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CSCI 5409 Assignment 1

CSCI 5409 Assignment 1
Assignment 1  
** Late submissions are not accepted and will result in a 0 on the assignment

This assignment covers basic concepts of cloud computing and working principle of specific cloud
Grading Scheme (Total 45 Points):
• Q1: 10 points
• Q2: 5 points
• Q3: 5 points (2.5 X 2)
• Q4: 20 (5 points for design/manual/guide/readme, 10 points for program, 5 points for
correct output)
• Adding citation in IEEE/ACM Format only. Use reliable information source: 5 points


Q1. Read the following paper, and write a summary of your findings. Your summary should
include key points that are discussed in the paper. (Do not copy any text verbatim). At most
1 page (Font: size=11 point, type=Times). In addition, please include one or two insightful
comments based on your understanding.
W. Hassan, T. Chou, L. Pagliari, J. Pickard and O. Tamer, "Is Public Cloud Computing Adoption
Strategically the Way to Go for All the Enterprises?," 2019 IEEE 5th Intl Conference on Big
Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and
Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS),
Washington, DC, USA, 2019, pp. 310-320.
Note: To obtain the paper, visit Online Dal Library and navigate to IEEE database. If you
cannot locate the paper, please ask me
Winter 2020 CSCI 5409 Assignment 1
Q2. To understand the functionality of Type 2 Hypervisor, download and install Oracle
VirtualBox. Before downloading read the documentation and write a ½ page summary on the
product. You can run a lightweight OS, such as Ubuntu in the VirtualBox or you can choose a
different OS. In addition, to your report, you need to provide a screenshot of the guest OS
terminal (with your name as the user) running on virtualized platform, and your system’s
host OS.

Q3. “ABC” company has launched a virtualized service (S) running on Virtual Server (V). For each
of the following scenarios, provide an appropriate solution with proper justification and
pictorial representation (if applicable).
a) “ABC” has 1000 users, and each user accesses the service approximately 1000 times
in an hour. Is “ABC’s” system sufficient to handle the requests? If not, then what are
the available options?
b) “ABC” has option to rent private cloud, which is little expensive. However, all the
customers use free tier of the service (S). Is it logical to rent private cloud? Provide
justification. Do you have any suggestion for “ABC”?

Q4. This question simulates a cloud computing architecture. You need to design a program using
a standard high level programming/scripting language, such as Java/Python etc.

“Cloud5409” is a reputed hypothetical cloud provider company, which has 100,000
customers. 50,000 customers use paid-private cloud accounts, 20,000 customers use
partially paid account with hybrid cloud model, and 30,000 customers use free-public cloud
accounts. Each paid user can send unlimited requests, and SLA states “Auto Scaling” is
available. Partially paid users’ SLA states “Auto Scaling” is possible only after 60% of the tasks
are performed. Resource pools can be created and used if applicable. This model does not use
any cloud bursting architecture.

a) Before designing the program, build the scenario. Write each step, and provide
graphical representation of the scenario
b) Write a program to simulate the scenario, and test it with different input/output. Your
program should simulate every step – e.g. placing input or requests, processing
requests, allocation/deallocation of resources, AutoScaling check, and executing any
intelligent script (if required).
c) Take screenshot of your outputs.
d) Your program does not have to produce graphical output.
e) Finally generate a graph of cloud resource usage for 1000 requests.

Submission Instruction:
• Create a Folder with your name and B00 number, and store all your files –
o Program Source code with readme and/or libraries
o PDF file containing all answers
o Screenshots and image files (if any)
• Compress the folder and create a .ZIP file (do not use other compression formats)
• Upload the .ZIP file on Brightspace.
• Submission Due: Feb 5, 2020 at 11:59 pm (midnight)

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