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CSE 331 Homework 1

CSE 331 Homework 1

Homework 1:

CSE 331 Software Design and Implementation
Code Reasoning

Getting Started
Turnin Instructions
Problem 1: Forward reasoning with assignment statements
Problem 2: Backward reasoning with assignment statements
Problem 3: Backward reasoning with if/else statements
Problem 4: Wrong weakest precondition for if/else statements
Problem 5: Another wrong weakest precondition for if/else statements
Problem 6: Weakest Conditions
Problem 7: Hoare Triples
Problem 8: Verifying Correctness
Problem 9: Verifying Correctness
Time Spent
Q & A
Getting Started
You will need to follow a couple of steps to set up for the homework sequence this
quarter. Complete these steps by the end of the week so the staff can help you work
through any problems.
a. Run the student-setup script, as explained in the Tools Overview.
b. Check out your Subversion repository. This quarter, you will receive starter code and
submit your assignments through Subversion (SVN).
You will learn more about SVN in section. Also have a look at the Version Control
Follow the directions in the version control handout (above) to check out your
repository. If you are working on your own computer, also see the SVN section
of the Working At Home handout.
Turnin Instructions
Please submit your answers by adding and committing a single PDF file named
hw1_answers.pdf to the src/hw1/answers/ directory of your repository. Follow the
directions in the version control handout for adding and committing files.
Your file should be no larger than 3MB. Scanned copies of hand-written documents
are fine, as long as they are legible when printed.
IMPORTANT!!! After completing your homework, it is STRONGLY recommended that
you run the validator tool. This tool checks for common structural mistakes, such as
CSE 331 Homework 1[5/1/2013 3:31:24 PM]
naming the file incorrectly or neglecting to add and commit it to your repository
correctly (an all-too-common mistake for students new to version control).
Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be graded.
Assume that all numerical values are integers, and that integer overflow will never
In your answers, you may use any standard symbols for "and" and "or" (& and |, ?
and ?, etc.).
If no precondition is required for a code sequence, simply write {true} to denote the
trivial precondition.
Problem 1: Forward reasoning with assignment statements
Find the strongest postcondition of each code sequence by inserting the appropriate
assertion in each blank. The first assertion in part (a) is supplied as an example.
a. { x 0 }
x = 10;
{ x = 10 }
y = 2 * x;
z = y + 4;
x = z / 2;
y = 0;
b. { x 0 }
y = x;
y = y + 2;
c. { |x| 10 }
x = -x;
x = x / 2;
x = x + 1;
d. { y 2x }
y = y * 2;
x = x + 1;
Problem 2: Backward reasoning with assignment statements
Find the weakest precondition of each code sequence by inserting the appropriate assertion
in each blank.
a. {___________________________}
x = x + 5;
y = 2 * x;
CSE 331 Homework 1[5/1/2013 3:31:24 PM]
{ y 10 }
b. {___________________________}
y = x + 6;
z = x + y;
{ z ? 0 }
c. {___________________________}
y = w - 10;
x = 2 * x;
{ x y }
d. {___________________________}
t = 2 * s;
r = w + 4;
s = 2*s + w;
{ r s ? s t}
Problem 3: Backward reasoning with if/else statements
Find the weakest precondition for the following conditional statement using backward
reasoning, inserting the appropriate assertion in each blank. Be sure to explicitly verify
that the intermediate postconditions for the two cases imply the total postcondition, i.e.
show that (Q1 ? Q2) ? Q.
if (x = 0)
z = x;
z = x + 1;
{z ? 0 }
Problem 4: Wrong weakest precondition for if/else statements
Willy Wazoo says that the CSE 331 formula for wp("If C, S1 else S2", Q) is too hard to
remember. He suggests this simpler definition:
wp("If C, S1 else S2", Q) = wp(S1, Q) ? wp(S2, Q)
Consider the following Hoare triple:
P: {___________________________}
if (x == 0)
x = _______________; // S1
} else {
x = _______________; // S2
Q: {___________________________}
a. Fill in S1, S2 with statements of your choice (but read the rest of this problem before
making your choice).
b. Fill in Q with a condition of your choice. Compute P according to Willy's definition.
c. In the space below, give a concrete initial value of x that satisfies P, and the
