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CSCE 240 Homework 3

CSCE 240 Homework 3 
You shall submit a zipped, and only zipped, archive of your homework directory,
hw3. The directory shall contain, at a minimum, the files and
gradebook.h. Name the archive submission file
I will use my own makefile to compile and link to your and gradebook.h
files. You must submit, at least, these two files.
Now that I have a library to convert the file contents into floating point values representing grades, I want
an object to hold those grades.
The GradeBook object will provide a means to manage those grades.
Be mindful. Sometimes the data gets corrupted and may result in empty GradeBooks. These cases are
well-defined in the method descriptions.
Read the provided header file documentation for instructions on how the functions should work.
I have provided you a basic test app which you can use to ensure that your code is, at least partially,
correct. I would suggest a more rigorous testing scheme to ensure that your methods handle missing data.
Late assignments will lose 25% per day late, with no assignment begin accepted after 3 days (at 100%
reduction in points).
You will receive one point for each passed test as illustrated in the test file. There will be
an additional point for compiling against all the tests.

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