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CSCE 441 - Computer Graphics Programming Assignment 6

CSCE 441 - Computer Graphics
Programming Assignment 6

1 Goal
The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with Bezier curves. You will write a program that
generates points on a Bezier curve, given the control points.
2 Starter Code
The starter code can be downloaded from here.
3 Task 1
First, download and get the code itself to run. The code has the following characteristics:
• You can specify a file to read as a command-line argument. There is also a default set.
– 3 sample files have been included. Each one will contain 4 Bezier control points.
• Reading the file is NOT included in the code. You will want to read the file yourself.
• You will want to fill in two routines that are unfinished: loadFile and generatePoints. The
rest of the routine should be done for you.
• Note that points are stored as glm::vec3’s.
• The program will display a region from [-10,10] in x, y, and z. You do not need to change anything
about the display routine.
4 Task 2
You are to finish the program. This involves filling in two functions (you may write additional functions if
you want):
• The loadFile routine. It takes in a file name and should return a vector consisting of the four
control points of the curve.
– The first line will be a single number, n, giving the number of control points. Here, the curves
you read will always have exactly 4 control points, so n will be 4.
– The next n lines will each contain 1 control point.
– Each line will consist of 3 values (x, y, z coordinates of the point)
– You should read in the 4 points and store them in a vector of points that is returned from the
• The generatePoints routine. It takes in a vector that contains 4 control points. It should output
a vector of points that are along the curve.
– The input will be a vector of the four control points, in order.
– You should generate a list of at least 51 points along the curve, in order, from the start of the
curve (t = 0) to the end of the curve (t = 1).
∗ You can do this by directly evaluating the polynomial function. However, to get the full
credit you need to implement de Casteljau’s algorithm.
– The results should be stored in a vector of 3D points that are returned.
5 Deliverables
Please follow the instruction below or you may lose some points:
• You should include a README file that includes the parts that you were not able to implement, any
extra part that you have implemented, or anything else that is notable.
• Your submission should contain folders “src” as well as “CMakeLists.txt” file. You should not include the “build” or “DataFile” folders.
• Zip up the whole package and call it “Firstname”. Note that the zip file should extract
into a folder named “Firstname Lastname”. So you should first put your package in a folder called
“Firstname Lastname” and then zip it up.
6 Ruberic
Total credit: [50 points]
[10 points] - File is read in correctly
[30 points] - Points are generated along curve correctly
[10 points] - Points are generated using de Casteljau algorithm
7 Acknowlegement
The assignment is from John Keyser with slight modification.

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