corresponding final value of x (resulting from executing the code) that does not
CSE 331 Homework 1[5/1/2013 3:31:24 PM]
satisfy Q. This shows that Willy's definition is incorrect.
Problem 5: Another wrong weakest precondition for if/else
Willy accepts your counterexample, but he still believes he can simplify the formula. He
proposes to try the equation:
wp("If C, S1 else S2", Q) = wp(S1, Q) ? wp(S2, Q)
Consider the following Hoare triple:
P: {___________________________}
if (x == 0)
x = _______________; // S1
} else {
x = _______________; // S2
Q: {___________________________}
a. Fill in S1, S2 with statements of your choice (but read the rest of this problem before
making your choice).
b. Fill in Q with a condition of your choice. Compute P according to Willy's definition.
c. In the space below, give a concrete initial value of x that does not satisfy P, and the
corresponding final value of x (resulting from executing the code) that satisfies Q.
This shows that Willy's definition does not give the weakest precondition.
Problem 6: Weakest Conditions
Indicate the weakest condition in each set.
a. { x = 20 }
{ x 10 }
{ x ? 10 }
b. (Problem 6b has been retracted.)
c. { x 0 ? y 0 }
{ x 0 ? y 0 }
d. { |x+y| w }
{ x+y w }
Problem 7: Hoare Triples
State whether each Hoare triple is valid. If it is invalid, explain why and show how you
would modify the precondition or postcondition to make it valid.
a. { x < 0 }
y = 2 * x;
{ y ? 0 }
CSE 331 Homework 1[5/1/2013 3:31:24 PM]
b. { x ? y }
z = x - y;
{ z 0 }
c. { true }
if (x % 2 == 0)
y = x;
y = x + 1;
{ y is even }
d. { x < 0 }
if (x < 100)
x = -1;
x = 1;
{ x < 0 }
Problem 8: Verifying Correctness
For each block of code, fill in the intermediate assertions, then use them to state whether
the precondition is sufficient to guarantee the postcondition. If the precondition is
insufficient, explain why and indicate where the assertions don't match up.
Hint: for assignment statements, use backward reasoning to find the weakest precondition
that guarantees the postcondition, then see if the given precondition is weaker than the
weakest precondition. For if/else statements, you may find a combination of forward and
backward reasoning most useful. Follow the rules given in class for what assertion to insert
at each point.
a. { x 0 }
y = x - 1;
z = 2 * y;
z = z + 1;
{z 1}
b. { 2x ? w }
y = w - 2;
x = 2 * x;
z = x - 2;
{ z ? y }
c. { y 0 }
if (x == y)
x = -1;
x = y - 1;
{ x < y }
Problem 9: Verifying Correctness
Write a block of code that calculates the smallest even number greater than or equal to x
and stores it in y. In other words, y will be assigned either x or x+1. Assume x and y have
already been initialized, and annotate your code with assertions before and after each
statement to prove that it is correct. At the end of the block, it should be true that y is
even and that y = x or y = (x+1).
CSE 331 Homework 1[5/1/2013 3:31:24 PM]
Please answer the following questions in a file named collaboration.txt in your hw1/answers/
The standard collaboration policy applies to this homework.
State whether or not you collaborated with other students. If you did collaborate with
other students, state their names and a brief description of how you collaborated.
Please answer the following questions in a file named reflection.txt in your hw1/answers/
directory. Answer briefly, but in enough detail to help you improve your own practice via
introspection and to enable the course staff to improve CSE 331 in the future.
a. In retrospect, what could you have done better to reduce the time you spent solving
this homework?
b. What could the CSE 331 staff have done better to improve your learning experience
in this homework?
c. What do you know now that you wish you had known before beginning the
Time Spent
Tell us how long you spent on this homework via this catalyst survey: (Only include productive time;
discount time you worked in your noisy dorm lounge, and don't count time if you were
periodically reading email or IMs.)
Problem 6b has been retracted; it didn't have an answer.
Q & A
This section will list clarifications and answers to common questions about homeworks.
We'll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible, so this should be the first place to look
(after carefully rereading the homework handout and the specifications) when you have a

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