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CSCI 466 Assignment 10 MariaDB in C++

CSCI 466 Assignment 10
MariaDB in C++ (100pts)
The Task
For this assignment, you will be writing a C/C++ program that prints reports on the books found in the
henrybooks database from our MariaDB server.
Your program will show a menu with three options for reports to show. The user will choose an option,
and your program will use the MariaDB C API to run the necessary queries, displaying the results, neatly
formatted, in the terminal.
1. Book List: For each book, print the title, the author(s), and the cost. Do not assume that a book will
be written by a single author. Use a subquery to accomplish this. Sort the authors for each book based
on their Sequence.
2. Author Search: Prompt the user for the name of an Author. Print a report showing all books by
authors whose first or last names match the user-supplied name. For each of the books found, show a
line in your output with the book code, the title, the name of the author that matched your search, and
the price; then show individual lines (indented below the original line) for each branch, each showing
how many of the current book are on hand, or a single line indicating that it is out of stock everywhere if
no branches have any on hand. Branches should be displayed as their names and not as their numerical
identifiers, in alphabetical order.
3. Title Search: Same as the author search in feature 2, but search by title instead of by author. For the
author field, use the first author only (by sequence number).
There should also be an option to quit. After performing whichever option is chosen (obviously except for
the one to quit), your program should show the menu again and allow the user to choose a new option to
• The grading for this will be done by compiling and running this program on turing and/or hopper. If
your program does not compile and run properly on turing and hopper, you will not receive credit, so
make sure to test it there.
• If your program needs any flags other than the ones used in the examples of gcc/g++ in the slides in
order to compile, you need to let us know when you submit.
• Don’t forget to document your code.
• It is not a requirement that every feature be implemented with a single query. You can break the tasks
down into smaller queries if you find it makes solving the problem easier.
• As always, you should be submitting your own work. Do not try to cheat or plagiarize other people’s
What to turn in?
Submit, through Blackboard, the following:
• Your C++ source code, in a file called
• Any other source code or header files your program needs in order to compile.
CSCI 466 Assignment 10 2 of 2
Schema for henrybooks
For your convenience, I have included information on the schema of henrybooks below:
Table Field Type Null Key Default Extra
Author AuthorNum decimal(2,0) NO PRI NULL
AuthorLast char(12) YES NULL
AuthorFirst char(10) YES NULL
Book BookCode char(4) NO PRI NULL
Title char(40) YES NULL
PublisherCode char(3) YES NULL
Type char(3) YES NULL
Price decimal(8,2) YES NULL
Paperback char(1) YES NULL
Branch BranchNum decimal(2,0) NO PRI NULL
BranchName char(50) YES NULL
BranchLocation char(50) YES NULL
NumEmployees decimal(2,0) YES NULL
Inventory BookCode char(4) NO PRI
BranchNum decimal(2,0) NO PRI 0
OnHand decimal(2,0) YES NULL
Publisher PublisherCode char(3) NO PRI NULL
PublisherName char(25) YES NULL
City char(20) YES NULL
Wrote BookCode char(4) NO PRI
AuthorNum decimal(2,0) NO PRI 0
Sequence decimal(2,0) YES NULL

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