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CSCE 623: Machine Learning HW5

CSCE 623: Machine Learning

In this assignment, you will explore using random forests for regression. You will be working with the Hitters dataset in
this assignment. You will be evaluated on your applications of techniques and methodology, as well as the evidence you
present and conclusions you draw with respect to the models.
Your homework will be composed of an integrated code and report product using Jupyter Notebook. In your
answers to written questions, even if the question asks for a single number or other form of short answer (such as yes/no
or which is better: a or b) you must provide supporting information for your answer to obtain full credit. Use python to
perform calculations or mathematical transformations or generate graphs and figures or other evidence that explain how
you determined the answer. Each step listed below should correspond to code and/or markdown in your report file. Use
numbered comments in your code and numbered text segments (headers) in markdown to help identify the location of
your answer.
Inspired by ILSR Chapter 8 Question 10: You will use Regression Trees to predict Salary in the Hitters
Load and Preprocess the data
1. (Code provided) Load the ILSR_hitters.csv dataset using pandas. Then, using pandas methods:
a. Remove the observations (rows) for which the salary information is unknown
b. Drop the “NewLeague” feature using: Hitters = Hitters.drop(['NewLeague'],axis=1)
c. Convert remaining categorical variables such as ‘League’ to 0-1 dummy variables. One way to do this is
with pandas “.map”:
Hitters['League'] = Hitters['League'].map({'A': 0, 'N': 1})
2. The salaries in the dataset are indicated in $1000.00s of dollars. Remember to account for this when displaying and
reporting results. In order to improve model fitting performance, you should log-transform the salaries using
numpy.log10. Remember to account for this log-transformation by un-transforming when making predictions and
presenting your results on the test set (convert back to real salary dollars when reporting these attributes.)
3. (Code Provided) Using sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split with random_state = 1,
create a “non-test” set consisting of 200 observations and a test set consisting of the remaining observations.
Sequester the test set until the performance reporting steps (9-11).
Explore the data & make hypotheses
4. Explore the data. Use plots and discuss relationships between available features and Salary. Consider using the
seaborn package to facilitate your exploration – for example, make a heatmap plot of the correlation between each
pair of features to help you decide which pairs of features to explore further with pairs plots or scatterplots. Make at
least one hypothesis about which features will be useful in predicting salary.
Train the model & Tune Hyperparameters using Cross-Validation
5. Using sklearn k-fold split (sklearn.model_selection.KFold), write code to set up a k-fold cross-validation
with the goal of choosing the best hyperparameters for a random forest model
(sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor) Select and provide rationale for your choice for
n_splits based on amount of data you have available in the non-test set. Your goal is to determine the best
combination of two parameters: maximum tree depth (max_depth), and the number of features to consider at each
split (max_features). The hyperparameter max_depth of the trees should include integer values from 1 to 20,
and your exploration over max_features should include values from 1 to p (all features). You can decide whether
to fix the number of trees (n_estimators) or include it as a third hyperparameter to explore (it should start with at
least 100 but you may want to explore higher values if you will tune this hyperparameter with cross-validation) – then
explain whether you are selecting a specific value or tuning this value with cross validation. Since you will use a
cross-validation wrapper to tune hyperparameters, set oob_score to False in the initialization call to
RandomForestRegressor. For each tuple of (max_depth, max_features), compute and collect the
mean k-fold cross-validation MSE using predict().
6. Provide convincing visual evidence of the validation MSE performance (from step 5) as a function of
max_features and max_depth (and n_estimators if you chose to tune it). A good way to do this is to
plot the error on a graph as a function of the two dimensions max_depth and max_features. Contour maps and heat
maps would be valueable here.
7. Using code, determine, display visually, and report the values of these parameters with the lowest MSE. Discuss the
minimum value of max_features in light of the random forest recommendation for max_features: sqrt(p) or
p/3. Did your result agree with the general guidance on max features?
8. Using the best values of max_features and max_depth found with MSE, fit a new
RandomForestRegressor model trained on all the non-test data.
Reporting performance on the Test Set
9. Using code, determine and report the quality of the model for predicting salary on the sequestered test set. Don’t
forget to handle the log transformation you did in data preprocessing – your performance values should be based on
real dollars (not log-transformed dollars).
10. Develop a scatterplot of the regression residuals: The figure’s x axis expresses the true dollar amount of salary, the
figure’s y axis represents the prediction error (positive values mean underprediction, negative values mean
overprediction, and y=0 would mean correct prediction). Discuss these residuals. Are they evenly distributed about
y=0 through the range of possible true salaries? Do you see any patterns which would suggest true salaries for which
prediction would be poor?
11. Using the model, report on variable importance - which variables appear to be the most important predictors in the
model? Using the sklearn feature_importance_ attribute of the best fitted model, provide numerical and visual
evidence to support your answer (make sure to sort your outputs by feature importance).

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