CSCE 313 Project 2
Project Objective
The main purpose of this project is to learn how to use the parallel I/O devices (peripherals) in
embedded systems and how to use the PIO functions in your application software. The figure below
shows the parallel I/O devices that you are required to add into your system.
Hardware Requirements
A. The design of Project1 will be used as a base and you will upgrade the design based on
Project2 requirements. Before you start, make sure that both data and instruction cache of
NIOS processor are set to 4KB and Nios2 version is Nios II/f. Add the three PIO components
which are shown in Table (1) and specify their features as in the table.
Table 1: PIO Required Features
PIO board
Direction Width name Conduit name
SW[1:0] Input 2-bit system_modes modes
LEDG[7:0] Output 8-bit system_counter cout
LEDR[17:0] Output 18-bit random_pattern pattern
CSCE 313 Project 2 Spring 2023
B. The first column shows that I/O pins that will be used in the Verilog code and connected with
the exported signal of your Nios system.
C. The second and third columns show the PIO direction and width that you need to specify when
you select the component from IP Catalog. Figure (1) shows how to find the PIO from the IP
catalog and how to specify its features.
D. The fourth column shows the name that you need to rename the component with when you
add it to your Nios system. The fifth column shows the signal name that will be exported in the
conduit signal. Figure 2 shows how to rename the component and export a signal.
Figure 1: Find PIO and Specify its Features.
A. After you complete your platform design (nios_system.qsys), generate the system and click on
Finish. Then, go back to quartus and Modify your test.v to include the following code (Type the
given code into your test.v, as it might be encrypted if you copy and paste).Then, compile the
design and program the device.
module test (
// inputs of the top-level-design
input CLOCK_50, // clock
input [1:0] KEY, // reset
input [1:0] SW,
output [17:0] LEDR,
output [7:0] LEDG);
CSCE 313 Project 2 Spring 2023
nios_system u0 (
.clk_clk (CLOCK_50), // clk.clk
.reset_reset_n (KEY[0]), // reset.reset_n
.cout_export (LEDG), // counter.export
.modes_export (SW[1:0]), // modes.export
.pattern_export (LEDR) // pattern.export
Figure 2: Rename the device and connect it to the processor.
Software Requirements
You are required to write an application software that controls the operation of the PIOs (switches and
LEDs) that you added into your hardware system.
A. As shown in Table 2, there are three functions that the application will execute based on the
three modes which are controlled using the switches. The output of the function will be
displayed on the LEDs.
Table 2: Application Functions
1 01 Both red and green LEDs light up
2 10 A counter starts incrementing from 0 to 255, and the value is displayed on
Green LED [7:0].
If the mode changes, the counter stops on latest number.
If the mode changes back to 1, the counter restarts.
3 11 A random pattern starts is displayed on Red LED [17:0].
If the mode changes, the pattern stops on latest value
CSCE 313 Project 2 Spring 2023
A. To read from the input PIO (Switches), use IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(baseAddress);
B. To write on the output PIO (LEDs), use IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(baseAddress, value);
C. To use both above functions, call this library #include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
D. Note: A template of the application code is attached with assignment in blackboard. You may
use it as a reference when you write the software.
Project Report (70%)
The project report will be graded out of 100, and the points will be distributed as following:
a. Professional preparation as described in Project1 (10 points).
b. Report Content (90 points):
1.0 (15 points) Use the system that you designed in this project as an example to briefly explain
the meaning of System on Chip.
2.0 (15 points) Briefly explain the meaning of Avalon Memory Mapped interface. You may use
the connections that you did in the system as examples.
3.0 (15 points) Briefly explain the meaning of Bare Metal Applications. You may use the
application code that you developed in your application as an example.
4.0 (10 points) The following code is written in standard c code. Re-write the code using the
hardware C code, where a is an input coming from switches and b is an output going out to
the Green LEDs. In your code, include any necessary libraries, variables, and definitions.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int a, b;
while(1) {
if(a==0) printf(“no output\n);
else if (a==1) b = 10;
return 0;
CSCE 313 Project 2 Spring 2023
5.0 (20 points total, each value is 5 points) After you compiled and synthesized your system,
read the summary report from Quartus, and fill out the below table with the numbers from
the report.
Registers Total Pins Memory Bits
6.0 (15 points, each picture is 5 points) Run the application software on the three different
mode and include a picture that shows the output on the console for each case. You are
required to submit only one picture per case.
Project Demo (30%)
o The main purpose of the demo is to test your project functionality and execution.
o Demos will be checked and graded by the TA.
o Demos will be graded out of 100, but worth 30% of total project grade.
o Demos will be conducted during the lab time on the following dates:
o Section 001: Wed. Feb 1 or Wed Feb. 8
o Section 002: Fri Feb 3 or Fri Feb. 10
o Demo dates will be decided by the groups.
o Below are how the demo points will be distributed.
o Both partners must show up in that day. If a member didn’t show up, he/she receives 0 unless
an excused absence was provided.
Tasks Point
LEDs lights (mode = 1) /25
Random pattern (mode = 2) /25
Counter (mode = 3) /25
Answer questions /25
CSCE 313 Project 2 Spring 2023
Project Submission
1. Save the project report as r2_username1_username2.pdf, username of both students in the
2. Only one attempt is allowed.
3. Only one group member submits the project.
4. Remember: Any grade dispute must be raised within one week of the grade posting.