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CSE 6140 Assignment 1

CSE 6140 Assignment 1

Please upload 1) a PDF with solutions of Problems 1, 2 and 3; 2) a PDF of
your report for Problem 4; 3) a single zip file of your code, README, results
for Problem 4.
1 Simple Complexity
1. For each pair of functions f and g, write whether f is in O(g), Ω(g), or
(a) f = (n + 1000)4
, g = n
4 − 3n
(b) f = log1000 n, g = log2 n
(c) f = n
, g = n
(d) f = 2n, g = n!
(e) f = n
n, g = n!
(f) f = log n!, g = n log n (hint: if uncertain, Stirling’s a certain)
2. Determine the Big-O time complexity for the algorithm below (show your
work). Also, very briefly explain (in one or two sentences) what the algorithm outputs (note: the % symbol is the modulo operator):
Data: n
1 i = 1;
2 while i ≤ n do
3 j = 0;
4 k = i;
5 while k % 3 == 0 do
6 k = k/3 ;
7 j++ ;
8 end
9 print i,j;
10 i++;
11 end
2 Greedy - Why is the pool always so busy anyway?
Georgia Tech is trying to raise money for the Technology Square Research Building and has decided to host the “Tech Swim Run Bike” (TSRB) Triathalon to
start off the fundraising campaign!
Usually in a triathalon all athletes will perform the three events in order (swimming, running, then biking) asynchronously, but unfortunately due to some last
minute planning, the race committee was only able to secure the use of one
lane of the olympic pool in the campus recreation center. This means that
there will be a bottleneck during the first portion (the swimming leg) of the
race where only one person can swim at a time. The race committee needs
to decide on an ordering of athletes where the first athlete in the order will
swim first, then as soon as the first athlete completes the swimming portion
the next athlete will start swimming, etc. The race committee, not wanting to
wait around for an extremely long time for everyone to finish, wants to come
up with a schedule that will minimize the time it takes for everyone to finish
the race. Luckily, they have prior knowledge about how fast the athletes will
complete each portion of the race, and they have you, an algorithm-ista, to help!
Specifically, for each athlete, i, they have an estimate of how long the athlete
will take to complete the swimming portion, si
, running portion, ri and biking
portion, bi
. A schedule of athletes can be represented as a list of athletes (e.g.
[athlete7, athlete4, ...]) that indicate in which order the athletes will start the
race. Using this information, they want you to find an ordering for the athletes
to start the race that will minimize the time taken for everyone to finish the race,
assuming all athletes perform at their estimated time. More precisely, give an
efficient algorithm that produces a schedule of athletes whose completion time
is as small as possible and prove that it gives the optimal solution using an
exchange argument.
Keep in mind that once an athlete finishes swimming, they can proceed with
the running and biking portions of the race, even if other athletes are already
running and biking. Also note that all athletes have to swim first (i.e. some
athletes won’t start off running or biking). For example: if we have a race with
3 athletes scheduled to go in the order [2, 1, 3], and the finishing time for athlete
i is represented as ai
, then the finishing times would be as follows: (with a total
finishing time of max(a1, a2, a3))
a2 = (s2) + r2 + b2
a1 = (s2 + s1) + r1 + b1
a3 = (s2 + s1 + s3) + r3 + b3
3 Divide and Conquer
You’re given a set of n high-tech tags. All tags look exactly the same, but
embedded in each is a chip with an ID ti
. If two tags i and j have the same ID
ti = tj , then they light up when tapped against each other (and turn back off
once they’re separated).
Your task is simple: Given n of these tags, is there a collection of more than n/2
of them with the same ID? Note: there’s no way of figuring out the tag’s actual
ID. Your only option is to tap two tags against each other and see whether they
light up. Each tap costs one “operation”, and you can only compare two tags
at a time.
Divise a Divide and Conquer algorithm that requires operations on the order of
O(n log n) to execute. In particular, write down the pseudocode, briefly explain
why it works, and formally show that it’s complexity is O(n log n).
4 Programming Assignment
You are to implement either Prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm for finding a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of an undirected graph, and evaluate its running
time performance on a set of graph instances. The 12 input graphs are RMAT
graphs [1], which are synthetic graphs with power-law degree distributions and
small-world characteristics. These graphs might have multiple arcs between the
same vertices, with each of them having an associated weight (i.e. the graphs
are multigraphs), your code should take this into account.
4.1 Static Computation
