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CSP 584 Assignment #1

CSP 584 Assignment #1

 Use Servlets to implement the following requirements.
 Capture all representative screen-shots of your output and
save them in a file called output.pdf
 All source code and byte code must be submitted.
 Use screencast-omatic and record a demo (video + audio+
computer screen) for 5 minutes of your assignment for all
features implemented.
 Post your homework as a single compressed (ZIP only) file
on Blackboard with the name
Important Notes:
 NO IDE to be used in any shape/form in the implementation
of this assignment
 Do NOT communicate or share your assignment with others


High-Level Requirements:
Consider the following high-level description for the online retailer
 The intent is to build servlet-based web application that will allow
customers to place orders online from BestDeal website
 Currently, the retailer has the products categories:
1. TV
2. Sound Systems
3. Phones
4. Laptops
5. Voice Assistant
6. Wearable Technology:
1. Fitness Watches
2. Smart Watches
3. Headphones
4. Virtual Reality
5. Pet Tracker
 Currently, the retailer offers its customers the options of:
1. Store pickup
2. Home Delivery
The following is the high-level description for BestDeal website:
 The intent is to build servlet-based web application that will allow
customers to place orders online from BestDeal website
 The store has a StoreManager, Customers, and Salesmen
 The retailers sells different types of products
 The StoreManager can Add/Delete/Update products
 Salesman can create Customer accounts and can
Add/Delete/Update customers’ orders
 Every product has Name, Price, Description and might have
accessories that could be bought separately.
 When a product is selected for a view, all accessories associated
with that product must be displayed below the product
 Retailer offers warranty that can be purchased by the customer
for every console
 The customer must be able to create an account online
 The customer must specify/select in-store pickup or home delivery
 The customer must be able to place an order online, check the
status of the order, or cancel the order.
 The customer will pay using a credit card
 Some of the products may have retailer special-discounts
 Some of the products may have manufacturer rebates
 Customer shall be able to shop online to buy one or multiple items
in the same session from the BestDeal online retailer.
 In the same session, the customer must be able to add or remove
items from the shopping cart
 When the customer chooses to check out:
1. The customer will enter personal information (Name,
Detailed Address (Name, street, city, state, Zip-Code),
Credit Card, home deliver or instore pickup, etc.)
2. For store pick up, the customer must select the store
location for pickup. (Hardcode at least 10 store locations in
different zip codes for in-store pickup)
3. The customer will be provided with a confirmation number
and a delivery/pickup date (2 weeks after the order date)
that the customer can use to cancel an order at a later time,
though it must be 5 business days before the delivery date.
 Hard-code at least 5 values of every product category available in
the store in a HashMap , plaintext file, serialized file, or xml file
while implementing and testing your application.
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