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CST 8221 – JAP - Assignment #2, Part 1

CST 8221 – JAP - Assignment #2, Part 1

Earnings: 5% of your total course mark
Purpose: Building the GUIs
The purpose of Assignment #2 is to build a multi-threaded client/server chat application.
In Part 1 of the assignment you are to build the GUI. In Part 2 of the assignment you
are to write the client and the server code.
Problem Specification:
In this part of Assignment #2 you are to build a relatively simple GUI for the client and
server part application. You may use the Swing API or JavaFX API to build the GUI.
Your GUI must have exactly the same appearance (including the sizes of the
components) as the one shown in the figures below.
Important note: If you decide to use GUI builders to build the GUI, you may not be
able the implement the Part 2 of the assignment.
Swing GUI
Fig. 1. The Client Swing GUI at launch.
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Fig. 2. The Client Swing GUI with Combo Box opened.
Requirements for the Client Swing GUI:
 The size of the non-resizable frame is (588, 500). At launch the location of the
frame must be set by the platform.
 The combo box and the Connect button must have the same size visually.
 The text fields and the combo box must have white backgrounds and must be
editable. The displayed text must be left aligned.
 The preferred size of the Host: label is (35,30) and the Port: label is (35,30).
 All buttons must have mnemonics.
 The Send button must be disabled at launch and must have the same height as
the adjacent text field. The text field must display the specified text at launch.
 The labels must have mnemonics and when the corresponding Alt-Key is
pressed the focus must be transferred to the corresponding host text field or the
port combo box.
 At launch the host text field must has the focus and (the insertion caret (cursor))
must be blinking at the beginning of the text field in front of the latter l of the text
localhost. The text (localhost) in the host text field must be 5 pixels removed from
the left margin of the text field.
 The CONNECTION panel must have a 10 pixels red titled line border with
centered title.
 The MESSAGE panel must have a 10 pixels blue titled line border.
 The CHAT DISPLAY panel must have a 10 pixels black titled line border with
centered title.
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 The CHAT DISPLAY text area must have 30 rows and 45 columns. The text area
must have horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Only the vertical scroll bar must be
visible at launch. The horizontal scroll bar is not visible at launch but must
become visible if the displayed text exceeds the number of columns displayed.
The text area must not be editable.
 The Host label, the Port label and the left margin of the message text field must
be visibly vertically aligned. The right margin of the host text field and the right
margin of the Send button must be visibly vertically aligned. The left margin of
the combo box and left margin of the host text field must be visibly vertically
 Replace my name in the frame title with your name.
 No event handling is required for this part of the assignment.
Fig. 3. The Server Swing GUI at launch.
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Requirements for the Server Swing GUI:
 The size of the non-resizable frame is (588, 500). At launch the location of the
frame must be in the center of the screen.
 The Send button must not be disabled at launch and must have the same height
as the adjacent text field. It must have a mnemonic.
 The text field must display the specified text at launch. At launch the text field
must has the focus and (the insertion caret (cursor) must be blinking at the
beginning of the text field. The text field must be editable.
 The MESSAGE panel must have a 10 pixels blue titled line border.
 The CHAT DISPLAY panel must have a 10 pixels black titled line border with
centered title.
 The CHAT DISPLAY text area must have 30 rows and 45 columns. The text area
must have horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Only the vertical scroll bar must be
visible at launch. The horizontal scroll bar is not visible at launch but must
become visible if the displayed text exceeds the number of columns displayed.
The text area must not be editable.
 Replace my name in the frame title with your name.
 No event handling is required for this part of the assignment.
Swing GUI Implementation
The Swing GUI implementation involves the following classes: Client, ClientChatUI,
Server, and ServerChatUI.
Class Client
The class Client must contain only a main method. In the main method you must call
the ClientChatUI constructor and then sets the appropriate frame properties before
making the frame visible. Do not forget that you must create the GUI in the eventdispatch thread.
Class ClientChatUI
The ClientChatUI class must inherit from JFrame.
It must have a constructor that takes the frame title. In the constructor you must set the
frame title and call a method runClient().
The ClientChatUI class must have a private inner class WindowController which
inherits from WindowAdapter. You have to override the windowClosing() method. For
this part of the assignment you must simply call System.exit(0) inside the method.
The ClientChatUI class must have another private inner class Controller which inherits
from ActionListener. The Controller will handle the user evens of the GUI. You have
to override the actionPerformed() method. For this part of the assignment you can
implement the method with an empty body (NOP).
