CSCE 240 – Programming Assignment Five
Purpose – Derive three classes from the provided Question class
Create a TrueFalseQuestion class as a child of the Question class. The class will
contain one private bool data member for whether the answer to the question is
true or false. You will include a constructor with default arguments for the
question and answer, accessor and mutator functions for the private data member,
and a destructor and Print function. Read the comments in the supplied
truefalsequestion.h header file for more detailed requirements. Initial tests for
the functionality of the TrueFalseQuestion class have been provided in the
attached testtf.cc source file. You are encouraged to create more rigorous tests.
Create a ShortAnswerQuestion class as a child of the Question class. The class
will contain one private string data member for the correct answer to the
question. You will include a constructor with default arguments for the question
and answer, accessor and mutator functions for the private data member, and a
destructor and Print function. Read the comments in the supplied
shortanswerquestion.h header file for more detailed requirements. Initial tests
for the functionality of the ShortAnswerQuestion class have been provided in the
attached testsa.cc source file. You are encouraged to create more rigorous tests.
Create a MultipleChoiceQuestion class as a child of the Question class. The class
will contain three private data member: an int for the number of answer choices,
a pointer to a string to hold the dynamically allocated array of answer choices,
and a pointer to a bool to hold the dynamically allocated array of true/false
false values denoting whether or not each of the corresponding answer choices is
correct. You will include a constructor with default arguments for the data
members, a copy constructor, accessor and mutator functions described in the
header file, and a destructor and Print function. Read the comments in the
supplied multiplechoicequestion.h header file for more detailed requirements.
Initial tests for the functionality of the MultipleChoiceQuestion class have been
provided in the attached testmc1.cc and testmc2.cc source files. You are
encouraged to create more rigorous tests.
- Do not modify any of the code in question.h
- Add all code for the definition of the TrueFalseQuestion class to the attached
truefalsequestion.h header file.
- Include all of the necessary code for the TrueFalseQuestion class, including
the implementation all of the public member functions, in the attached
truefalsequestion.cc source file.
- Add all code for the definition of the ShortAnswerQuestion class to the
attached shortanswerquestion.h header file.
- Include all of the necessary code for the ShortAnswerQuestion class, including
the implementation all of the public member functions, in the attached
shortanswerquestion.cc source file.
- Add all code for the definition of the MultipleChoiceQuestion class to the
attached multiplechoicequestion.h header file.
- Include all of the necessary code for the MultipleChoiceQuestion class,
including the implementation all of the public member functions, in the
attached multiplechoicequestion.cc source file.
- You are required to use pointers as data members in the MultipleChoiceQuestion
class and to manage the dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory for
these data members.
- You will submit a zip file (only a zip file will be accepted) containing
truefalsequestion.h, truefalsequestion.cc, shortanswerquestion.h,
shortanswerquestion.cc, multiplechoicequestion.h and multiplechoicequestion.cc
to the assignment in Blackboard.
- Source files must compile and run on a computer of the instructor’s choosing
in the Linux lab (see your course syllabus for additional details).
- A makefile has been included to aid in using testtf.cc, testsa.cc, testmc1.cc,
testmc2.cc, and checkit.cc to test the basic functionality of your classes. To
use the makefile, your program 5 directory should include:
your files: truefalsequestion.h, truefalsequestion.cc, shortanswerquestion.h,
shortanswerquestion.cc, multiplechoicequestion.h,
the makefile and question.h
the test files: testtf.cc, testsa.cc, testmc1.cc, testmc2.cc,
and checkit.cc
the subdirectory “output” that contains correcttf.txt, correctsa.txt,
correctmc1.txt, correctmc2.txt
- To Test your TrueFalseQuestion class, type: make testtf
- To test your ShortAnswerQuestion class, type: make testsa
- To test your MultipleChoiceQuestion constructor with default arguments and
Print function, type: make testmc1
- To Test your MultipleChoiceQuestion copy constructor and SetAnswerChoices
function, type: make testmc2
- Note: each of the tests above runs the executable generated by the included
checkit.cc source file which compares the output created by your functions
to the expected output (held in the files provided in the output folder).
Grade Breakdown
Style truefalsequestion.h: 0.1 point
Style truefalsequestion.cc: 0.2 point
Style shortanswerquestion.h: 0.1 point
Style shortanswerquestion.cc: 0.2 point
Style multiplechoicequestion.h: 0.2 point
Style multiplechoicequestion.cc: 0.2 point
Documentation: 1 point
Clean compilation of truefalsequestion.cc: 0.2 point
Clean compilation of shortanswerquestion.cc: 0.2 point
Clean compilation of multiplechoicequestion.cc: 0.2 point
Clean compile/link with testtf.cc: 0.1 point
Clean compile/link with testsa.cc: 0.1 point
Clean compile/link with testmc1.cc: 0.1 point
Clean compile/link with testmc2.cc: 0.1 point
Passes instructor’s modified testtf.cc tests: 2 points
Passes instructor’s modified testsa.cc tests: 2 points
Passes instructor’s modified testmc1.cc tests: 1 point
Passes instructor’s modified testmc2.cc tests: 2 points
The penalty for late program submissions is 10% per day, with no submission
accepted after 3 days.