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CSE/IT 213: Homework 2

CSE/IT 213: Homework 2

Please read Google’s Java Style:
Make sure your code conforms to Google’s Java Style and that you use Javadocs for all
methods. The UML does not show setter and getter methods but you need to provide setter
and getter methods for all private instance variables.
Update Rectangle class
1. Update the Rectangle class from Homework 1 so it uses a Point class to store the x
and y coordinates of the lower, left hand corner. Your classes should have the following
p : Point
width : double
height : double
Rectangle(width : double, height : double)
Rectangle(p : Point, width : double, height : double)
Rectangle(x : double, y : double, width : double, height : double)
area() : double
perimeter() : double
diagonalLength() : double
distanceFromOrigin() : double
CSE/IT 213 CSE/IT 213: Homework 2
manhattanDistanceFromOrigin() : double
toString() : String //override method
x : double
y : double
r : double
theta : double
type : enum Type{CARTESIAN, POLAR}
Point(x : double, y : double, type: Type)
cartesianInstance(x : double, y : double)
polarInstance(r : double, theta : double)
//Euclidean distance in two dimensions
euclideanDistance(q : Point) //object method
euclideanDistance(p : Point, q : Point) //static method
//Manahattan (taxicab) distance
manhattanDistance(q : Point) //object method
manhattanDistance(p : Point, q : Point) //static method
toString : String
Rectangle class
You only need one constructor that does initialization. All other constructors should
call that constructor using this. The Rectangle(x : double, y : double, width
: double, height : double) is the constructor that does the initialization. Assume all points are Cartesian.
Update the Rectangle distance methods so they call the Point’s distance methods and
add the manhattanDistanceFromOrigin() method to the Rectangle class. Like the
other distance methods, it calls the distance methods from the Point class.
The Rectangle class, should still allow you to change the x and y of the lower left hand
corner of the rectangle. However, the Rectangle’s setters and getters for x and y use
Point’s setters and getters.
CSE/IT 213 CSE/IT 213: Homework 2
Point class
For the Point class, you are going to store both the Cartesian and polar coordinates of
the point. You need to keep track of the type of coordinate system you initialized the
point with. Use the type in toString() to return the appropriate representation.
The Manhattan Distance (taxicab distance) between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is
defined in two dimensions as Md = |x2 − x1| + |y2 − y1|.
Make sure you supply setters and getters for the Point class and that they change all
appropriate values. That is, as you are storing both the Cartesian and polar representation of the point, a change to x changes r and a change to r changes x and y,
Wind Chill
2. Write a program that calculates the Wind Chill. You will write four classes:
kelvin : double
fahrenheit : double
celsius : double
Temperature(value : double, Type)
kelvinInstance(value: double)
celsiusInstance(value : double)
fahrenheitInstance(value : double)
mph : double //the wind speed in miles per hour
CSE/IT 213 CSE/IT 213: Homework 2
getWindChill(t : Temperature, w : WindSpeed)
getWindChillWatts(t : Temperature, w : WindSpeed)
main() //the driver class
Temperature class
For each temperature object, you will store all three representations of the temperature
(Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin). The constructor should perform all the conversions. The
conversion are as follows:
to convert Celsius to Kelvin: K = C + 273.15
to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin: K = (F + 459.67) ×
to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: C =
(F − 32)
Write setters and getters for all instance variables. Like the Point class, the setters will
change multiple values as changing the Fahrenheit temperature changes the Celsius
and Kelvin temperature, etc.
The toString() method should return a string with the temperature value and the
correct unit.
WindSpeed class
This class has only one instance variable, mph, which stores the wind speed in miles
per hour. Add the appropriate setter and getter. To convert from miles per hour to
meters per second use 1 mile per hour = 0.44704 meters per second
The toString() method should return a string with the wind speed in miles per hour.
WindChill class
You can find information on how to calculate wind chill from:
CSE/IT 213 CSE/IT 213: Homework 2
You are calculating the New Wind Chill Index and the Wind Chill in Watts per meter
squared. As the class just does calculations you do not need any constructors only
static methods for the two calculations.
Heed the warning on the webpage that wind chill is only defined for temperatures at
or below 50 degrees F and wind speeds above 3 mph. Return 0.0 for wind chill if it
cannot be calculated.
Weather class
The Weather class is a driver program that uses a Scanner to get user input of the
temperature, the unit of the temperature, the wind speed in miles per hour, and
calculates both the New Wind Chill Index and the Wind Chill in Watts per meter
squared. Use the DecimalFormat class to format the output to two decimal places. Do
not use printf.
Sample Output
enter a temperature : 32
enter temperature units [ C / F / K ]: F
enter wind speed ( mph ): 10
the current wind chill is 23.73
or in Watts per meter square the wind chill is 1040.24
Unit testing
In addition to the Weather program, unit test your Temperature (include setters),
WindSpeed, and WindChill classes.
Create Javadoc documentation for the Temperature, WindSpeed, and WindChill classes.
Create a jar named cse213 hw2 firstname lastname.jar with all your *.java files, your
unit test classes, and the Javadoc documentation for the weather classes.
Upload the jar file to Canvas before the due date.

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