The ClientChatUI class must have a public method createClientUI() which takes no
parameters and returns JPanel. In that method the entire GUI must be created in a
JPanel and panel must be returned at the end of the method. A handler of type
Controller must be added to all buttons and the combo box.
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The private runClient() method takes no parameters and returns nothing. The method
calls the createClientUI() and sets the content pane of the frame. It adds a window
listener to the frame using an object of WindowController.
In the second part of the assignment more methods will be added and some of the
existing methods will be modified.
Class Server
The class Server must contain two method – the main() method and a static
launchClient() method. The launchClient() method contains two parameters – a Socket
and a String title. In the main method you must call launchClient() with a null argument
for the socket and a title string.
The launchClient() method creates the GUI in the event-dispatch thread. It creates a
frame calling the ServerChatUI() constructor with a null argument. The method sets the
frame title and the location of the frame before making the frame visible.
Class ServerChatUI
The ServerChatUI class must inherit from JFrame.
It must have a constructor that takes a parameter. In the constructor
you must set the class field socket and call the setFrame() and runClient() methods.
The ServerChatUI class must have a private inner class WindowController which
inherits from WindowAdapter. You have to override the windowClosing() method. For
this part of the assignment you must simply dispose the frame and call System.exit(0)
inside the method.
The ServerChatUI class must have another private inner class Controller which
inherits from ActionListener. The Controller will handle the Send button events of the
GUI. You have to override the actionPerformed() method. For this part of the
assignment you can implement the method with an empty body (NOP).
The ServerChatUI class must have a public method createUI() which takes no
parameters and returns JPanel. In that method the entire GUI must be created in a
JPanel and the panel must be returned at the end of the method. It adds a handler of
type Controller to the Send button.
The public final void setFrame() takes a JPanel as a parameter and adds it to the
content pane of the frame. It set the size and the resizable properties of the frame. It
adds a window listener to the frame using an object of WindowController and then
The private runClient() method takes no parameters and returns nothing. For this part
of the assignment you can implement the method with an empty body (NOP).
In the second part of the assignment more methods will be added and some of the
existing methods will be modified.
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Fig. 4. The Client JavaFX GUI at launch.
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Fig. 5. The Client JavaFX GUI with Combo Box opened.
Requirements for the Client JavaFX GUI:
 The size of the non-resizable frame is (588, 500). At launch the location of the
frame must be set to100 pixels from the left of the screen.
 The combo box and the Connect button have the same size visually.
 The text fields and the combo box must have white backgrounds and must be
editable. The displayed text must be left aligned.
 All buttons must have mnemonics.
 The Send button must be disabled at launch and must have the same height as
the adjacent text field. The text field must display the specified text at launch.
 The labels must have mnemonics and when the corresponding Alt-Key is
pressed the focus must be transferred to the corresponding host text field or
port combo box.
 At launch the host text field must has the focus and (the insertion caret (cursor))
must be blinking at the beginning of the text field in front of the latter l of the
localhost text.
 The CONNECTION panel must have a 10 pixels red titled line border with
centered title.
 The MESSAGE panel must have a 10 pixels blue titled line border.
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 The CHAT DISPLAY panel must have a 10 pixels black titled line border with
centered title.
 The CHAT DISPLAY text area must not be editable.
 The Host label, the Port label and the left margin of the message text field must
be visibly vertically aligned. The right margin of the host text field and the right
margin of the Send button must be visibly vertically aligned. The left margin of
the combo box and left margin of the host text field must be visibly vertically
 Replace my name in the frame title with your name.
 No event handling is required for this part of the assignment.
Fig. 6. The Server JavaFX GUI at launch.
Requirements for the Server Swing GUI:
 The size of the non-resizable frame is (588, 500). At launch the location of the
frame must be in the center of the screen.
 The Send button must not be disabled at launch and must have the same height
as the adjacent text field. It must have a mnemonic.
 The text field must display the specified text at launch. At launch the text field
must has the focus and (the insertion caret (cursor) must be blinking at the
beginning of the text field. The text field must be editable.
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 The MESSAGE panel must have a 10 pixels blue titled line border.
 The CHAT DISPLAY panel must have a 10 pixels black titled line border with
centered title.
 The CHAT DISPLAY text area must not be editable
 Replace my name in the frame title with your name.
