CSCE 212 Project 1
Project Objective. The assigned project consists of four programs which you are required to write
and execute using MARs Simulator. The programs worth 70 points of total project grade where
program 2, program 3 and program 4 are worth 20 points each, while program 1 worths only 10
points. You are also required to submit a project report which worths 30 of total project grade.
Program 1 (10 points) Write a MIPS assembly code that sends the user a message “Hello, may I have
your name, please?”. The MIPS code takes a name from the keyboard(the user enters a name). Then,
MIPS code sends “Welcome, name” message. Check the output sample below as an example.
Output Sample
MIPS: “Hello, may I have your name, please?”
Users: “Rasha”
MIPS: “Welcome, Rasha”
Program 2 (20 points) Write a MIPS assembly code that reads four positive integer a, b,c, and d as
input parameters. The program shall calculate the following equation:
F = (a+b) – (c+d) + (b+3)
The program should output F as an integer, using syscall. The code shall execute in MARS to prompt
the user to enter four positive integer numbers where each is separatedbythe Enter Key. Below is a
sample of the input and output data.
Sample of data
a b c d Expected F
2 3 5 2 4
10 20 30 10 13
5 5 25 25 -32
CSCE 212 Project 1 Spring 2023
Program3 (20 points) Below is a code written in C language. You are required to translate that code
into MIPS assembly code. Assume i is in $s0, j is in $s1, and k is in $s2. Below is a sample of the
input and output data.
int j=3, k = 5;
printf (“Program starts\n”);
for (i=0; i<5; i++){
f = i+j-k;
printf(“f = %d\n”,f);
printf (“Program ends\n”);
Sample of data
i f
0 -2
1 -1
2 0
3 1
4 2
Program4 (20 points) Convert the following code written in C into an assembly code. Then, execute
your code in MARs Simulator. You may use any static and temporary register in your code.
printf(“Loop starts\n”);
for (i=10; i>0; i-=2) array[i] = i+2;
printf(“Loop ends\n”);
CSCE 212 Project 1 Spring 2023
Project Report (30%)
The project report will be graded out of 100, and the points will be distributed as following:
A. Professional preparation (10 points):
You are required to submit a typed document with text of the paragraphs in TimesNew Roman
11 pt font, clear and grammatically well-formed explanations, page numbering and document
heading numbering (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc to identify the required sections listed below).
B. Report Content (90 points):
You are required to provide the answers for the following numbered section headings:
1.0 Program Input/Output (20 points): Describe (or list) the inputs and outputs of each
2.0 Program Design (20 points): Describe briefly how each code (program 1, program 2,
program 3 and program 4) operates.
3.0 Symbol Table (20 points): Create a 2-column Table describing all Registers used and
their specific Purpose in the code, where each registeris listed on a separate row and
identified by register name $t0, $s0, etc., aswell as any Labels used and their purpose on
separate rows. You may takethe table below as sample.
Registers Purpose & Labels
$a0 Argument of syscall to print string
: :
4.0Learning Coverage (10 points): Provide a list of at least 5 technical topicslearned from
this project.
5.0 Test Results (20 points): Provide one screen shot of proper MIPS code executions in
MARS for your Test Plan inputs. To illustrate, you are required to execute each
program (1, 2, 3, 4) for one time. Take a screen shot of the execution of each program
and include it in your report. Your screen shot must show the text segment, data
segment and registers.
CSCE 212 Project 1 Spring 2023
Project Submission
1. Create a folder and name it as p1_username, where username is youruniversity
2. In MARS, save the code of program 1 as c1.asm, save the code ofprogram 2 as
c2.asm, program 3 as c3.asm and program 4 as c4.asm.
3. Save your report as a PDF file and name it as p1_report.pdf.
4. Place the three asm files and the report document inside p1_usernamefolder.
5. Compress (or zip) the folder.
6. Then, upload the compressed folder on Blackboard.