The first part of the assignment entails coding either Prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm to find the cost of an MST given a graph file. You may use the programming language of your choice (either C++, Java, or Python). We provide
a wrapper function in all three languages to help you get started with the
assignment. You may call your own functions inside the wrapper. We also
have implemented a timer in the wrapper that records the running time of
your algorithms. To implement these algorithms, you may make use of data
structure implementations in the programming language of your choice; e.g. in
python, the heapq library may be used for implementing priority queues and
set operations may be used for implementing the union-find data structure. In
Java, java.util.PriorityQueue may be used for implementing priority queues and
java.util.Set may be used for set operations.
The ‘graph file’ format is as follows:
Line 1: N E (N = number of vertices, E = number of edges)
Every subsequent line contains three integers: u v weight (u = source of
edge, v = destination of edge, weight = weight of edge between u and v)
The MST calculation is to be implemented in the computeMST function, as
indicated in the wrapper code.
4.2 Dynamic Recomputation
The next part of the assignment requires you to update the cost of the MST
given new edges to be added to the graph. You are provided with a ‘changes
file’ and the format is as follows:
Line 1: N (N = number of changes/edges to be added)
Every subsequent line contains three integers: u v weight (u = source of
new edge to be added, v = destination of edge, weight = weight of edge
between u and v)
You are to implement the function recomputeMST as indicated in the wrapper
code that computes the new MST given the new edge to be added into the
graph. You are responsible for maintaining the old MST before recomputing.
Note: it is very easy to complete this part of the assignment by simply adding
the new edge and calling your old computeMST function from part 1 (Subsection
4.1). The objective is to minimize computation and efficiently recompute the
cost of the MST.
4.3 Execution
The wrapper code is set up to require three command line arguments: <executable
<graph <change file.extra <output file. The <graph file is the
one described in Subsection 4.1 and the <change file is the one described in
Subsection 4.2.
Note: You do not have to use the wrapper code provided; however, if you
write your own code from scratch, please indicate so in your README (how to
compile and run your code)
4.4 Experiments
You are required to run your code for all 12 input graphs provided. The wrapper
functions we provide in C++, Java, and Python describe the following procedure. For each graph:
• parse the edges (parseEdges): to be implemented
• compute the MST using either Prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm (computeMST):
to be implemented
• write the cost of the initial MST and time taken to compute it to the
output file: provided in wrapper code
• For each line in the <change file,
– Parse the new edge to be added: provided in wrapper code
– Call the function recomputeMST: to be implemented
– Write to the output file the cost of the new MST and the time taken
to compute it: provided in wrapper code
Name the output files as such: <graph file output.txt and place them in the
folder results. You should have one output file for each of the 12 input graphs
4.5 Report
Write a brief report wherein you:
a) List which data structures you have used for your choice of algorithm
(Prim’s/Kruskal’s). Explain the reasoning behind your choice and how
that has influenced the running time of your algorithms, and the theoretical complexity (i.e., specify the big-Oh for your implementation of each
of the two algorithms - computeMST and recomputeMST).
b) Plots: We require you to make two plots. Plot the running time as the
number of edges in the graph increases (across the 12 graphs you were
given) for both the static and dynamic calculations, i.e. one plot showing
on the x-axis the number of edges the graph has and the y-axis the time
for the static MST calculation, and another plot where the y-xis the time
needed to insert 100 edges (as given the changes files) using your recomputeMST code. Discuss the results you observe. How does the empirical
scaling you observe match your big-Oh analysis? How does the behavior
vary with the dynamic recomputation?
4.6 Deliverables
• code for initial, static MST implementation (this is called computeMST
in the provided wrapper code)
• code for dynamic MST recomputation (this is called recomputeMST in
the provided wrapper code)
• README, explaining how to run your code
• Report (Subsection 4.5)
• output files (12) within the results folder - one for each graph
[1] D. Chakrabarti, Y. Zhan, and C. Faloutsos. R-MAT: A Recursive Model
for Graph Mining. In Proc. 4th SIAM Intl. Conf. on Data Mining, Florida,
USA, April 2004.

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