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CSCI 356 Homework 4

Homework 4

Aside: This file is written using markdown. markdown renders reasonably well
inside pycharm. If you use pandoc, markdown can be converted to a pdf file.
Place all files containing your answers to homework 4 in a directory named
hw4_last_first where last_first is the student’s last and first names separated by an underscore. For me, the directory would be hw4_harrison_david.
Place each answer in its own file or directory. When you are done your directory
structure should look like.
$ ls -F
$ cd hw4_harrison_david
$ ls -F
p1/ p2/ p3/ p4/
Submit hw4_harrisond_david.tgz to blackboard. If you are on windows, you may use zip, in which case the file submitted would be
Problem 1
Chapter 5: Write a recursive function to compute the Fibonacci sequence. How
does the performance of the recursive function compare to that of an iterative
The answer MUST have the followig form:
def fibo(n) -> list:
"""Returns a list wherein the ith member is the ith number in the
Fibonnaci sequence"""
Problem 2
Section 5.17 Problem 11. Write a program that solves the following problem:
Three missionaries and three cannibals come to a river and find a boat that
holds two people. Everyone must get across the river to continue on the journey.
However, if the cannibals ever outnumber the missionaries on either bank, the
missionaries will be eaten. Find a series of crossings that will get everyone safely
to the other side of the river.
Note: the solution must be recursive. The solution must output using the
following form:
Near to far with X cannibals and Y missionaries.
Far to near with X cannibals and Y missionaries.
where 𝑋 is the number of cannibals in the boat, and 𝑌 is the number of missionaries. There should be no extraneous output.
Problem 3
Section 6.16 Problem 1
Set up a random experiment to test the difference between a sequential search
and a binary search on a list of integers.
Vary the size of the list of integers 𝑛 from 1 to 1000. Repeat the experiment
𝑚 times for each 𝑛 and take the average run time per call, where 𝑚 = 100.
Output the average run times in a plot where the x-axis is 𝑛 and the y-axis is
the average run time per search.
Problem 4
Section 6.16 Problem 7
In the hash table map implementation, the hash table size was chosen to be 101.
If the table gets full, this needs to be increased. Re-implement the put method
so that the table will automatically resize itself when the loading factor reaches
a predetermined value.
Modification: Double the size each time the load factor reaches a predetermined
value. Plot the average run-time per call as a function of 𝑛 showing the difference
in performance when you allow the hash table to resize when it reaches a load
factor of 0.5 vs. a load factor of 0.95.

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