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Data Abstractions Homework 5

Problem 1: Graph Representations
Suppose a directed graph has a million nodes, most nodes have only a few edges, but a few nodes have
hundreds of thousands of edges:
a) In what way(s) would an adjacency-matrix representation of this graph lead to inefficiencies?
b) In what way(s) would an adjacency-list representation of this graph lead to inefficiencies?
c) Design a representation for this sort of graph that avoids all the inefficiencies in your answers to
parts (a) and (b).
Problem 2: Topological Sort
Weiss, problem 9.1 (the problem is the same in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the textbook): “Find a
topological ordering for the graph in figure 9.79.” For each step, show the in-degree array and the queue.
Problem 3: Dijkstra’s Algorithm
a) Weiss, problem 9.5(a) (the problem is the same in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the textbook). Use
Dijkstra’s algorithm and show the results of the algorithm in the form used in lecture — a table
showing for each vertex its best-known distance from the starting vertex and its predecessor
vertex on the path. Also show the order in which the vertices are added to the “cloud” of known
vertices as the algorithm progresses.
b) If there is more than one minimum cost path from v to w, will Dijkstra’s algorithm always find
the path with the fewest edges? If not, explain in a few sentences how to modify Dijkstra’s
algorithm so that if there is more than one minimum path from v to w, a path with the fewest
edges is chosen.
c) Give an example where Dijkstra’s algorithm gives the wrong answer in the presence of a
negative-cost edge but no negative-cost cycles. Explain briefly why Dijkstra’s algorithm fails on
your example. The example need not be complex; it is possible to demonstrate the point using as
few as 3 vertices.
d) Suppose you are given a graph that has negative-cost edges but no negative-cost cycles. Consider
the following strategy to find shortest paths in this graph: uniformly add a constant k to the cost
of every edge, so that all costs become non-negative, then run Dijkstra’s algorithm and return that
result with the edge costs reverted back to their original values (i.e., with k subtracted). Give an
example where this technique fails and explain why it does so. Also, give a general explanation as
to why this technique does not work.

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