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CSCI 356 Homework 2

Homework 2

WARNING. Students may not work together. Students may discuss the problems with each other, but do not give any other student your solutions.
Install matplotlib into your python environment. In the slides for lecture 7 I
showed how to do this for PyCharm. The slides are available in blackboard.
Place all files containing your answers to homework 2 in a directory named
hw2_last_first where last_first is the student’s last and first names separated by an underscore. For me, the directory would be hw2_harrison_david.
Place each answer in its own file or directory. When you are done your directory
structure should look like.
$ ls -F
$ cd hw2_harrison_david
$ ls -F
p1.txt p2.txt p3.txt p4.txt p5.txt p6/
$ cd p6
$ ls
Each file contains the follwoing:
• p1.txt: question and answer to p1 from 3.10
• p2.txt: question and answer to p2 from 3.10
• p3.txt: question and answer to p3 from 3.10
• p4.txt: question and answer to p4 from 3.10
• p5: answer to question 5 below is written into and
• answer to question 6 given below that can be run in pycharm using
• answer to question 7 given below that can be run in pycharm using
Zip or tar the directory hw2_last_first and submit them to blackboard in the
same manner as was done for homework 1. On Mac OS or linux, it would look
like this:
$ ls -F
$ tar -czf hw2_harrison_david.tgz hw2_harrison_david
$ ls -F
hw2_harrison_david/ hw2_harrison_david.tgz
Submit hw2_harrisond_david.tgz to blackboard. If you are on windows, you may use zip, in which case the file submitted would be
Problems 1-4 (1 point each) are the discussion questions in 3.10 of Problem
Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python.
Problem 5: (2 points) The Bag class from lectures 6 and 7 can be found in
the class repository at
Add an iterator class to Bag. The iterator class must pass the unit tests committed in the repository in the directory hw2/bag/ You will receive
partial credit if you do not write unit tests for your iterator class, or if the code
lacks comments or type hints. Write to test more conditions than the tests given
in The tests should cover edge conditions like the iterator should
work as expected on an empty list.
Problem 6: (2 points) Write a program that verifies that the list index operator
is O(1). The program must plot the run time of the list index operator as a
function of n using matplotlib.
Problem 7: (2 points) Write a program that compares the performance of the
del operator on lists and dictionaries. The main program should plot the run
time of each on the same plot as a function of n. Also plot functions that bound
the time complexity and print out what you think is the time complexity of
del operators for lists and dictionaries using big-O notation. When measuring
performance on the list del operator, be sure to delete items at random locations
from the list.

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