.
o Write a method removeAndPrintQueue(PriorityQueue<Player> pq) to remove and print out
the instances of Player stored in the priority queue one by one, in this format:
 FirstName <single space> LastName <tab space> Score
- class Player
o Data variables: String fName, String lName, and Double score.
o Public constructor
 public Player(String fName, String lName, Double score)
- class NameLengthComparator implements java.util.Comparator<Player>
o Override compare method
o Compare length of (first-name + last-name) and return -1/0/+1 accordingly.
- class ScoreComparator implements java.util.Comparator<Player>
o Override compare method.
o Compare score and return -1/0/+1 accordingly.
The standard implementation description for the compare() method is as follows: Returns a negative
value if element1 is less than element2, a positive value if element1 is greater than/ element2, and zero if
they are equal.
Submission: Submit the file on Canvas.
Sample input file: players.txt (included)
Sample output:
--------- Name comparator -----------
John Drew 20.69
Bob Pettit 26.36
Larry Bird 24.29
Bob McAdoo 22.05
Jerry West 27.03
Rick Barry 23.17
Dwyane Wade 21.98
Elvin Hayes 20.96
Karl Malone 25.02
Kobe Bryant 24.99
Paul Arizin 22.81
Elgin Baylor 27.36
Geoff Petrie 21.82
Alex English 21.47
Bradley Beal 20.96
LeBron James 27.07
James Harden 25.16
Chris Webber 20.68
George Mikan 23.13
Kevin Durant 27.02
Bernard King 22.49
Kyrie Irving 22.43
Julius Erving 21.97
Pete Maravich 24.24
Blake Griffin 21.67
George Gervin 26.18
Anthony Davis 24.01
Patrick Ewing 20.98
Stephen Curry 23.49
Dirk Nowitzki 20.74
John Havlicek 20.78
Allen Iverson 26.66
Glenn Robinson 20.69
Michael Jordan 30.12
Adrian Dantley 24.27
David Robinson 21.06
Damian Lillard 24.21
Mitch Richmond 21.0
David Thompson 22.13
Carmelo Anthony 23.57
Oscar Robertson 25.68
Hakeem Olajuwon 21.77
Charles Barkley 22.14
Shaquille O'Neal 23.69
DeMarcus Cousins 21.25
Wilt Chamberlain 30.07
Billy Cunningham 20.83
Dominique Wilkins 24.83
Russell Westbrook 23.25
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 24.61
--------- Score Comparator ----------
Chris Webber 20.68
Glenn Robinson 20.69
John Drew 20.69
Dirk Nowitzki 20.74
John Havlicek 20.78
Billy Cunningham 20.83
Elvin Hayes 20.96
Bradley Beal 20.96
Patrick Ewing 20.98
Mitch Richmond 21.0
David Robinson 21.06
DeMarcus Cousins 21.25
Alex English 21.47
Blake Griffin 21.67
Hakeem Olajuwon 21.77
Geoff Petrie 21.82
Julius Erving 21.97
Dwyane Wade 21.98
Bob McAdoo 22.05
David Thompson 22.13
Charles Barkley 22.14
Kyrie Irving 22.43
Bernard King 22.49
Paul Arizin 22.81
George Mikan 23.13
Rick Barry 23.17
Russell Westbrook 23.25
Stephen Curry 23.49
Carmelo Anthony 23.57
Shaquille O'Neal 23.69
Anthony Davis 24.01
Damian Lillard 24.21
Pete Maravich 24.24
Adrian Dantley 24.27
Larry Bird 24.29
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 24.61
Dominique Wilkins 24.83
Kobe Bryant 24.99
Karl Malone 25.02
James Harden 25.16
Oscar Robertson 25.68
George Gervin 26.18
Bob Pettit 26.36
Allen Iverson 26.66
Kevin Durant 27.02
Jerry West 27.03
LeBron James 27.07
Elgin Baylor 27.36
Wilt Chamberlain 30.07
Michael Jordan 30.12

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