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CSE 6140 Assignment 3

CSE 6140 Assignment 3
Please read and follow all instructions carefully.
Submission Instructions
• Please upload a single typed PDF for your solution to Problem 1 titled
<GTusername_HW3_prob1.pdf (e.g. drobinson67_HW3_prob1.pdf)
• Please upload a single typed PDF for your report for Problem 2 titled
<GTusername_HW3_report.pdf (e.g. drobinson67_HW3_report.pdf)
• Please upload a single zip file as is explained in the “Deliverables” section of Problem 2 for the programming portion of Problem 2 (note: do
not put the other PDFs in this zip file). This file should be named
< (e.g.
• Do not submit .pngs, .pages files, .docx files, .jpgs, .rtfs or any other
formats in nested zipped files. Your solutions should be typed, and should
be in PDF files.
• Do not submit .rars, .tars, .tar.bz2s, .tar.gzs, .7zs, or any other type of
archive file. Your programming assignment should be in a zip file.
• Not abiding by these instructions will cause you to lose up to all of the
points for a problem.
• Remember the academic honor code: Copying from other students or from
the internet is in strict violation of the Georgia Tech honor code.
1 “In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire...
... hurricanes hardly ever happen.” Unfortunately, though, hurricanes do happen elsewhere. As such, you’ve been formally requested by the British prime
minister, Sir Henry Higgins, to lead the project on setting up emergency bunkers
throughout England in hopes of reducing casualties during a hurricane. In particular, inhabitants of every town in England should be able to reach a bunker
in a reasonable amount of time.
One proposal is to build a bunker in each and every town, thus eliminating travel
time and ensuring safety for all. However, due to deployment and maintenance
costs, this solution turns out to be outside of the allocated budget. A much
more cost effective strategy is to build a single bunker at a reasonable distance
from all the towns, but that will lead to long travel times and congestion along
the roads, which is expected to increase casualties.
Instead, you propose a happy medium: build a set of bunkers such that a town
either has a bunker built in it, or is directly connected to a town which has
a bunker. This reduces the number of bunkers needed, while still allowing all
inhabitants ample time to get to safety. Satisfied with your proposition, PM
Higgins allocates funds for this project (code-named Pygmalion) and asks you
to come up with a method to solve it.
You formally set up the problem, PYGMALION, as follows: Given an undirected
graph G, where nodes represent towns and edges represent roads, and given a
number k, is there a way to build k bunkers at k different towns so that every
town either has its own bunker, or is connected by a (direct) road to a town
that does have a bunker?
Thinking about a solution, you sadly realize what you’ve gotten yourself into:
Show that PYGMALION is NP-Complete. Follow all the steps we have outlined in
class for a complete proof.
Note: Props to anyone who caught all the literary references above. If you
haven’t, you may need to brush up on your English literature. ,
2 Programming
Amrita has recently earned $10,000 in cash by gambling (lucky her!). She wants
to buy a brand new car. However, she doesn’t have enough money yet and of
course she is wise enough to not take the risk of gambling again. She usually
takes the bus home while dreaming of her own car. “My dark gray car, you are
the most beautiful car in the world”, she imagines.
One day, while day-dreaming, her eyes fell on an advertisement which changed
her life:
Do you want money to buy a car? or a home?
Join us today. Tomorrow is too late!
Pool-o-Pale Investment Co. Visit
She visits the website as soon as she gets home and reads the rules and
regulations. She finds that she has to invest her money. They will pay her daily
interest, a typical banking approach. She then finds a very appealing rule:
The interest rates are known in advance!
For example, tomorrow’s interest rate is 3.5 %. This means that tomorrow, the
bank will pay Amrita 0.035×10000. The interest rate on the day after tomorrow
is −2.1%, which means that they will claim 0.021 × 10000 of her money on that
day. Amrita gets excited about this: she can invest on the days with positive
interest rates only! “That’s great!”, she thought, feeling that she was closer
than ever to buying the car. But then, she goes on to read the next rule:
Every person can join the Pool-o-Pale once!
“What a bad rule!” she whispered disappointedly. This means that she has to
join the plan on one given day, and remain so till some later day. Then, she
will earn money at the rate equal to the summation of the interest rates on
those days. “How can I earn as much money as possible? I wish I knew of an
algorithm that finds the best investment period for me”, she thinks. That night
she slept while driving her dark gray car in her dreams.
