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CSC 545 Homework 3 (version 1)

CSC 545 Homework 3 (version 1)

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The questions are drawn from the material in the lectures, and in Chapters 16 and 17 of the
text, on greedy algorithms and amortized algorithms.
The homework is worth a total of 100 points. When point breakdowns are not given for the
parts of a problem, each part has equal weight.
For questions that ask you to design a greedy algorithm, prove that your algorithm is correct
making use of a lemma of the following form:
Lemma If a partial solution P is contained in an optimal solution, then the greedy
augmentation of P is still contained in an optimal solution.
Prove the lemma using an exchange-style argument, where you transform the optimal solution to
contain the augmentation and argue that this transformation does not worsen the solution value.
Please remember to start each problem on a new page, and mark the corresponding pages in
your submission for each homework problem on Gradescope. Conciseness counts!
(1) (Continuous knapsack) (20 points) In the Continuous Knapsack problem, the input
is a collection of n items indexed 1, 2, . . . , n, each with an associated weight wi and an
associated value vi
, together with a weight capacity k. The output is a collection of realvalued fractional amounts 0≤fi ≤1 to take of each item i, such that the total weight taken
for the items P
fi wi ≤ k does not exceed the capacity, and the total value taken for
the items P
fi vi
is maximum.
Design a greedy algorithm for Continuous Knapsack that finds an optimal solution in
O(n log n) time, and prove that it is correct using a greedy augmentation lemma of the form
stated above.
(2) (Minimizing average completion time) (30 points) Suppose you are given a collection
of n tasks that need to be scheduled. With each task, you are given its duration. Specifically,
task i takes ti units of time to execute, and can be started at any time. At any moment,
only one task can be scheduled.
The problem is to determine how to schedule the tasks so as to minimize their average
completion time. More precisely, if ci
is the time at which task i completes in a particular
schedule, the average completion time for the schedule is 1
(a) (30 points) Design an efficient greedy algorithm that, given the task durations t1,
t2, . . ., tn, finds a schedule that minimizes the average completion-time, assuming
that once a task is started it must be run to completion.
Analyze the running time of your algorithm, and prove that your algorithm is
correct using a lemma of the required form.
(b) (bonus) (10 points) Suppose with each task we also have a release time ri
, and
that a task may not be started before its release time. Furthermore, tasks may be
preempted, in that a scheduled task can be interrupted and later resumed, and this
can happen repeatedly.
Design an algorithm that finds a schedule that minimizes the average completiontime in this new situation. Analyze its running time and prove that it is correct.
(3) (Deleting the larger half) (20 points) Design a data structure that supports the following two operations on a set S of integers:
• Insert(x, S), which inserts element x into set S, where x is not currently in S, and
• DeleteLargerHalf(S), which deletes the largest d|S|/2e elements from S.
Show how to implement this data structure so both operations take O(1) amortized time.
(Note: You may use the accounting method or the potential method for your analysis.)
(4) (Binary search with insertions) (30 points) Storing a set of n key-item pairs (ki
, xi)
in an array sorted by keys allows us to efficiently find an item xi by its key ki using binary
search in O(log n) time. To insert a new element into a sorted array is very inefficient,
however, and takes Θ(n) time in the worst case. Using multiple sorted arrays, we can
achieve a much better balance between the time for finding and inserting elements.
Suppose we store the n elements in a data structure D that uses ` = dlg(n+1)e different
arrays. We refer to these arrays as A1, A2, . . . , A`
. Array Ai has length 2i−1
, and is full if
bit i is 1 in the binary representation of n; otherwise, if bit i is 0, array Ai
is empty. Each
array Ai
is sorted by its keys, but we do not maintain any ordering relationship between
the keys in different arrays.
We wish to support two operations on this data structure D:
• Find(k, D), which returns the item x associated with key k in D, and
• Insert(k, x, D), which inserts the pair (k, x) into D.
(a) (10 points) Show how to implement Find so it takes O(log2 n) worst-case time.
(b) (20 points) Show how to implement Insert so it takes O(log n) amortized time,
even though it can take Θ(n) worst-case time.
Show how to implement Find so it takes O(log2 n) worst-case time, and Insert so it
takes O(log n) amortized time (even though an insertion can take Θ(n) worst-case time).
(Hint: Review the material in Section 17.1 of the text on incrementing a binary counter.
The aggregate method may be convenient for your amortized analysis in Part (b).)
Note that Problem (2)(b) is a bonus question. It is not required, and its points are not added
to regular points.

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