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CSCE 240 – Programming Assignment Two

CSCE 240 – Programming Assignment Two

Write, test, and use the four functions described below to read a text file
containing arithmetic expressions with a single operator and two operands, and
output the arithmetic expression evaluated and written in words.
Function 1 – IsInteger
Write an IsInteger function that takes a double argument and returns true if
the value truncated as an integer is equal to the original value, and false
Function 2 – IsArithmeticOperator
Write an IsArithmeticOperator function that takes a character argument and
returns true if the argument is one of the valid C++ arithmetic operators (+,
-, *, /, %) and false otherwise.
Function 3 – OperatorToWords
Write an OperatorToWords function that takes a character argument and returns
the following corresponding string if the character is one of the five
arithmetic operators: plus, minus, times, divided by, modulo. If the
character argument is not an arithmetic operator, the function will return the
string “??”.
Function 4 – Compute
Write a Compute function that takes the following arguments: a double value
for the left operand, a character value for the arithmetic operator, a double
value for the right operand, and a double variable that will get the result of
the operation. The function should compute the value of the operation left
operand operator right operand and place the result in the fourth parameter.
If the character argument is not a valid C++ arithmetic operator, the result
should be set to zero and the function should return false. If the arithmetic
operation is invalid (dividing by zero or modular division with non-integers),
the result should be set to zero and the function should return false.
For example
Compute(3.1, ‘*’, 4, answer) should return true, and answer should be set
to 12.4
Compute(5, ‘%’, 3, answer) should return true, and answer should be set
to 2
Compute(5, ‘%’, 3.2, answer) should return false, and answer should be set
to 0
Compute(2.5, ‘^’, 3, answer) should return false, and answer should be set
to 0
Program 2
Your main function should read the file arithmetic_expressions.txt, which holds
arithmetic expressions, and output the results of the arithmetic expressions in
words to the standard output device (using cout) as shown below. The main
function must call the Compute function you’ve implemented in to assist with this task.
The output for any expression including an invalid arithmetic operator should be
“Unrecognized operation symbol”. The output for an invalid operation should be
“Could not compute expression”. See the sample input/output pairs given below.
Example Input/Output Pair
Input: 5.25 / 2.1
Output: 5.25 divided by 2.1 is 2.5
Example Input/Output Pair
Input: 3.7 / 0
Output: Could not compute 3.7 / 0
Example Input/Output Pair
Input: 7.2 ^ 4.1
Output: Unrecognized operation ^
- All output should be directed to the standard output device using cout.
- The prototypes for the IsInteger, IsArithmeticOperator, OperatorToWords, and
Compute functions must be included in operator_functions.h
- The IsInteger, IsArithmeticOperator, OperatorToWords, and Compute functions
must be implemented in
- The main function must be implemented in
- You will submit a zip file (only a zip file will be accepted) containing
operator_functions.h,, and to the assignment
in Blackboard.
- Source files must compile and run on a computer of the instructor’s choosing
in the Linux lab (see your course syllabus for additional details).
Initial unit tests have been included for the functions in the attached files,,, and You should ensure that your functions pass the included tests,
and you are encouraged to create more rigorous tests. Your functions will be
graded using unit tests similar to the included tests, with different values.
A python script,, has been provided for you to test your
program2 source file with the included arithmetic_expressions.txt file. In order
to use the tester, you’ll need access to a python3 interpreter. Ensure that the
tester, arithmetic_expressions.txt, and your program2 executable are in the same
directory, and python3 is in your path. The command to run the tester is given
program2 will be graded using a similar python script with a different
arithmetic_expressions.txt input file and the corresponding expected output.
Grade Breakdown
Style: 1 point
Documentation: 1 point
Clean compilation: 1 point
IsInteger passes instructor’s unit tests: 1 point
IsArithmeticOperator passes instructor’s unit tests: 1 point
OperatorToWords passes instructor’s unit tests: 1 point
Compute passes instructor’s unit tests: 2 points
program2 runs correctly with instructor’s test data set 1: 2 points
The penalty for late program submissions is 10% per day, with no program being
accepted after 3 days.

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