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CSCE 240 – Exam Two

CSCE 240 – Exam Two

This is an exam. As you work on these problems, you may use your textbook, class notes,
and the recorded lectures. You may ask your instructor clarifying questions. You are not
to discuss the problems with other students or seek help from other individuals. All work
submitted must be your own. All code submitted will be examined for plagiarism and
violations will be reported to the office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.
Test all of your code on a Linux lab computer. All source files submitted must compile and
run on a Linux lab computer of the instructor’s choice. Submissions that do not compile on
the Linux workstation will receive no compilation or execution/correctness points.
Problem 1
Deliverables: length.h and
Purpose: Create a Length class that has a private data member for the length value (a
double) and a private data member for length unit of measure (a string). You
will include a constructor, accessor and mutator functions for the private
data members, a public member function to convert between units of measure,
and overloaded +, ==, <, and << operators. Read the comments in the attached
length.h file for more details.
• The files for this problem are in the attached
• All of your code for this problem should be included in length.h and
• A Copyright comment with your name must be at the top of length.h and
• Ensure that your class will compile, link and run with the initial tests provided
in order to earn compilation points and to be eligible for correctness points.
• Attach your completed length.h and files (do not zip the files) to the
assignment in Blackboard.
Initial Testing: has been included with some minimal initial tests for the
constructor, mutator functions, accessor functions, and convert function. To run
these tests, ensure that length.h,,, and makefile are
in the same directory, and type make testlengthparta at the command prompt. has been included with some minimal initial tests for the +, ==,
< and << operators. To run these tests, ensure that length.h,,, makefile, and are in the same directory,
and type make testlengthpartb at the command prompt.
You are encouraged to include more rigorous tests before submitting your class. This
problem will be graded with modified versions of and
style: 1 point
 documentation: 1 point
clean compile / link with 0.5 point
 clean compile / link with 0.5 point
execution / correctness of constructor: 1 point
execution / correctness of accessor and mutator functions: 1 point
execution / correctness of Convert function: 1 point
execution / correctness of + operator: 1 point
execution / correctness of == operator: 1 point
execution / correctness of < operator: 1 point
execution / correctness of << operator: 1 point
Problem 2
Purpose: Implement the Merge function whose prototype is given in
pointerproblemfunctions.h. Read the comments in pointerproblemfunctions.h for
details about this function.
• The files for this problem are in the attached
• No changes are to be made in the attached pointerproblemfunctions.h file
• Implement the Merge functions in and attach your
revised file to the assignment. This is the only file
to be submitted for this problem.
• Points will be deducted if your function creates a memory leak or memory leaks.
• Your code should compile and link with the command
g++ -std=c++17 -I .
to see if your Merge function correctly merges two SortedDynamicArrays
• Attach your completed file only (do not zip the file)
to the assignment in Blackboard.
Initial Testing:
“Randomly” generated SortedDynamicArrays are created in and
the Merge function is called to merge the two structures. You are encouraged to
create more rigorous tests. A revised version of will be
used to test your function for correctness.
style: 0.5 point
documentation: 0.5 point
clean compile / link with 1 point
execution / correctness of Merge function: 3 points

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