CSC 483/583: Assignment #3 (75 pts)
(Upload code for problem 1 to GitHub Classroom; problems 2 – 6 in Gradescope)
Because the credit for graduate students adds to more than 75 points, graduate students’
grades will be normalized at the end to be out of 75. For example, if a graduate student
obtains 80 points on this assignment, her final grade will be 80 × 75/85 = 70.6. Undergraduate students do not have to solve the problems marked “grad students only”. If they
do, their grades will not be normalized but will be capped at 75. For example, if an undergraduate student obtains 80 points on this project (by getting some credit on the “grad
students only” problem), her final grade will be 75.
Problem 1 (25 points undergrad students / 35 points grad students)
For this problem you will be forcedlearn how to use Lucene:
1. (15 points) Write code to index the following documents with Lucene:
Doc1 information retrieval is the most awesome class I ever took.
Doc2 the retrieval of private information from your emails is a job that the NSA loves.
Doc3 at university of arizona you learn about data science.
Doc4 the labrador retriever is a great dog.
Your indexed documents should have two fields: a tokenized and searchable text
field containing the text of the document (i.e., each line without the first token), and
another non-tokenized field containing the document name (the first token in each
line), e.g., Doc1. Search for the query information retrieval. Print the list of
documents in the search result, sorted in descending order of their relevance score.
For each document, print its name and score.
For this task, you might want to read this tutorial first: http://www.lucenetutorial.
com/lucene-in-5-minutes.html. If you have to program in Python, this Python
wrapper follows closely the original Lucene syntax: https://pypi.org/project/
lupyne/ (but we do NOT recommend it! The best solution for this homework is to program in Java/Scala.)
2. (10 points) Translate the following three queries written in pseudocode into the
Lucene query syntax, and run them: (a) information AND retrieval, (b) information
AND NOT retrieval, and (c) information AND retrieval WITHIN 1 WORD OF EACH
OTHER. What documents and what scores are returned for each of these queries?
For this task, you might want to read about the syntax of Lucene queries: http:
3. (10 points – graduate students only) Change the default similarity formula in
Lucene to a different one. For example, you might want to replace Lucene’s default
probabilistic formula (Okapi BM25) with cosine similarity over tf-idf vectors (what
we covered in lecture 6). Does the ordering of documents change using this new
formula for the query information retrieval? What are the scores returned for
each document now?
You will implement and submit this problem using GitHub Classroom:
• If you program in Python, click on this link and follow the instructions on the screen:
• If you program in Java, click on this link and follow the instructions on the screen:
Note: if you are an undergraduate student, you do not have to address the last question.
Leave the code for this question as is.
Very important note: make sure the unit tests in your project pass on GitHub,
after you submit your pull request! If they do not, you will lose 50% of the credit for
this problem, i.e., 15 points for graduate students, and 10 points for undergraduates.
[Do not type anything in this space for your Gradescope submission!]
Problem 2 (5 points)
Describe the default scoring strategy in Lucene. Is it Boolean, vector-based, or a combination of both? To answer this question, you might want to start here: http://lucene.
Type your answer for problem 2 here:
Problem 3 (10 points)
Compute variable byte codes and γ codes for the postings list < 777, 17743, 294068, 31251336 >.
Use gaps instead of docIDs where possible. Write binary codes in 8-bit blocks. You can
use Google, or any other resource, to convert numbers to binary.
Type your answer for problem 3 here:
Additional space for problem 3:
Problem 4 (10 points)
From the following sequence of γ-coded gaps, reconstruct first the gap sequence and then
the postings sequence: 1110001110101011111101101111011.
Type your answer for problem 4 here:
Problem 5 (10 points)
Consider the table of term frequencies for 3 documents denoted Doc1, Doc2, Doc3 in
the table below. Compute the tf-idf weights for the terms “car”, “auto”, “insurance”,
and “best”, for each document, using the idf values from the second table. Show your
work! That is, show all your intermediate values such as tf weights, idf weights, weights
before/after normalization.
Doc1 Doc2 Doc3
car 27 4 24
auto 3 33 0
insurance 0 33 29
best 14 0 17
term dft
car 18,165 1.65
auto 6,723 2.08
insurance 19,241 1.62
best 25,235 1.5
Type your answer for problem 5 here:
Additional space for problem 5:
Problem 6 (15 points)
1. What is the idf of a term that occurs in every document? Compare this with the use
of stop word lists.
2. How does the base of the logarithm in the idf formula affect the score calculation of
the following formula:
Score(q, d) = X
tf.idft,d (1)
Does a different logarithm base affect the relative scores of two documents on a given
query? If so, how? To answer this question, you must know how to change the base
of a logarithm. Google “how to change the base of a logarithm” :)
Type your answer for problem 6 here: