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CSCE 240 – Exam One SOLVED

CSCE 240 – Exam One

This is an exam. As you work on these problems, you may use your textbook, class notes,
and the recorded lectures. You may ask your instructor clarifying questions. You are not
to discuss the problems with other students or seek help from other individuals. All work
submitted must be your own. All code submitted will be examined for plagiarism and
violations will be reported to the office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.
Test all of your code on a Linux lab computer. All source files submitted must compile and
run on a Linux lab computer of the instructor’s choice. Submissions that do not compile on
the Linux workstation will receive no compilation or execution/correctness points.
You should submit only the following individual files to the exam assignment in
Blackboard:, problem2funcitons.h,, problem3functions.h,
Problem 1
Purpose: Create a program that will accept characters input from the standard input
device (using cin). The program should stop accepting input when a period,
question mark, or exclamation point is input (. ? or !). The program will
output the number of alphabetic characters (a-z A-z) and the number of digits
(0-9) that were input in the form “Input sentence contains number alphabetic
character/characters and number digit/digits.” Note: the words character and
digit should be singular or plural as appropriate.
• Do not prompt for the program input.
• Assume that two valid integers will be input from the standard input device
(using cin).
• Produce all output to the standard output device (using cout).
Sample input output pairs:
Input: Count characters in this sentence.
Output: Input sentence contains 29 alphabetic characters and 0 digits.
Input: Hey, do you count 12 letters?
Output: Input sentence contains 20 alphabetic characters and 2 digits.
Input: 1 more win!
Output: Input sentence contains 7 alphabetic characters and 1 digit.
Initial Testing:
A makefile, source file, and sample input and output files have been
provided to run initial tests on your program. You are encouraged to create more
rigorous tests. To run the tests provided, create a directory containing only your file and the files extracted from the attached Then
type the following commands at the command prompt:
make problem1test1
make problem1test2
make problem1test3
style: 1 point
clean compilation: 1 point
execution / correctness (passes instructor tests): 2 points
Problem 2
Deliverables: problem2functions.h and
• Write a function named Distance that takes four double arguments for the x and y
coordinates of two points (x1, y1, x2, y2), and returns the distance between
those points as a double. If the function is called with the coordinates of one
point only, the second point’s coordinates should default to the origin (0, 0).
Recall, the formula to compute the distance, d, between two points is:

Example function calls:
Distance(3, 4) should return 5 (the distance between the point (3, 4)
and the point (0, 0))
Distance(-1, 3, 11, -2) should return 13 (the distance between the point
(-1, 3) and the point (11, -2))
• Write a function named OnCircle that takes the x and y coordinates of the center
of a circle as the first two parameters, the radius of the circle as the third
parameter, and the x and y coordinates of a point as the fourth and fifth
parameters (all doubles). The function should return -1 if the point lies inside
of the circle, 0 if the point lies on the circle, and 1 if the point lies
outside of the circle.
Example calls:
OnCircle(0, 0, 5, 1, 1) should return -1 because the point (1, 1) lies
inside the circle centered at (0, 0) with radius 5
OnCircle(0, 0, 5, 3, 4) should return 0 because the point (3, 4) lies
on the circle centered at (0, 0) with radius 5
OnCircle(0, 0, 5, 3, 5) should return 1 because the point (3, 5) lies
outside the circle centered at (0, 0) with radius 5
• Write a function named OnLine that takes the x and y coordinates (all doubles) of
three points (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3). The function should return true if the
three points lie on a straight line, and false if they do not.
Example calls:
OnLine(0, 0, 1, 3, 2, 6) should return true because the three points
 (0, 0) (1, 3) and (2, 6) lie on a straight line
OnLine(2, 3.2, -1, 4.2, 8, 1.2) should return true because the three
 points (2, 3.2) (-1, 4.2) and (8, 1.2)
 lie on a straight line
OnLine(-1.8, -1.5, 3, 1, -3.1, -7) should return false because the three
 points (-1.8, -1.5) (3, 1) and
 (-3.1 -7) do not lie on a straight
• All three function prototypes should be included in problem2functions.h
• All three functions should be implemented in
Initial Testing:
A makefile and some minimal unit tests have been included in You
are encouraged to create more rigorous tests. To run the tests provided, create a
directory containing only your problem2functions.h file, your
file, and the files extracted from the attached Then type:
make testDistance
make testOnCircle
make testOnLine
style: 1 point
clean compilation: 1 point
Distance passes instructor’s unit tests: 1 point
OnCircle passes instructor’s unit tests: 1 point
OnLine passes instructor’s unit tests: 2 points
Problem 3
Deliverables: problem3functions.h and
• Write a function named NumDigits that takes an integer parameter and returns the
number of digits in the integer.
Example calls:
NumDigits(1078) should return 4
NumDigits(-10) should return 2
• Write a function named FindAndReplace that replaces digits within an integer
The function will take an integer variable to search, a positive integer to find,
and a positive integer to replace as arguments. The function should find all
occurrences of the find integer within the integer variable and replace them with
replace integer, moving from right to left.
Preconditions: the second and third arguments should be positive integers,
and the second argument should contain at least as many digits
as the third argument. If the preconditions are not met, the
function should return false and leave the first argument
Example calls:
example 1:
 x = 12325;
 FindAndReplace(x, 2, 7); - the function should return true, and after
 the function call x should hold 17375
example 2:
 x = 11811;
 FindAndReplace(x, 11, 6); - the function should return true, and after
 the function call x should hold 6806
example 3:
 x = 118111;
 FindAndReplace(x, 11, 23); - the function should return true, and after
 the function call x should hold 238123
example 4:
 x = 10345;
 FindAndReplace(x, 3, 10); - the function should return false because the
 second argument has fewer digits (1) than
 the third argument (2), and after the
 function call x should hold 10345
example 5:
 x = 18;
 FindAndReplace(x, -1, 1); - the function should return false because the
 second argument is negative, and after the
 function call x should hold 18
• Both function prototypes should be included in problem3.h
• Both functions should be implemented in
Initial Testing:
A makefile and some minimal unit tests have been included in You
are encouraged to create more rigorous tests. To run the test provided, create a
directory containing only your problem3functions.h file, your
file, and the files extracted from the attached Then type
make testNumDigits
make testFindAndReplace
style: 1 point
clean compilation: 1 point
NumDigits passes instructor’s unit tests: 1 point
FindAndReplace passes instructor’s unit tests: 2 points

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