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Data Bus Implementation and Memory Design

Homework 3 : Data Bus Implementation
and Memory Design
1 Introduction
In this experiment, data buses and basic memory are going to be implemented by using
three-state buffers.
You can use any operator/code block in this experiment. Using multiplexer
structure is forbidden. You must simulate the all parts and modules.
2 Basic Principles
Buses are frequently used in digital systems in order to reduce the cost of the physical
connections. For example, a digital system which consists of N distinct units requires
N ·(N − 1)/2 physical connections to create a fully connected network. Since providing
distinct physical lines (wires) for each connection is an expensive approach, sub-set of
digital elements communicates through the shared bus in time shared manner. A bus
can be implemented as a wired OR circuit by using ICs with open collector outputs or
it can be implemented by using 3-state buffers. Abstract design of the wired OR bus is
given in the figure below.
Homework 3 : Data Bus Implementation and Memory Design
Buses can also be implemented by using 3-state buffers. There is no need for a resistor
in this design. Output a non-active 3-state buffer will be in high-impedance. There
has to be only one active 3-state buffer which runs the bus as an output. An example
implementation of a bus by using 3-state buffers is given below.
3 Part 1
In this part of the experiment, you should implement an 8-bit bus by using 3-state
buffers. The circuit diagram is given in Figure 1.
Hint: You must use the three-state buffer as a module. Thus, you must design a
three-state buffer module before implementing the circuit.
Figure 1: 8-bit data bus with 2 drivers with 3-state buffers
4 Part 2
Figure 2: 8-bit data bus with 2 drivers and 2 readers
In this part of the experiment, you should implement the circuit given in Figure 2. This
circuit contains a bus with two distinct outputs and inputs.
5 Part 3
In this part, you should implement an 8-bit memory line module. This module should
take 8-bit data as input and give 8-bit data as output. Also, the module should take
reset, line select, read enable, write enable, and clock inputs for required operations.
Required operations are given below.
Homework 3 : Data Bus Implementation and Memory Design
• At the rising edge of the clock signal, the module should store the data value which
is given as input when the write enable and line select inputs are high.
• The module should clear the stored data at the falling edge of the reset signal.
• If read enable and line select inputs are high, the output of the module should be
the stored data. Otherwise, the output should be high impedance.
6 Part 4
In this part, you should implement an 8 byte memory module using 8-bit memory line
module. 8 byte memory module should take 8-bit data as input and give 8-bit data as
output. Also, the module should take 3-bit address, chip select, reset, read enable, write
enable, and clock inputs for required operations. Required operations are given below.
• Nth memory line should be selected when the chip select input high. Here, N is
address number.
• At the rising edge of the clock signal, the selected memory line should store the
data, which is given as input, if the write enable input is high.
• The module should clear all stored data in the memory lines at the falling edge of
the reset signal.
• The output of the module should be the data of the selected memory line, if read
enable input is high.
Hint: The output of the memory is a bus. Therefore, you do not need to use multiplexer
in this experiment.
7 Part 5
In this part, you should implement a 32 byte memory module using 8 byte memory
module. 32 byte memory module should take 8-bit data as input and give 8-bit data as
output. Also, this module should take 5-bit address, reset, read enable, write enable, and
clock inputs. 2 bits of the address input should be used for chip selection and rest of 3
bits should be used for selecting line. For instance, if the address input is 00111, zeroth
chip (8-byte memory) and its 7th line (0-indexed) should be selected. Your module
should be able to perform the operations below.
• At the rising edge of the clock signal, the selected memory line should store the
data value, which is given as input, if the write enable is high.
• The module should clear the all stored data in the memory modules at the falling
edge of the reset signal.
• If read enable is high, the output of the module should be the stored data of the
selected memory line.
Example Memory Simulation
• Reset all lines
• Write 25 to Address 30
• Write 15 to Address 20
• Read Address 12
• Write 18 to Address 10
• Read Address 15
• Read Address 30
• Read Address 10
8 Part 6
In this part, you should implement a 128 byte memory module using 32 byte memory
module. 128 byte memory module should take 32-bit data as input and give 32-bit data
as output. Also, this module should take address, reset, read enable, write enable and
clock inputs. Your module should be able to perform the operations below.
• At the rising edge of the clock signal, the selected memory line should store the
data value, which is given as input, if the write enable is high.
• The module should clear the all stored data in the memory modules at the falling
edge of the reset signal.
• If read enable is high, the output of the module should be the stored data of the
selected memory line.
Hint: 32 byte memory modules have 8-bit inputs and 8-bit outputs. You can use
concatenate operation to implement 128 byte memory.
9 Report
• You can use any software tool for your circuit designs. You may attach them to
the report as figures by properly referencing them in the text.
• Please use the table attributes of Latex. You can check out online Latex table
generators (for example:
Homework 3 : Data Bus Implementation and Memory Design
• Your report should contain information about the results of your simulations. If
your implementations are not fully correct, discuss what the source of the errors
might be in your report.
• If your implementations are not fully correct, discuss what the source of the errors
might be in your report.
10 Submission
• Please do not send any document via e-mail to one of the assistants.
• Your reports must be written with Latex format. Latex report template is available
on Ninova. You can use any Latex editor whichever you want. If you upload your
report without Latex file, you directly get 0 as your report grade. You should
upload both .pdf and .tex files of your report.
• You should submit 2 separate “.v” files for your Verilog codes. One of them should
contain the modules and other one should contain the simulation codes.
• It will be sufficient for one person from each group to upload the homework.
• Be aware of the deadline. Late submissions are not accepted.
• Please do not hesitate to contact me ( ) for any question.

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