Let’s help Amrita buy a car! Tomorrow morning, she is going to a branch
of Pool-o-Pale. The manager will give her a spreadsheet containing the fixed
interest rates from now until some days later. She has less than ten seconds to
decide the interval she is going to invest within. You are going to help her find
an efficient algorithm to accomplish this. You can, because you know how to
design and analyze efficient algorithms! ,
Suppose the manager will give her a text file containing on its first line, n,
the total number of days in the plan. Then, at line i she will receive a (positive
or negative) real number indicating the daily interest rate, say ai
. If you really
want to help her, you have to find the indices j and k such that ∑j≤i≤k ai
maximum. Assume that there exists at least one day where the interest rate is
positive (otherwise, there is no reason why Amrita should invest). Remember
you have only ten seconds.
You, as an algorithm expert, should try and analyze the following proposals:
• A brute-force approach for this problem seems very naive. You can design
a faster algorithm. Believe in yourself! Implement a divide-and-conquer
approach by splitting the array into two halves. The best solution will
either be:
– fully contained in the first half
– fully contained in the second half
– such that its start point is in the first half and its end point in the
second half
The first two cases are handled recursively. The third one is a linear
• Secondly, you will implement a more clever solution by dynamic programming: Assume that the days are indexed by the set I = {1, ..., n}. Let
B(j) denote the maximum sum of interest rates that can be obtained if
j ∈ I is Amrita’s last day of investment. Then, it is easy to see that B(j)
can be computed using the following recurrence relation:
B(j) = {
0 j = 0
max{B(j − 1) + aj , 0} otherwise
In words, if j is Amrita’s last day of investment, the maximum interest
rate she can obtain up to j is either: the maximum interest rate she can
obtain up to j − 1, plus that of the j-th day (if B(j − 1) + aj ≥ 0); or zero
(if B(j − 1) + aj < 0, i.e. there is no investment interval ending on day j
that is profitable).
You can easily (and efficiently) compute B(j),∀j ∈ I using a bottom-up
approach. Once you have computed all the necessary B(j) values, you
can solve Amrita’s problem by returning the the best i and j values (Hint:
the best i and j correspond to the B(j) that is maximum among all j ∈ I).
You will help Amrita by implementing the two aforementioned algorithms (divideand-conquer and dynamic programming). Your algorithms should take inputs
and generate outputs as follows.
Input: The first line contains two numbers. The first one, n, is the number
of days. The second one, k, is the number of instances of the problem you
should solve. Then, the next k lines contain n comma separated values. The
input files are named <n.txt, e.g. 7.txt and have the form:
Output: For each algorithm and each input file there should be an output
file with k lines. Each line has four numbers. The first one is the maximum value
of interest rate Amrita will receive. The next two numbers are the indices of the
the start and end days of optimal investment, and are in the range [1, n]. The
last value is the running time of the corresponding algorithm in milliseconds.
Values are separated by commas, and non-integer values are output with two
decimal digits.
Your should submit the output for both algorithms corresponding to the input
files provided. Your outputs should be named as
where <algorithm should be either dc (for divide and conquer) or dp (for dynamic programming). Put all output files in a folder named output.
Sample data for debugging: We provide a sample input file with (n =
10, k = 10) in 10.txt, and the corresponding sample output file in drobinson67_output_dc_10.txt.
If your algorithms are correct, they will have the same values for the first three
columns of the sample output file. Note that you should not submit your output
file for this sample dataset.
Deliverables: You should create a zip file for the programming portion
of this assignment named, <, that includes the
• Source for the two algorithms, well structured and commented. Similar
to Assignment 1, you are allowed to use Python, Java, C, or C++.
• A README file explaining how to run your codes. If you use Java, C, or
C++, please also include the command(s) you use to compile your code
(we should be able to compile (if necessary) and run your code and see
the output files generated).
• A folder named output containing the corresponding output of the input
files provided in. The output should be in the format described in the
“Output” section above.
You should also create a report and submit it as a PDF titled <GTusername_HW3_report.pdf
(e.g. drobinson67_HW3_report.pdf) on t-square. The report should include:
• A description of your divide and conquer algorithm.
• A description of your dynamic programming algorithm.
• Time and space complexity analysis of both algorithms.
• A single graph with two lines that shows how the average running time of
your algorithms grows with n. For each input size, n, average the running
time over the k instances in the input file for that value of n.
• Observations about your empirical results that tie back into your time and
space complexity analysis.
• Discussion on how the two algorithms compare with each other in terms
of the complexity and empirical performance.

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