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Custom Binary Search Tree in JavaScript

Custom Binary Search Tree in JavaScript
Cpt S 489
(read all instructions carefully before writing any code; do all work individually!)
The zip that contains these instructions also includes an HTML and JavaScript code file. The HTML page is set
up to reference the JavaScript code file and use it to run tests. Do not change anything in this file. The
JavaScript file is where you must write the code.
Implement a class for a binary search tree such that you can create the tree with a line of code like:
var tree = new BST(compareFunction);
var tree = new BST();
and then access any of the members listed on the next page. The comparison function is optional and must
default to the code listed in the table on the next page if null or undefined. Use this function to compare
values when adding/removing/searching in your BST. For details about how this comparison function works,
see the description of the comparison function described on the Array.prototype.sort page on MDN:
Each node in the tree contains the following properties:
• value
• left
• right
and if you do the challenge case, additional properties:
• next
• previous
If you wish you can add a parent member to nodes as well. This may make things easier for a future
assignment but is not required for this assignment.
Match casing for each of these members. If you decide not to do the challenge cases, you may omit the
corresponding members (next and previous from nodes, m_first and m_last from tree).
Members of the BST class are described on the next page.
Name Description
m_root Reference to the root node of the tree. Null when the tree is empty.
m_compare Reference to a function that compares values that are to be inserted into nodes in
the tree. Defaults to the following value if a null or undefined reference is passed to
the constructor:
function(a, b)
if (a < b) { return -1; }
else if (a b) { return 1; }
return 0;
add Function that takes a single parameter for a value to add to the tree. Do not allow
duplicates. Return true if the value is successfully added into the tree, false
otherwise. Use the standard BST insertion rules. Do not balance the tree in any
count Function that is callable with no parameters that returns the number of values in
the tree. Returns 0 if the tree is empty.
getLevel Function that takes a single parameter for a value to search for in the tree. If the
value is found, the level index of the node containing the value is returned. This is a
zero-based index, so the root is on level 0, its children on level 1, and so on. If the
value is not in the tree, then return -1.
getMax Function that is callable with no parameters that returns the maximum value in the
tree. Return undefined if the tree is empty.
getMin Function that is callable with no parameters that returns the minimum value in the
tree. Return undefined if the tree is empty.
has Function that takes a single parameter for a value. Returns true if the value is in the
tree, false if it is not.
remove Function that takes a single value to remove from the tree. Use the removal rules
discussed in class (which are the standard removal rules). Opt for the max value in
the left subtree when you need to do a swap for a removal of a node with 2
children. Return true if the value is found and removed, false otherwise.
toString Function that has a single, optional parameter for a delimiter string. If null or
undefined, this delimiter defaults to a single space.
Produces a string representation of the tree contents. The contents are in sorted
order and separated by the delimiter string. The delimiter is space by default but
can be replaced with any arbitrary string. Important: The delimiter is NOT included
after the last element.
m_first (see description of challenge point)
Remember that names must match exactly including casing. There are 3 groups of tests on the web page and
you must pass ALL of the tests in the first 2 groups to get 2 points out of 3. You may add additional utility
functions to the tree if you wish.
Challenge Point: Tracking Insertion Order
For the 3rd point on this assignment, you must keep track of the insertion order of elements in the tree and
support iteration in insertion order via a forEach function. We are working up to, on a later assignment,
providing an replacement for the Set object in ES6. Our BST could actually emulate its functionality very well.
The ES6 Set has a forEach function described here:
Our forEach function is similar overall, with a few small differences. It has a first parameter that is a callback
function and a second parameter that is a bool indicating whether to iterate through in insertion order. If the
second parameter is false or omitted, then it defaults to iterating in sorted order (standard in-order traversal).
An excerpt from the function declaration line follows.
forEach = function(callback, useInsertionOrder)
When you invoke the callback function in your forEach function implementation, give it the value of the node
as the first parameter and the reference to the tree as the second parameter.
Suppose you insert 33, 55, and 22, in that order, into your BST. If the forEach function were called with the
second parameter being false or omitted, the callback would be invoked in the order: 22, 33, 55. If forEach
was instead called with the second parameter being true, the callback would be invoked in the order: 33, 55,
To do this, you must “hybridize” the tree to include a doubly-linked-list that keeps track of insertion order.
This is NOT a separate list stored as another member of the tree. Instead, each node in the tree gains a next
and previous member, and each node in the tree is both part of a BST and a doubly-linked-list. The tree object
gains m_first and m_last members, which reference the first node and last node inserted, respectively. The
processing of adding or removing a node in the tree is extended to include the construction/alteration of the
linked list.
All operations for adding or removing one item from this linked list must operate in constant time. This means
you aren’t increasing the time complexity of the tree operations.
All tests pass: 3/3
All tests from the first 2 groups pass, but 1 or more fails in the 3rd group: 2/3
One or more tests from the first 2 groups fail but still 50% or more of such tests pass: 1/3
Anything else: 0/3

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