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CSE 190: Midterm

CSE 190: Midterm
Name: Student ID:
Hand in your solution at or before 7:45pm. Answers should be written directly in the spaces provided.
Do not open or start the test before instructed to do so.
Section 1: Regression
Q1: Restaurants & ratings (10 marks)
Suppose we collected the following data about restaurants from Yelp!:
Name Average Rating Takes reservations? Take-out? Price Good for
Oceana Coastal Kitchen 4.5 Yes No $$$ Breakfast
Beyer Deli 5.0 No Yes $ Lunch
Werewolf 4.5 Yes Yes $$ Brunch
C Level 4.0 No Yes $$ Lunch, Dinner
Cucina Urban 4.5 Yes Yes $$ Dinner
and that from this data we want to estimate
av. rating ' θ0 + θ1[takes reservations] + θ2[has take-out] + θ3[price]
1. What is the average rating across all restaurants (1 mark)? A:
2. What is the Mean Squared Error of the a predictor that just predicts the average rating for all items (1
mark)? A:
3. Suppose we’d like to write down the above expression for the rating in the form y ' Xθ. Complete the
following equation to do so:



1 1 0 3 

(1 mark)
4. In the expression y ' Xθ, which term encodes the labels, which term encodes the features, and which
term encodes the parameters (1 mark)? labels: features: parameters:
5. Suppose that after fitting our model for the rating we obtain θ = [7, 0.5, −1, −1]T
. What is the interpretation of θ0 = 7 in this expression (1 mark)?
6. What is the interpretation of θ3 = −1 (1 mark)?
7. Write down the predictions made by the model when θ = [7, 0.5, −1, −1]T
predictions =


(1 mark)
8. What is the Mean Squared Error of the predictions you computed above (1 mark)? A:
9. Suppose you wanted to incorporate the ‘Good for’ field (the last column of the above table) into your
model. How would you represent the features in order to do so? Answer this by writing down the model
you would use:
av. rating ' θ0 + θ1[takes reservations] + θ2[has take-out]+
θ3[price] + A:
and by completing the feature matrix using your representation:
X =

1 1 0 3
(2 marks)
Q2: Training, testing, & model selection (6 marks)
Suppose we are training regressors to minimize the regularized Mean Squared Error
(y − x · θ)
2 + λkθk
10. Suppose that we fit some model for λ ∈ {0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000} and obtain the following performance
on the training and validation sets:
training error
validation error
Which value of λ would you select based on the results above (1 mark)? λ =
11. Answer the following questions about training, validation, and test sets:
(a) What is the role of a validation set (1 mark)?
(b) How does the training error typically vary with λ (1 mark)?
(c) What is meant by under/over fitting? Which values of λ in the above figure correspond to maximum
over/under fitting (1 mark)?
12. Further suppose that we consider two different feature representations (model X and model Y), and two
different regularization parameters (λ = 1 and λ = 10) and obtain the following results on the training
and validation sets:
model training error validation error
model X, λ = 1 23.34 ?
model X, λ = 10 ? ?
model Y, λ = 1 ? 18.32
model Y, λ = 10 25.98 ?
(‘?’ indicates an unknown value).
Assuming that our training/validation/test sets are large, independent samples, is the above information
enough to determine which model and which value of λ we would expect to yield the best performance
on the test set? If so, which model and which value of λ would you expect to perform best and why?
Explain your answer (2 marks).
Section 2: Classification
Q3: Fantasy novels (6 marks)
Suppose we have a database consisting of the following books:
Title Genre Prediction
The Circle of Sorcerers Fantasy True
Knights: The Eye of Divinity Fantasy
Superman/Batman: Sorcerer Kings Graphic Novel
In the Blood Mystery
Remains of the Day Literature & Fiction
Blood Song Fantasy
Flame Moon Fantasy
The Book of The Sword: A History of Daggers History
A Storm of Swords Fantasy
The Storm Book Children’s
Further, suppose we are given the following classifier to classify Fantasy vs. non-Fantasy books:
if (Title contains ’Sorcerer’ or ’Blood’ or ’Knights’ or ’Moon’ or ’Storm’):
return True
return False
13. What are the predictions made by this classifier? Write your answers in the last column of the table
above (1 mark).
14. Of these predictions, what is the number of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false
negatives (1 mark)? true positive true negative false positive false negative
15. What are the true positive rate (hint: TP / (TP + FN)), true negative rate, and balanced error rate (1
true positive rate true negative rate balanced error rate
16. In class we saw three approaches to classification: na¨ıve Bayes, logistic regression, and support-vector
machines. Describe one benefit of each approach compared to the other two (3 marks).
na¨ıve Bayes:
logistic regression:
Section 3: Communities & clustering
Q4: Algorithms for community detection, dimensionality reduction, and clustering
Recall three algorithms we saw in class to detect communities: connected components, ratio cut, and clique
percolation (pseudocode is given as Algorithms 1, 2, and 3 at the end of the test).
17. Identify the communities that would be produced on the graphs below using these three algorithms.
Circle the communities directly in the space below (some more graphs are provided on the final page in
case you need to re-write your answer):
Connected components Ratio cut Clique percolation Clique percolation
(2 communities) (k = 3) (k = 2)
(1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark)
18. Suppose we are given the following 2-dimensional data X, and wish to cluster it so as to minimize the
reconstruction error (P
x∈X kx¯−xk
). Separate the points into three clusters such that the reconstruction
error (when replacing each point by its cluster centroid) would be minimized. Draw the clusters directly
in the space below (1 mark):
19. By replacing each point with one of the three centroids above, we have effectively ‘compressed’ the data,
since each (2-d) point is replaced by a (1-d) integer. Another way to compress the data would be to
perform Principal Component Analysis, and discard the lowest variance dimension, which would also
result in a 1-d representation of the data. Out of these two possible compressed representations, which
one would result in the lower reconstruction error on the above data, and why (1 mark)?
20. In class we saw hierarchical clustering, an algorithm that works by successively joining clusters whose
centroids are nearest. Psuedocode is given in Algorithm 4 over the page.
Suppose you are given the following set of points:
a b
Step Clusters merged List of clusters
0 (initialization) {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {e}, {f}, {g}
1 {a} merges with {b} {a, b}, {c}, {d}, {e}, {f}, {g}
6 {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}
If we were to perform hierarchical clustering on this data, in what order would the clusters be joined?
Answer this question by completing the table above (2 marks).
Algorithm 1 Connected components
Two nodes a and b should be assigned to the same community if and only if a is reachable from b, and b is
reachable from a
Algorithm 2 Ratio cut
Choose communities c ∈ C that minimize 1
edges in cut
z }| {
cut(c, c¯)
size of community
Algorithm 3 Clique percolation with parameter k
Initially, all k-cliques in the graph are communities
while there are two communities that have a (k − 1)-clique in common do
merge both communities into a single community
Algorithm 4 Hierarchical clustering
Initially, every point is assigned to its own cluster
while there is more than one cluster do
Compute the center of each cluster
Combine the two clusters with the nearest centers
Write any additional answers/corrections/comments here:
Here are a few more graphs in case you need to re-write your solutions to Q17:

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