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CSCE 313 Project 1 SOLUTION

CSCE 313 Project 1 
Project Objective
The main purpose of this project is
a. To learn how to design and implement the first embedded system using Intel Quartus Software
b. To develop the embedded application which will serve as a “Hello World” software using Nios
c. The system and the application will be used as a base for the next projects
Project Requirements
a. Follow the guidelines that are posted in Module1/Labs to design the hardware system and
create the application program
b. Make sure that both data and instruction cache of NIOS processor are set to 4KB and Nios2
version is Nios II/f.
c. Before starting with the application project, you should have a successful compilation and a
successful board configuration
d. After running the application program in Eclipse, you should get the message “Hello from Nios
II” printed on Nios console
Project Report (100%)
The project report will be graded out of 100, and the points will be distributed as following:
a. Professional preparation (20 points):
You are required to submit a typed document with text of the paragraphs in Times New Roman
12 pt font, clear and grammatically well-formed explanations, page numbering and document
heading numbering (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc to identify the required sections listed below).
b. Report Content (80 points):
1.0 (20 points total, each value is 5 points) After you compiled and synthesized your system,
read the summary report from Quartus, and fill out the below table with the numbers from the
CSCE 313 Project 1 Spring 2023
Registers Total Pins Memory Bits
2.0 (20 points total, each value is 5 points) Change the version of Nios II processor from Nios
II/f to Nios II/e in the platform design. Then, regenerate the new design and recompile the
project. Read the summary report from Quartus and fill out the below table with the numbers
from that report. Note: it is unnecessary to reconfigure the board and/or re-run the application
Registers Total Pins Memory Bits
3.0 (20 points total, each value is 5 points) Return the processor to Nios II/f. Set Nios II Cache
Configuration on 4KB for instruction cache and 16KB for data cache. Then, regenerate the
new design and recompile the project. Read the summary report from Quartus and fill the
below table with the numbers from that report. Note: it is unnecessary to reconfigure the board
and/or re-run the application project.
Registers Total Pins Memory Bits
4.0 (20 points) Include a picture for one of the three running above, which shows the “Hello
World Message!” in Eclipse.
CSCE 313 Project 1 Spring 2023
Project Submission
1. Save the project report as p1_username1_username2.pdf, username of both students in the
2. Only one attempt is allowed
3. Only one group member submits the project
4. Remember: Any grade dispute must be raised within one week of the grade posting.

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