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CSC343 Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Learning Goals
By the end of this assignment you should be able to:
 interpret specifications accurately
 read and interpret a new database schema
 write complex queries in SQL
 design datasets to test an SQL query
 embed SQL in a high-level language using JDBC
 recognize the limits of the expressive power of the standard SQL
General Instructions
We strongly encourage you to do your work for this assignment on the CS Teaching Labs. Your
code must run on these machines in order to earn credit.
Download the file from the Quercus webpage includes:
 The database schema, ddl.sql
 A sample of data set in csv files
You can work with a partner for this assignment. You must declare your team (whether it is a
team of one or of three students) and hand in your work electronically using MarkUs.
The data to be used in this assignment comes from ParlGov1
, a public database for political
science. It contains information on political parties, elections and cabinets for most democracies
that are part of the EU (European Union) or the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development).
 The schema can record elections of two kinds:
o a parliamentary election is an election within a country to choose a national
o a European parliament election (or EP election) is an election, held across all
European Union countries, to choose national representatives for the European

 The same schema is being used to represent election data from many countries, with
numerous variations in their style of their form of governance, so some of the
terminology may be used in an unfamiliar way.
 Each row of the election table records information about a single election. The row
includes the ID of the previous Parliamentary election and the previous EP election
(using attributes previous parliament election id and previous parliament election id).
These two attributes essentially create two independent linked lists within the table.
However, it's more complicated than that, because even a Parliamentary election has
a reference to the previous EP election, and even an EP election has a reference to the
previous Parliamentary election. This diagram may help you understand the structure
embedded in the election table:
Time advances in this direction 
The orange arrows show the linked list of parliamentary elections going back through time, and
the green arrow shows the linked list of EP elections going back through time. But we also store
the references across election types that are also stored. When you look at the whole structure,
you can see that it more than just two linked lists.
The election-result table records political alliances that form between different parties in an
election. To represent that a set of parties formed an alliance in an election, the database singles
one party out, called the head of the alliance, (it is arbitrary which party is the head) and has all
the others refer to it in their alliance-id attribute. The other parties in the alliance refer to the head
party by storing in alliance-id the id of the election result for the head party. The alliance-id value
for the head party of the alliance is NULL. For example, if parties A, B, C, and D formed an
alliance in election e1, and party A was chosen as the head of the alliance, then the table would
include these rows:
id election-id party-id alliance-id seats votes
id1 e1 A NULL
id2 e1 B id1
id3 e1 C id1
id4 e1 D id1
Note: although alliance-id sounds like a unique identifier for the alliance, it is not. It is a reference
to one of the parties in the alliance.
Your code must work on any database instance that satisfies the schema, including
instances with empty tables.
p p p p p p p
Part 1: SQL Statements
Write your SQL statement(s) for each question in separate files. You will submit two files for
each question i as follows:
 In the qi.sql file you will define the table that is required for that query and insert data
into the table you defined according to the given query specification
 In qi-order.sql, you simply order the table you created in qi.sql based on ordering
criteria defined in the question.
In total, for this part, you should submit 12 files: q1.sql, q1-order.sql, q2.sql, q2-order.sql . . .,
q6.sql, q6-order.sql
For example, suppose you were asked to find the sIDS of all students with a gpa greater than 3
and sort them by gpa. for the following table in q1 then you will take the following steps:
 In q1.sql:
o create table q1(sID integer primary key, gpa integer);
o insert into q1 select sID, gpa from student where gpa 3;
 And then in q1-order.sql:
o select * from q1 order by gpa;
You are encouraged to use views to make your queries more readable. However, each file should be
entirely self-contained, and not depend on any other files; each will be run separately on a fresh
database instance.
Each of your files must begin with the line SET search-path TO parlgov; Failure to do so will cause
your query to raise an error.
The output from your queries must exactly match the specifications in the question, including attribute
names, order and type of attributes, as well as the ordering of the tuples.
We will be testing your code in the CS Teaching Labs environment using PostgreSQL. It is your
responsibility to make sure your code runs in this environment before the deadline. Code which works
on your machine but not on the CS Teaching Labs will not receive credit.
IMPORTANT: We define the winning party to be the party that won the most votes. It is possible
that several parties are tied for the most votes, in which case we say that there are multiple winning
Write SQL queries for each of the following:
1. A political alliance is an agreement for cooperation between different political parties.
We assume that each alliance is led by a party. Zero, one or more than one alliance
might be formed in an election. In the election-result table, the row corresponding to
the election result of a party that participates in an alliance links to leader party of the
alliance by recording the election result id of the leader in alliance-id attribute. Note:
the alliance-id attribute of the leader party of an alliance is NULL. Report the pair of
parties that have been allies with each other in at least 30% of elections that have
happened in a country.
Attribute Description
countryId id of a country
alliedPartyId1 id of an allied party
alliedPartyId2 id of an allied party
Order by countryId descending, then alliedPartyId1 descending, then alliedPartyId2
Everyone? Every allied pair that satisfies the condition.
Duplicates? No pair of parties hould be included more than once. Only include pairs that
satisfy alliedPartyId1 <alliedPartyId2
2. A committed party is the one that has been a member of all cabinets in their country
over the past 20 years. For each country, report the name of committed parties, their
party families and their "regulation of the economy" value.
Attribute Description
countryName Name of a country
partyName Name of a committed party
partyFamily Name of a committed party's family if exists, otherwise, null.
stateMarket Regulation of the economy property of the party if exists, otherwise, null.
