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DATA 514 Homework 4: Entity Relationship Diagrams

DATA 514 Homework 4: Entity Relationship Diagrams
and Query Plans
Objectives: To be able to translate from entity relationship diagrams to a relational database and basics of query
plans and RA.
Assignment tools:
Pen and paper or any drawing tools you prefer (e.g., powerpoint, for part 1
Assigned date: Feb. 12, 2019
Due date: Feb. 18, 2019.
What to turn in:
hw4-solutions.pdf: A pdf containing some diagrams, some short decompositions, some free
response questions
Textbook chapter 3.1-3.4, 4.1-4.6
Assignment Details
Part 1: Theory
1. (20 points) Design an E/R diagram for geography that contains the following kinds of objects or entities
together with the listed attributes.
Model the relationships between the objects with edges. Note that edges between entities can be labeled
with constraints. Make sure to label only the/those primary key(s) that is/are mentioned below.
countries (with attributes): name, area, population, gdp ("gross domestic product")
a country's name uniquely identifies the country within all countries
cities: name, population, longitude, latitude
a city is uniquely identified by its (longitude, latitude) (not by name, since for instance there
are 41 different cities and towns are named Springfield in the US!)
rivers: name, length
seas: name, max depth
rivers and seas are uniquely identified within all water entities by their name (e.g., "Ganges"
would be a unique water entity)
each city belongs to exactly one country
each river crosses one or several countries
each country can be crossed by zero or several rivers 2/12/2019
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each river ends in either a river or in a sea
You can draw your diagrams on paper and scan them, take quality pictures of your drawn diagram, or use
your favorite drawing tool such as Powerpoint, Keynote, or (FYI: Google Slides lacks a few
shapes that you might need such as rounded arrows.)
2. (40 points) Consider the following E/R diagram:
License plate can have both letters and numbers; driverID and Social Security contain only numbers;
maxLiability is a real number; year, phone are integers; everything else are strings.
Translate the diagram above by writing the SQL CREATE TABLE statements to represent this E/R
diagram. Include all key constraints; you should specify both primary and foreign keys. Make sure
that your statements are syntactically correct (you might want to check them using sqlite / Azure for
instance). (20 points)
Which relation in your relational schema represents the relationship "insures" in the E/R diagram and
why is that your representation? (10 points)
Compare the representation of the relationships "drives" and "operates" in your schema, and
explain why they are different. (10 points)
3. (20 points) Write the equivalent SQL query to the following relational algebra query plan: 2/12/2019
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4. (20 points) Write a relational algebra plan for the following SQL query:
FROM person_living AS a, male AS b
 FROM parent_child AS c, female AS d
 WHERE AND c.p2=a.p)
You do not need to draw the query plan as a tree and can use the linear style instead. To make
precedence clear, we ask you to break down your query plan by using at most one operator on each line.
For example, given the query in question 1, you could write it as:
T1(x,p1,p2) = person_living(x) Join[x=p1] parent_child(p1,p2)
T2(p3,p4) = Rename[p3,p4] parent_child(p1,p2)
T3(x,p1,p2,p3,p4) = T1(x,p1,p2) Join[p2=p3] T2(p3,p4)
T4(p1,p2,y) = GroupBy[p1,p2,count(*)->y] T3(x,p1,p2,p3,p4)
T5(p1,y) = Project[p1,y](T4)
T6(p1,z) = GroupBy[p1,max(y)->z] T5(p1,y)
where T1, T2, etc are temporary relations. Note that each line has at most one relational operator. You do
not need to use the Greek symbols if you prefer. You also don't need to distinguish among the different
flavors of join (just make sure that you write out the full join predicate). We will be grading this part of the
homework manually so don't worry too much about the exact syntax of the relation algebra function
names etc, as long as we can tell what is going on. 2/12/2019
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Submission Instructions
Write your answers in a file hw4-solutions.pdf.

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