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CSCE 240 – Project / Exam Three

CSCE 240 – Project / Exam Three

This is an exam. As you work on these problems, you may use your textbook, class notes,
and the recorded lectures. You may ask your instructor clarifying questions. You are not
to discuss the problems with other students or seek help from other individuals. All work
submitted must be your own. All code submitted will be examined for plagiarism and
violations will be reported to the office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.
Test all of your code on a Linux lab computer. All source files submitted must compile and
run on a Linux lab computer chosen by the instructor. Submissions that do not compile on
the Linux workstation will receive no compilation or execution/correctness points.
Problem 1
Deliverable: problem1.h
Purpose: Create a template function named Median that takes an unsorted array as its
first argument, and an integer holding the number of elements in the array as
its second argument. The function should return the median of the values in
the array.
• problem1.h must not have any include preprocessor directives (it should have
header guard preprocessor directives).
• The function should not modify the values in the array argument (the first
argument should be a const argument).
• The function should work for arrays of values of any type, as long as the type
can be used with relational operators, arithmetic operators, and the assignment
• Write the function’s implementation in problem1.h and place the function in the
Project3Problem1 namespace.
• Submit your completed problem1.h file to the assignment in Blackboard. Do not
compress/zip the file.
Argument / Call: const int intarray[5] = {17, 22, 7, 4, 30};
int x = csce240_exam::Median(intarray, 5);
Result: x will be initialized to 17
Argument / Call: const double doublearray[6] = {-1, -4.6, -8, 2, 8.9, 37.1};
double x = csce240_exam::Median(doublearray, 6);
Result: x will be initialized to 0.5
Initial Testing: includes tests for the examples shown above. You are encouraged
to develop more rigorous tests for your function prior to submitting your solution.
style: 1 point
documentation: 1 point
clean compilation: 1 point
execution / correctness: 3 points
Problem 2
Deliverables: factcheckedstatement.h and
Purpose: Create a FactCheckedStatement class that is a child of the Sentence class
defined in the sentence.h header file included in A
FactCheckedStatement is a Sentence that ends with a period (not a question
mark or exclamation point). A FactCheckedStatement object has a double
variable as a private data member to hold a value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
The double’s value is a measure of how true the statement is determined to be.
For example, 1 means that the statement is verified as 100% correct, and 0.5
means that the statement is 50% correct.
Read the comments in the included factcheckedstatement.h file for details on
the functionality to add to the class.
• Define the FactCheckedStatement class in factcheckedstatement.h as a part of the
Project3Problem2 namespace.
• You can implement the functionality of the FactCheckedStatement class in
factcheckedstatement.h OR in If you decide to implement
the functions in the header file, upload an empty file
with your problem submission.
• Submit your completed factcheckedstatement.h and files to
the assignment in Blackboard. Do not compress/zip the files.
Initial Testing: includes files with initial tests for your constructor, accessor
function, mutator function, assignment operator, and stream insertion operator. To
run these initial tests, ensure that all of the files from and your
updated factcheckedstatement.h and files are in the same
At the command prompt
run the provided constructor / accessor tests by typing: make testconstructor
run the provided mutator function tests by typing: make testsettruth
run the provided assignment operator tests by typing: make testassignment
run the provided stream insertion operator tests by typing: make testoutput
You are encouraged to develop more rigorous tests. Your problem submission will be
graded using modified versions of the provided tests.
style: 1 point
documentation: 1 point
clean compilation: 1 point
constructor execution / correctness: 1 point
GetTruth execution / correctness: 0.5 points
SetTruth execution / correctness: 0.5 points
assignment operator execution / correctness: 1 point
stream insertion operator execution / correctness: 1 point
Problem 3
Deliverable: set.h
Purpose: The attached set.h header file (in contains the definition of a
Set template class that is similar to the one implemented as an example during
class. You will add an Intersection function that should return the
intersection of the Set the function is called on with the Set argument. The
prototype for the function is provided in the comment on line 120 of set.h.
You will also overload the == operator whose prototype is provided in the
comment on line 133.
• Additional details and examples regarding the expected functionality of the
Intersection function are provided in the comments on lines 107-119 of set.h
• Your Intersection function must match the prototype provided on line 120 of
• Implement the Intersection function in set.h
• Your == operator must match the prototype provided on line 133 of set.h
• Implement the == operator in set.h
• You will add code to set.h, but do not change any of the existing code in set.h.
• The provided class contains two constructors, a destructor, an overloaded
assignment operator, a SetValues function, a Print function, an IsASubset
function, an IsAnElementOf function, and a GetCardinality function. Read the code
and comments in set.h for details. You can use (call) any of these functions as
• Submit your completed set.h file to the assignment in Blackboard. Do not
compress/zip the file.
Initial Testing:
No test files are provided. You are encouraged to create your own tests for the
member function to include checking that your code works as expected for the
examples given in the comments on lines 111-119 and 127-132.
style: 1 point
documentation: 1 point
clean compilation: 1 point
execution / correctness of the Intersection function: 2 points
execution / correctness of the == operator: 2 points

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