Order by countryName ascending, then partyName ascending, then stateMarket
Everyone? Include only countries with committed parties
Duplicates? There can be no duplicates.
3. Find parties that have won more than 3 times the average number of winning elections
of parties of the same country. Report the country name, party name and the party’s
family name along with the total number of elections it has won. For each party
included in the answer, report the id and year of the mostly recently won election.
Attribute Description
countryName Name of the country
partyName Name of the party
partyFamily Name of the family of a party
wonElections Number of elections the party has won
mostRecentlyWonElectionId The id of the election that was most recently won by this
mostRecentlyWonElectionYear The year of the election that was most recently won by this
Order by
The name of the country ascending,
then the number of won elections ascending,
then the name of the party descending.
Everyone? Include only countries and parties who meet the criteria of
this question.
Duplicates? Countries and party families can be included more than
once with different party names.
4. For each of years between 1996 to 2016, both inclusive, for each country, and for each political
party, report the name of country, the name of the party, and a description of the range into which
the number of valid votes it received falls, in the following format: (lb-ub], where lb is the lower
bound of the range and ub is the upper bound of the range (for example, (20-30].) These are the
range values to consider: non-zero and below 5 percent of valid votes inclusive, 5 to 10 percent of
valid votes inclusive, 10 to 20 percent of valid votes inclusive, 20 to 30 percent of valid votes
inclusive, 30 to 40 percent of valid votes inclusive, and above 40 percent of valid votes. If there is
more than one election in the same country in the same year, use the average (across those
elections) of the percent of valid votes that a party received. The range values are defined only for
the parties and elections for which the number of votes is recorded. Where there were no parties
in a given range, do not report that range. Where a country does not have any elections in a year,
do not include it in the results.
Attribute Description
year year
countryName name of a country
voteRange the percentage range that the party falls into
partyName short name of a party
Order by year descending, countryName descending,
voteRange descending and partyName descending
Everyone? Every year where at least an election has happened should be included.
Duplicates? No year-country-party combination occurs more than once.
5. The number of eligible voters and votes have been recorded for each election. The participation
ratio of an election is the ratio of votes cast to the number of citizens who are eligible to vote. Note
the participation ratio is a value between zero and one. Compute the participation ratio for each
country, each year. If more than one election happens in a year in a country, compute the average
participation ratio across those elections. Write a query to return the countries that had at least one
election between 2001 to 2016, inclusive, and whose average election participation ratios during
this period are monotonically non-decreasing (meaning that for Year Y and Year W, where at least
one election has happened in each of them, if Y < W, then the average participation in Year Y is
≤ average participation in Year W). For such countries, report the name of the country and the
average participation ratio per year between 2001 to 2016.
Attribute Description
countryName Name of the country
year year
io The average percentage ratio of citizens who cast votes in this year
Order by The name of the country, descending, then the year, descending
Everyone? Include only countries that meet the criteria of this question.
Duplicates? No rows for a country, if there are no elections for a country between 2001
and 2016
6. The database also records the policy positions of political parties, including their "left-right
dimension". Suppose the left-right range is divided into 5 intervals ([0,2), [2,4), [4,6), [6,8) and
[8,10]). Create a table that is a histogram of parties and their left-right position. Note the values in
party_position cannot be Null it must be Zero or greater than Zero.
Attribute Description
countryName Name of the country
r0-2 Number of parties whose left/right position is in [0,2).
r2-4 Number of parties whose left/right position is in [2,4).
r4-6 Number of parties whose left/right position is in [4,6).
r6-8 Number of parties whose left/right position is in [6,8).
r8-10 Number of parties whose left/right position is in [8,10].
Order by countryName
Everyone? Every country should be included, even if they have no parties with party
position information.
Duplicates? No country can be included more than once.
Part 2: Embedded SQL
Write a Java application that connects to a database containing election data and performs the
functionality outlined below. The functionality is to be implemented as Java methods that act as wrappers
around SQL queries.
General requirements
 You may not use the standard input or output.
 Write a method called connectDb() to connect to the database. It will receive the database
URL, username, and password as parameters and it must call the getConnection() method
passing it arguments that connectDb() received. These values of these parameters must
not be "hard-coded" in the methods.
 You should not call connectDb() and disconnectDB() in the other methods you were
asked to implement;
 Do not change the interface for any of the methods you were asked to implement.
 All your code must be written in This is the only file you have to
submit for this part.
 JDBCSubmission is an abstract class that is provided to you. Do not make any changes
in this file and do not submit this file.
 You will need to include the JDBC driver in your class path.
To Do
Open the starter code in, and complete the following methods.
1. connectDB: Connect to a database with the supplied credentials.
2. disconnectDB: Disconnect from the database.
3. electionSequence: A method that, given a country, returns the list of elections in that
country, in descending order of years, and the cabinets that have formed after that election
and before the next election of the same type.
4. findSimilarPoliticians: A method that, given a president, returns other presidents that have
similar comments and descriptions in the database. See section Similar Politicians below
for details.
Similar Politicians Two politicians are considered similar if the textual information available about them
is similar enough. You are provided with a helper method which computes the Jaccard similarity (see
the note below) of two sets of strings. Use this similarity method to find the politicians whose similarity,
calculated based on their description attributes, is above a given threshold.
NOTE: the "Jaccard” method provides for two given sets (e.g., sets of strings) a similarity score
between 0 and 1. The Jaccard similarity for two sets is defined as the size of their intersection
divided by the size of their union. For instance, the Jaccard similarity of S1 = Ontario, Toronto
and S2 = Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba is 0.25.

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