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CSC165H1: Problem Set 4

CSC165H1 Problem Set 4
CSC165H1: Problem Set 4

General instructions
Please read the following instructions carefully before starting the problem set. They contain important
information about general problem set expectations, problem set submission instructions, and reminders
of course policies.
• Your problem sets are graded on both correctness and clarity of communication. Solutions that are
technically correct but poorly written will not receive full marks. Please read over your solutions
carefully before submitting them.
• Each problem set may be completed in groups of up to three. If you are working in a group for this
problem set, please consult
for a brief explanation of how to create a group on MarkUs.
Exception: Problem Set 0 must be completed individually.
• Solutions must be typeset electronically, and submitted as a PDF with the correct filename. Handwritten submissions will receive a grade of ZERO.
The required filename for this problem set is problem set4.pdf.
• Problem sets must be submitted online through MarkUs. If you haven’t used MarkUs before, give
yourself plenty of time to figure it out, and ask for help if you need it! If you are working with a
partner, you must form a group on MarkUs, and make one submission per group. “I didn’t know
how to use MarkUs” is not a valid excuse for submitting late work.
• Your submitted file should not be larger than 9MB. This may happen if you are using a word
processing software like Microsoft Word; if it does, you should look into PDF compression tools to
make your PDF smaller, although please make sure that your PDF is still legible before submitting!
• Submissions must be made before the due date on MarkUs. You may use grace tokens to extend
the deadline; please see the Problem Set page for details on using grace tokens.
• The work you submit must be that of your group; you may not refer to or copy from the work of
other groups, or external sources like websites or textbooks. You may, however, refer to any text
from the Course Notes (or posted lecture notes), except when explicitly asked not to.
Additional instructions
• All final Big-Oh, Omega, and Theta expressions should be fully simplified according to three rules:
don’t include constant factors (so O(n), not O(3n)), don’t include slower-growing terms (so O(n
not O(n
2 + n)), and don’t include floor or ceiling functions.
• You may use common algebraic properties of logarithms (change of base, log of a product, etc.),
and the fact that for all x, y ∈ R
+, x y ⇔ log x log y.
• You may use (without proving them) all of the Properties of Big-Oh, Omega, and Theta from
the Course Notes, as long as you clearly state which theorems you are using.
• When proving a bound on W C(n) or BC(n) you must start by writing the statement that you are
proving. In addition, use the phrases ‘at most’ and ‘at least’ correctly.
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CSC165H1, Winter 2018 Problem Set 4
1. [4 marks] Binary representation and algorithm analysis. Consider the following algorithm, which
manually counts up to a given number n, using an array of 0’s and 1’s to mimic binary notation.1
 from math import floor, log2

 def count(n: int) - None:
 # Precondition: n 0.
 p = floor(log2(n)) + 1 # The number of bits required to represent n.
 bits = [0] * p # Initialize an array of length p with all 0’s.

 for i in range(n): # i = 0, 1, ..., n-1
 # Increment the current count in the bits array. This adds 1 to
 # the current number, basically using the loop to act as a "carry" operation.
 j = p - 1
 while bits[j] == 1:
 bits[j] = 0
 j -= 1
 bits[j] = 1
For this question, assume each individual line of code in the above algorithm takes constant time, i.e.,
counts as a single step. (This includes the [0] * p line.)
(a) [3 marks] Prove that the running time of this algorithm is O(n log n).
(b) [1 mark] Prove that the running time of this algorithm is Ω(n).
1This is an extremely inefficient way of storing binary, and is certainly not how modern hardware does it. But it’s useful
as an interesting algorithm on which to perform runtime analysis.
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CSC165H1, Winter 2018 Problem Set 4
2. [10 marks] Worst-case and best-case algorithm analysis. Consider the following function, which
takes in a list of integers.
 def myprogram(L: List[int]) - None:
 n = len(L)
 i = n - 1
 x = 1
 while i 0:
 if L[i] % 2 == 0:
 i = i // 2 # integer division, rounds down
 x += 1
 else:
 i -= x
Let W C(n) and BC(n) be the worst-case and best-case runtime functions of myprogram, respectively,
where n represents the length of the input list L. You may take the runtime of myprogram on a given list
L to be equal to the number of executions of the while loop.
(a) [3 marks] Prove that W C(n) ∈ O(n).
(b) [2 marks] Prove that W C(n) ∈ Ω(n).
(c) [2 marks] Prove that BC(n) ∈ O(log n).
(d) [3 marks] Prove that BC(n) ∈ Ω(log n).
Note: this is actually the hardest question of this problem set. A correct proof here needs to argue
that the variable x cannot be too big, so that the line i -= x doesn’t cause i to decrease too quickly!
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CSC165H1, Winter 2018 Problem Set 4
3. [14 marks] Graph algorithm. Let G = (V, E) be a graph, and let V = {0, 1, . . . , n − 1} be the vertices
of the graph. One common way to represent graphs in a computer program is with an adjacency matrix,
a two-dimensional n-by-n array2 M containing 0’s and 1’s. The entry M[i][j] equals 1 if {i, j} ∈ E, and
0 otherwise; that is, the entries of the adjacency matrix represent the edges of the graph.
Keep in mind that graphs in our course are symmetric (an edge {i, j} is equivalent to an edge {j, i}), and
that no vertex can ever be adjacent to itself. This means that for all i, j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}, M[i][j] ==
M[j][i], and that M[i][i] = 0.
The following algorithm takes as input an adjacency matrix M and determines whether the graph contains
at least one isolated vertex, which is a vertex that has no neighbours. If such a vertex is found, it then
does a very large amount of printing!
 def has_isolated(M):
 n = len(M) # n is the number of vertices of the graph
 found_isolated = False

 for i in range(n): # i = 0, 1, ..., n-1
 count = 0
 for j in range(n): # j = 0, 1, ..., n-1
 count = count + M[i][j]
 if count == 0:
 found_isolated = True
 break
 if found_isolated:
 for k in range(2 ** n):
 print(’Degree too small’)
(a) [3 marks] Prove that the worst-case running time of this algorithm is Θ(2n
(b) [3 marks] Prove that the best-case running time of this algorithm is Θ(n
(c) [1 mark] Let n ∈ N. Find a formula for the number of adjacency matrices of size n-by-n that
represent valid graphs. For example, a graph G = (V, E) with |V | = 4 has 64 possible adjacency
Note: a graph with the single edge (1, 2) is considered different from a graph with the single edge
(2, 3), and should be counted separately. (Even though these graphs have the same “shape”, the
vertices that are adjacent to each other are different for the two graphs.)
(d) [2 marks] Prove the formula that you derived in Part (c).
(e) [2 marks] Let n ∈ N. Prove that the number of n-by-n adjacency matrices that represent a graph
with at least one isolated vertex is at most n · 2
(f) [3 marks] Finally, let AC(n) be the average-case runtime of the above algorithm, where the set of
inputs is simply all valid adjacency matrices (same as what you counted in part (c)).
Prove that AC(n) ∈ Θ(n
In Python, this would be a list of length n, each of whose elements is itself a list of length n.
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