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CSCI 356 Homework 3

Homework 3

WARNING. Students may not work together. Students may discuss the problems with each other, but do not give any other student your solutions.
Aside: This file is written using markdown. markdown renders reasonably well
inside pycharm. If you use pandoc, markdown can be converted to a pdf file.
Place all files containing your answers to homework 3 in a directory named
hw3_last_first where last_first is the student’s last and first names separated by an underscore. For me, the directory would be hw3_harrison_david.
Place each answer in its own file or directory. When you are done your directory
structure should look like.
$ ls -F
$ cd hw3_harrison_david
$ ls -F
p1.txt p2/ p3.txt p4/ p5.txt p6/ p7/
Zip or tar the directory hw3_last_first and submit them to blackboard in the
same manner as was done for homework 1. On Mac OS or linux, it would look
like this:
$ ls -F
$ tar -czf hw3_harrison_david.tgz hw3_harrison_david
$ ls -F
hw3_harrison_david/ hw3_harrison_david.tgz
Submit hw3_harrisond_david.tgz to blackboard. If you are on windows, you may use zip, in which case the file submitted would be
Problems 1 (1 point each) is Problem 1 in Discussion Questions in 4.26. of
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python. Put the
answer in a text file named hw3_last_first/p1.txt.
Problem 2: (2 points)
(a) Create a LinkedList class. It must pass the hw3/p2/
The class MUST not use any Python built-in or standard library collection
class, i.e., do not wrap a list or deque.
(b) Copy the Stack implementation found in the repository
in lecture13and14/ into your homework directory hw3_last_first/p2,
rename the file to In the file
rename the class Stack to LinkedListStack, and modify it so that it is
implemented using your LinkedList. It must pass the unit tests in the
repository in the directory hw3/p2/ It MUST
use your LinkedList. the new LinkedListStack class MUST NOT use any
Python built-in or standard library collection class, i.e., the LinkedListStack
class MUST not wrap a list or deque.
Problem 3 (1 point each) is Problem 3 in Discussion Questions in 4.26. of
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python.
Problem 4: (2 points) Use the Queue found in the source code repository in
hw3/p4/, which is based on the code in the book in Listing 1 of Section
(a) Create file in hw3_last_first/p4 whose
main function enqueues 𝑛 random integers into 𝑚 Queue objects according
to the following pseudocode:
create m empty `Queue` objects and put them in a list named queues.
for n in some range:
start timer
for x in queues:
enqueue the nth random integer into queue x
stop timer
divide the elapsed time by m to get an average
append the average time for an execution of enqueue to a list of times.
Using matplotlib have your code plot the average execution time for a call to
enqueue() as a function of 𝑛. Vary 𝑛 at least to 10,000. You may skip 𝑛 by
increments of 10, but if you do then adjust the x-axis accordingly.
(b) Analyze the performance of the enqueue() method using big-O notation.
Put your analysis in a file named hw3_last_first/p4/b.txt.
(c) In a file Create a variant of the code created
for (a) that starts by creating 𝑚 Queues of the largest length (e.g., 𝑛 =
10000) and then dequeues one item from each list while recording the
average time for a dequeue. Using matplotlib plot the average execution
time for a call to dequeue() as a function of 𝑛. If it runs too slowly you
can start with 𝑛 = 1000. You may skip 𝑛 by increments of 10, but if you
do then adjust the x-axis accordingly.
(d) Analyze the performance of the dequeue() method using big-O notation
and put your analysis in a file named hw3_last_first/p4/d.txt.
Problem 5 (1 point) is Problem 5 in Discussion Questions in 4.26. of Problem
Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python.
Problem 6: (2 points)
Repeat problem 4, but implement a Queue using a Python dequeue. Generate
the plots and analyze the enqueue and dequeue methods using big-O notation
in the same manner. In the plots for (a) and (c) include the plot for the same
scenario but using the list implementation of the Queue. This way we can
visually compare the performance of the list and deque implementations.
Problem 7 (1 point) is Problem 11 in Programming Exercises in 4.27. of
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python. It must
pass the unit tests for p7/

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