 No event handling is required for this part of the assignment.
Java FX GUI Implementation
The JavaFX GUI implementation involves the following classes: Client, ClientChatUI,
Server, and ServerChatUI.
Class Client
The class Client must contain only a main method. In the main method launches the
client GUI with the following line of code:
Class ClientChatUI
The ClientChatUI class must inherit from Application.
The start() method creates a Scene calling the createScene() method and sets the
stage with the scene. Before showing the stage it set the size, the location, and the title
of the stage.
The ClientChatUI class must have a private inner class Controller which inherits from
EventHandler<ActionEvent>. The Controller will handle the user evens of the GUI.
You have to override the handle() method. For this part of the assignment you can
implement the method with an empty body (NOP).
The ClientChatUI class must have a public method createScene() which takes no
parameters and returns Scene. In that method a scene must be created and returned
at the end of the method. It adds a handler of type Controller to all buttons.
Since JavaFX does not provide a TitleBorder class like Swing, you must create an
inner class called BorderedTitledPane which inherits from StackPane. You should
have a constructor that takes the title of the border, the position of the title, the color of
the border, and the node (content) that is surrounded by the border. In the constructor
you should set the padding of the supper class and create a Label for the title. After
creating the Label set the font, the padding, the translateX, and the background of the
title. Then you must set the alignment of the title (using the position parameter) in the
StackPane. Next, you have to create a new StackPane that will hold the content
(node) surrounded by the title border. You have to set a line border, padding, and then
add the content (node) to that pane. Finally, you have to add the title Label and the
StackPane containing the content to the super class (StackPane).
In the second part of the assignment more methods will be added and some of the
existing methods will be modified.
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Class Server
The class Server must contain two method – the main() method and a static
launchClient() method. The launchClient() method contains two parameters – a Socket
and a title string. In the main method you must call launchClient() with a null argument
for the socket and a title string. Here is the implementation of the launchClient()
private static void launchClient(Socket in, String title){
 new JFXPanel();
 Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
 public void run(){
 new ServerChatUI(in,title).start(new Stage());
 } catch (Exception e) {
Class ServerChatUI
The ServerChatUI class must inherit from Application.
It must have a constructor that takes a parameter and a title string. In
the constructor you must set the class field socket and the class field title.
The start() method must set a class field called primaryStage to the parameter of the
start method. Then it creates a Scene calling the createScene() method and sets the
stage with the scene. Before showing the stage it set the size, the location, and the title
of the stage.
The ServerChatUI must have a private inner class Controller which inherits from
EventHandler<ActionEvent>. The Controller will handle the user evens of the GUI.
You have to override the handle() method. For this part of the assignment you can
implement the method with an empty body (NOP).
The ServerChatUI class must have a public method createScene() which takes no
parameters and returns Scene. In that method a scene must be created and returned
at the end of the method. It adds a handler of type Controller to the Send button.
Since JavaFX does not provide a TitleBorder class like Swing, you must add the inner
class BorderedTitledPane.
In the second part of the assignment more methods will be added and some of the
existing methods will be modified.
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Build the specified Swing or JavaFX GUI. The GUI screenshots have been taken under
Windows 10 with the default “look and feel” with the image is captured with a screen
resolution 1366X768. If you are using some other operating platform, you may have a
different “look and feel” but the properties of all of the components and their relative
locations must be the same. On your platform the frame title maybe left-justified.
What to Submit:
No paper submission is required for Part 1 of Assignment 2.
Code submission:
Compress in one .zip file all .java files and .class files. Upload the assignment zip file to
Brightspace prior to or on the due date. The name of the zip file must have the following
structure: Student’s family name followed by the last three digits of the student ID
number followed by _JAP_A2P1 , and finally, followed by your lab section number (for
example, s301). For example,
Marking Scheme:
5 marks – The Client GUI and Server GUI must meet all requirements and must look
exactly the same as the one shown in the figures.
4 marks – The Client GUI and Server GUI looks exactly the same as the one shown
in the figures but does not meet two of the requirements.
3 marks – The Client GUI and Server GUI has all of the required components but
they are not properly aligned and sized, or the GUI does not meet three or
more requirements.
0 marks – The Client GUI is missing a component.
Enjoy the assignment. And do not forget that
“To have a server you ought to have a client first.” Business Rule #1
CST8221 – JAP, 27 February 2020, S^R

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